
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 37

"What is your question?" He asked back.

"The land, do you have legal rights over it?" She asked him and Calvin smiled.

"Of Course I do, it belongs to the government, but let him have it." Calvin said to her and she laughed.

"Okay sir, I gave him a print out of the land and a Rian share sold notice which means our cooperation with Peterson's company is over." She said to Calvin who laughed more badly the more.

"He explained that he had to borrow all the money from his wife's family to finance getting this deal." Erica said to him and Calvin almost felt bad before he brushed it off, remembering how his ex wife Sunil never cared even when Austin died.

"Good! They are broke, they have nothing, as I wanted." Calvin said, laughing hard.

"Thank you for this message, I am guessing he will be headed to his land of Gold now." Calvin said as he and Erica both laughed like witches.

"But is there really gold there?" She asked.

"Watch the news... You will find out." Calvin said to her and she laughed.

"Okay sir, need to attend to work now, later sir." She says before cutting the call.

Calvin turned to look at Housekeeper who stood by his right hand side waiting for Calvin.

"So how is it going?" He asked.

"Excellent and according to plan." Calvin said back before he hugged his housekeeper.

Calvin will finally be able to deal with the people that caused him to lose his only son and humiliated him because he was a loser.

A poor man! A useless goat, according to them and now they will feel the goat's stubbornness.

"Housekeeper." Calvin said to him.

"Yes, young master." He replies.

"Buy me a Pig!" Calvin said to him.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes, a small potbelly piglet." Calvin said to him as Arthur looked at him confused.

"Why?" He asked.

"I have been telling you what has been happening... Isn't it?" Calvin asked.

"Yes Calvin... But a pig?" Arthur said.

"Remember Mr. P?" Calvin asked.

"Oh my god! Mr. P is a pig?" Arthur asked.

"Yes! Hahahaha." Calvin said laughing like a psychopath at Housekeeper was shocked.

Then he joined Calvin and laughed a bit before stopping and then looked at Calvin.

"Yes Arthur, Billionaire Pete peterson, sold all his father's shares and bought a land from Mr. P… My pig pet." Calvin said, laughing evilly at Housekeeper.

"Fuck Shit!" Arthur swears for the first time since he knew Calvin, realising Calvin is a real Lion.

"Now, register the pig with a company called Mr. P." Calvin said to him evilly like a boss.

"Open Mr P, a corporate bank account too so that his hundred billion dollars can be stored there for his pet food." Calvin said, smiling at Arthur.

"I will do as you have requested, young master... You are indeed an Rian, even in your pain, you find something to amuse yourself in your comebacks." He said, looking at Calvin.

"Hence, I also came to tell you that some people called, they seem young, they're at the estate entrance... Said you gave them your card and asked them to come? Is this true?" Calvin asked.

Calvin wanted more information.

"What are their names?" He asked.

"One is a girl called Sira and the other is called Nelson...A Boy." He says to Calvin.

"Let them in." Calvin ordered.

"How can I serve this guest young master?" He asked him as he looked at him.

"Give them chores in this house and pay them bountifully." Calvin said to him.

"Yes, I will do just as the young master has said." He replies to him before leaving.

Calvin got into the toilet to bathe again as he was refreshing himself before he dressed up, so excited about what he was doing... It seemed to be making a lot of sense to cripple them first.

As soon as he was done.

Calvin walked out of his room well dressed and then he saw Arthur opening the entrance door as they came into the house.

The eyes of the two kids met with Calvin and he felt that connection again but then he removed his mind from thinking too much about it.

Calvin just felt so much pity for the children as the last time when he saw them... they looked so scattered and were kind of like they needed help and so he just felt that it was best he try his best to see how he can help them.

So that one day, maybe one of them might be able to buy himself a power bike.

But so many different things were running through his mind as he looked at the children wanting to understand the kind of connection that he had with these children… They were young teenagers.

The girl reminded him of his betrothed Wife Chloe who he had issues with presently, so he wanted to use their presence to comfort himself.

He planned to use them to replace his deceased son Austin, who was undeserving of his death.

Somehow Calvin felt comfortable around them so he wanted them to stay around him so that he can be sure of the connection and the attraction that he had with them... It felt strange and he indeed wanted to help them out.

If Austin spirit took him to be acquainted and help these children that were once in his condition before, then that is what he would indeed do.

Calvin was a futuristic man and he could tell how much he could armour the kids to be his arms whenever he wanted to strike a public action.

Calvin would also love to see if it's actually possible to be good friends with these teenagers and see how far he can be good towards them as well.

"Good morning sir." They both greeted him as he waved at them coming down from the stairs.

"Let's have breakfast together." Calvin said to them as Arthur directed them to the dining table where they sat comfortably.

Soon Calvin went to the dinner table as well.

Calvin sat down with these kids as he looked into their eyes trying his best to be nice and seem more comfortable for them to sit with because he could see the amount of shyness running through their bodies as the environment that they were in now was definitely unfamiliar and too much for them to handle, compared to their former.

But Calvin tried his best to be nice and then talk to them so they will feel less uncomfortable and be comfortable enough to talk to him.

"So what do you do?" He asked Nelson as he looked at him as though he was a little bit scared but then he finally spoke out.

"I play football and basketball, I also do fitness coaching and I walk dogs for a living." He said to Calvin and he smiled at the strong boy.

"Wow! That is not a bad thing, actually when I was younger I actually loved those two sports mostly football and basketball and working dogs is also a hustle so I respect that and I'm very happy that you have a mindset to make money at least." Calvin said to him with a smile.

"And how about you Sira?" He asked.

"What do you do for a living?" He asked In return as he wanted to know what she does for a living because he wanted to see how he could help these children and where he could put them in.

Then she told him she cooks and works in a bakery store where she cleans too.

"I work at a bakery store where I clean and bake, I also cook food because it's kind of like a restaurant... I learnt a lot from them and it's from that I discovered how to make major professional dishes and I'll be very happy if I could find a spot like that because I really love cooking and maybe one day I'm sure that's in my cooking career... I'll probably find a formula that no one has ever found before." She said to him and Calvin smiled at her.

One knew how to play games… Calvin could make Nelson president.

And the other girl that loves to Cook… Will be good at cooking all his official enemies.

But are they educated enough? Calvin wondered.

"Okay so, are you both kids finished school or in school? I don't understand... Can you guys please give me more information about your schooling?" Calvin said to both Sira and Nelson.

"Well Nelson assists me in going to school from his side jobs by walking dogs and playing against other football and basketball clubs to get my school fees." She said to him and Calvin's heart almost broke into pieces.

Calvin could tell Nelson was a good brother if he could do all that for his younger sister.

"Okay, how about your parents?" He asked because he didn't understand why they were like orphans... Definitely why should a young boy like Nelson be working so hard to send his sister to school if they have parents?

"So where are your parents?" Calvin asked.