
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 27

And he couldn't wait for the time they'd be together, but the fact that she always uses Pete peterson as an Excuse to excuse herself from Calvin, bothered him.

Recalling her words hurt Calvin too.

Housekeeper opens Calvin's door and a hot model catwalks into Calvins room before Housekeeper closes the door on him.

The hot model slowly headed to Calvin who was still wearing his clothes before she began to take off his clothes, as Calvin Kept his eyes closed, feeling as if he was being treated like a child.

This continues till Calvin is left with just his pants.

Calvin could only wish the girl doing this was Chloe.

If he has sex with this girl wouldn't that mean that he would be cheating on his beloved Chloe?

Well... She first rejected him... So what's the fuss?

"I guess I could just let her suck me off." Calvin contemplated as he gets left with his dick protrusion from his boxers, and just as he had imagined... She narrowed her tongue from the centre of his boxers, leading to his penis.

"Suck me off." He said in his unconsciousness, enjoying the feeling as she began to suck on his long dick bad bad!... Till Calvin began to feel the urge to sleep but just before he could doss off... He grabs the girl and cums into her throat.

Calvin woke up to see his hands holding onto nothing, so he had fallen so deep after the blowjob, could his life get any better.

Calvin knew the girl who came had gone.

Calvin got up from his bed as he went to refresh his body with a shower and as soon as he was done, he came out to see Arthurs with a suit in his hand.

"Dear young master, you have something important to attend to now." He said to him as he wondered what he had more to say to Calvin.

"What is that?" Calvin asked him.

"Young master, if you can recall... You asked for your kidnappers... One of them identified as Mr Andrew has been caught and brought to you... I ensured that it was done and he is being held at some warehouse owned by the family." He said to Calvin and for a moment there… Calvin could swear his heart beat at the thought of that.

"So my kidnappers real name is Andrew.. how rude of him… hahaha! Take me there." Calvin ordered.

"For Pete, His company was also turned into a flower farm." He said to him and Calvin smiled.

"Take me to Andrew." Calvin excitedly said, unable to wait to get to see his pathetic face.

The Same face that bastard used to bash him over the bus after adopting him for Pete.

"After you dress up." Arthur said to Calvin.

"Fine, let us get done with it already." Calvin said to him as Arthur brought the suit, dressing him up.

Calvin was ready to go in a black fitting suit.

Calvin put on some dark glasses as he headed out.

Calvin got into the convoy of cars and headed for the warehouse where the supposed backstabber was, till afterwards they had reached the warehouse location with Arthur's direction.

Calvin's security guards guarded the entire place.

Calvin then walked in together with Arthur and some other bodyguards entering the Warehouse.

"Andrew..." Calvin called his name as soon as he saw him restrained over a chair with bruises over his face and water dripping from his body.

He looked up shivering as his eyes finally met with Calvin's as he stared straight back into his eyes.

"They call him the evil monarch." Arthur said.

"Evil monarch... Remember me?" Calvin asked.

"It is impossible... Calvin?" He asked, shaking.

"You should be dead!" He said in fear.

"Hahaha." Calvin laughed like a demon.

"You forgot that if you want to kill the son of the soil... You need to remember to bury the body... But guess what?" He asked as he stared at Calvin.

"I was shot and brutalised to death by Pete peterson... But bullets can't kill an unburied body who was picked by the universal system force." He said as he walked even closer to him.

"Andrew... I begged you like a father to a father... But what did you do to me, Andrew?" He asked.

"Calvin... I never meant for all that to happen... I was just so..." He said as Calvin interrupted him.

"Oh, please shut up, you filthy kidnapper, don't dare play innocent with me, we both know you're a devil!" Calvin said to him and kept silent.

"You were just so greedy and wicked that you were ready to sacrifice the life of a father who was trying to save his son's life for the Peterson's pennies, Andrew! Pennies! You know now I recognize you… You once betrayed my uncle Oscar, by oaths you should be dead." Calvin shouted at him as he began to caress his face.

"I pleaded with you, Andrew... I thought you would consider my life… At the last moment my son was shot by your men and when I begged you... I was ready to do anything you asked me to do and you found me weak enough to sell me to death!" Calvin said as he took a step back.

"You didn't even consider that we once were brothers, you drugged and slammed me over the iron bus like a rat!" Calvin cried.

"Calvin... Please forgive me!" He begs.

One of his bodyguards walks in, landing him a very deadly punch to his face and he spits out blood in return.

Arthurs comes whispering into his ears.

Calvin smiled in return.

"Now Andrew... I want you to see how it feels to lose your loved ones and have to still live in this world knowing fully well that they're gone forever." Calvin said to him as he cried more.

Andrew's tears weren't making Calvin pity him.

It was making Calvin more annoyed and upset.

His crocodile tears were a waste of the kind of pain that he wanted Andrew to feel.

"Play the video for him to watch." Calvin said to Arthur and he walked towards him with his iPad, then a hologram showed Andrew, a matured lady with a boy and a girl being held over their separate chairs with guns pointed straight at their brains.

Calvin stared at his face in so much delight.

Calvin could see the tension running through his body… It had to be his wife and kids.

"His wife and kids right?" Calvin asked and Arthur confirmed a yes to his question.

Calvin smiled wickedly.

"At your command Calvin... They will be killed." Arthur says to Calvin without even blinking.

"You heard that right… Andrew?" He asked him as his shaking head raised to look at Calvin.

"Please, that is my family, they are innocent, they know nothing of my deeds." He begs.

"Oh really... So you never calmed down to think the life of my son was an innocent one, yet you and your men shot at us right?" Calvin asked.

"Yet, you were ready to kill me too… I was the only hope, you wanted me dead at the detriment of my son dying as well… Now you understand the sin that you committed." He said to him.

Andrew seemed too calm for Calvin.

Calvin signalled for the bodyguard, who gave him multiple punches over his face.

Calvin felt freer in Andrew's Chaos!

The guard broke a few of Andrew's teeth.

"Somebody help us!" Andrew's daughter cries and one of the bodyguards holds her hair.

Calvin was about having the urge to tell him to stop but then he finally stops.

Calvin then calms himself.

Calvin hated child abuse to the core.