
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 28

"Please find it in your heart to forgive me Calvin... You can kill me instead of my family." He begs so sorrowfully... Whilst Calvin was already pitying the goated Bastard that dealt with him before.

"Now Andrew... That is how I felt... I wanted to die instead of losing my son and now he's gone because you sold me, your clan, for cheap money." He said to him in intense rage.

"I am so sorry Calvin... I made a grave mistake." He begs over and over again.

"After the count of three... Kill all his family members." Calvin ordered and their guns waited for Calvin to count onwards.

"Free him from his seat." Calvin said and they released him.

"One." Calvin said as his men cracked their guns.

"Calvin please..." Andrew begs as he begins to nod his head over the hard floor, gushing out blood.

"Two." Calvin counted for the second time and he rushed to his legs holding them as he begs terribly, crying and pleading Calvin for mercy.

Calvin kicked him off from him and he fell to the ground shivering in the trauma.

"Please... I am an old man... I can't live if my family dies." He begs, crying so badly.

"I love my daughter!"

"I love my son... Please." He begs.

"I will spare your life and that of your family, only at one condition." Calvin said to him as he shaked.

"Whatever it is... I will do it." He pleaded bowing.

"We both know you work under a new clan, tell me… who is your superior?" Calvin asked.

"The clan I work under is called the blue spirit Clan, I never left you… I still operate under your uncle Oscar and he has probably fled after this abduction." Andrew cries as he begs.

Calvin's heart broke into two.

His uncle ordered for him to be given to Pete?

His uncle was hired to destroy his family.

His uncle betrayed him.

Then be recalled when a masked Assassin shot him before handing him over to Pete peterson.

"That bastard that shot me!" Calvin cried.

"Calvin, are you okay, who is Oscar?" Arthur asked.

"My uncle." Calvin said as he broke into tears.

"I trusted him… Did he hate me that much, to sell his nephew's life for money?" Calvin continued crying before he looked at Andrew.

"I want you to track and find him." Calvin ordered.

"Can you do this job for me Andrew?" He said to him.

"Yes... I will find him anywhere he is hiding, anywhere in this world." He says to Calvin.

"Good!" He said to him as his men continued beating him so badly till Arthurs asked them to stop.

"If you decide to share any information of what happened today or refuse to complete your mission in two weeks time, you will die from a sudden blood explosion." Arthurs said as he brought out a weird looking gun that resembled an injection and he shot it at Andrew.

"No..." Andrew screams in the fear of getting shot.

Calvin was shocked too.

"Now, I have just inserted a chip inside your bloodstream, if you dare work against our terms... Be rest assured that not just you will die but even your family as well." Arthur warned as the security men in his hologram shot at Andrew's family too.

Arthurs was more brilliant than Calvin thought.

"I understand Calvin... I won't go against this agreement, I swear." He pleaded more.

"Excellent! Ahh!" Calvin expresses pain as he turns leaving the warehouse with his security men till we leave the place.

Calvin reached home and Arthur had arranged a female model for him already.

It was already late evening.

Calvin needed to take his mind off all that happened today… Off his uncle's betrayal.

Calvin was indeed happy that he got back at his kidnapper who also had a hand in his son's murder, but his uncle deserved way worse.

But now it's already night hours.

The model mounted over him as he closed his room door and moans followed as he tore the models clothes ready to take his Revenge.

It was only hours later when Calvin woke up early in the morning, after finishing up with some other girl who rode his dick throughout the night.

Calvin needed something else.

Although who he needed to actually fuck was his Chloe who doesn't know who really her husband is.

But getting to like someone was not even something he should do at this point.

Today was going as planned.

The Peterson's shares in the Rian Incorporation has been frozen and his agents working for him in the company will be facing lawsuits although Calvin is beginning considering how to ensure he ruins the Peterson's wealth source.

It was a big day because of what was going to happen today ofcourse.

Calvin turned on the large TV.

Calvin needed to hear what his representative Miss. Erica has had to say over the news.

So he watched the news channel.

She was a real vibe.

Calvin loved the flow of power and ultimate control in her veins and while she talked... She reminded him of some brave woman he once knew.

She was asked to release a trillion dollar project, something Calvin planned to use as a trap to get the Peterson's ruined and as soon as she declared the billion dollar project, everyone was astonished before she left the pulpit.

Although now that the world knows that there's a new Rian CEO which happens to be him, no one knew if he was actually the boss.

They did not even know Calvin to start with.

Miss. Erica did a good job.

Calvin smiled.

Then he called her and they talked.

Calvin could sense her craves.

Could it be, even after their last meet up she still wanted him to touch her again.

Calvin was kinda a bad guy so he could tell when a woman was blushing to his words on a call.

Or if she wanted him to fuck her.

Calvin smiled more.

He was beginning to like her too.

Calvin soon ended the call on their business plans or revenge plot on those that oppressed him.

Then he decided on the same day to visit the Incorporation later in the evening.

"Hello... Arthur!" Calvin calls him and the housekeeper walks towards him in his professional suit as he greets him.

"It's time Calvin, you need to visit the incorporation as you had earlier planned, do you intend to expose your identity?" Housekeeper asked.

"Firstly, I can't be found in any of those luxurious cars, so please get him a power bike, I would use that to head to the company instead of my convoy or cars okay, this is so that I don't expose myself." he said to him as Arthur looked at him.

"Indeed, I expected a surprise, young master has always done things in unthinkable manners, please do follow me." Arthur said with a bow.

Calvin's pride increased.

Now he knew how to vanquish the Peterson's.

Those bastards thought they would escape after all the hideous crimes they committed.

He was at this point hugging his old housekeeper at the vehicle arena of the mansion.

Then he releases him from his hug, only to see his eyes watered with tears in return.

Calvin then smiles and Housekeeper smiled back.

"Alright, now you need to take a shower and also, take a condom since you're going out too." Housekeeper said and Calvin laughed back looking at him.

"Wait what?" Calvin asked.

"I know you, Calvin." He said smiling.

"They're in the drawers." He said to him.

"I know..." Calvin said back to him in return.

Calvin walked off the vehicle park as he headed back into the house refreshing up.

As soon as he was done.

He then, Dressed up and headed straight to the vehicle park, picking a bike, started the engine and accelerated out of the park till he left the compound which was his base.

The sound was like that of a monster.