
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 25

"Nope! It doesn't." Austin said.

"Why can't I touch you?" Calvin asked.

"You will be able to touch me when you have crumbled all your enemies, then will you be able to beat your pains and embrace love." Austin said to his father as Calvin began to burn into star dust as he rushed towards Austin.

And with Every step he took... Tears dripped out of his eyes as he wanted to have a touch of his son one more time.

Whilsts Austin seeing his fathers passion opened his arms apart to hug Calvin whose every step was causing his body to break into star dust as he drew closer.

Calvin's legs then bursted into star dust as he fell to the ground but still kept crawling towards his son.

"Austin don't leave me." Calvin cried.

"Don't leave me again... I beg of you." Calvin screamed in pain as even his hands kept breaking into star dust.

"Let's stay together." Calvin cried.

Amongst anything else Calvin had Cherished... His son was a huge part of his heart and Calvin missed him so much.

Austin was his little son, he used to see himself through Austin's eyes because Calvin was once regarded as an Orphan after his mother was assassinated after being compelled to leave his father's house.

Soon Calvin sees that he couldn't make it to Austin as he stayed over the floor unable to move an inch.

Then Austin walks towards his dissipating body and raises him up and then Calvin hugs him tightly to himself as the force of separation creates a light in-between their two and explodes Calvin out of Austin's portal.

Calvin wakes up floating through the air, with his back slowly touching the ground and his tears rolling from his eyes as he looks directly at his room's rooftop.

First it was Chloe and now it was His son.

Calvin was going to make use of his brain this time.

Since his enemies have pushed him to the wall and cursed him into a demon then he will break them like one.

They will forever regret trying him in their life's.

And for the bastard goat that Assassinated my mother... Calvin could tell how easy it was going to be, to trace the murder-fucker and avenge his mother.

They really messed Calvin up... And so he got up!

"System, what dark secret does Chloe hide from me?" Calvin asked his system who immediately responded.

"If you must know this... Then you must push Chloe to the wall... Ruin her into nothingness and she will confess to you this secret herself." Calvin's system said to Calvin.

"How beneficial is this secret?" Calvin asked.

"It has everything to do with who will take over from you left." The voice in Calvin's head tells him.

Calvin's first suspicion was that Chloe could be pregnant for him... If that was her hidden secret then it's fine, because he has no time to push her to the wall, except she proves significant to an important situation or plan of his.

He entered his toilet and refreshed himself properly before walking out and putting on some proper clothing.

He looked at how handsome he looked.

Almost perfect to the eyes.

Even Calvin could tell he was madly handsome.

And his abs and we'll protruded Dick was just an add to his over all glory which showered on him, from head to toe.

He was a Mini - God already!

"Time to teach these fishes… who the fisher is!" Calvin said as he opened his door using facial recognition, before he headed through the stairs and straight for the parlour.

He was full of plans to execute.

Not to forget... The contesting Governor was giving Calvin her governorship ticket to serve as Governor and that was an Opportunity Calvin was going to so Utilise.

Calvin soon reaches the parlour.

His entire Political team were Available there, together with Mrs. Elina, the contesting Governor, who has Invited the current governor of the state and the housekeeper, Housekeeper who immediately stood up to greet Calvin.

The rest of the audience immediately stands up as well, upon his arrival.

"Greetings sir!" Everyone welcomed him, on their feet to show respect.

Calvin was surprised to see the current Governor.

That was the same bitch he fucked for the governorship position... How funny could things be working so much in his favour that even the contesting governor lobbied for the current governor to also be in his support.

And no one dared to stare at him for more than five seconds due to the influence and power in just his presence.

"You're all welcome, please have a seat." Calvin said as Everyone sat down before he headed to where Arthur led him to sit at... The most Imperial position to face the entire meeting room.

As soon Calvin sat, the contesting Governor stood up.

"I never knew this was the person that I would be invited to see here today, it is indeed intriguing, because I am ready to join forces with your team to ensure that you win the support of the people in this coming elections." She said and everyone began to clap for her.

"I am very confident in their plans to revolutionise the states into a more prosperous state." She adds.

"And I will also be combining my forces to ensure that you win the governorship position too." Mrs. Elina said after she stood as Everyone clapped for her.

"The man before you here, saved my life and that of my child, and since then, I have owed him not just for saving my life, but for saving the life of my innocent son... He deserved to live in this life, just like the lives of other innocent citizens of this state." Mrs. Elina said as Everyone clapped.

"Then let us all be clear on our goals today, if our Calvin must become governor then we must Ensure that no matter the challenges that come... We must make sure that he becomes our state's governor." Mrs. Elina states as the current governor sits down in return.

Housekeeper then walks to Calvin and gives him a document which he starts to go through.

Calvin couldn't believe how intelligent Arthur was... Indeed wouldn't just allow the current governor to come visiting without a plan that was according to Calvin's plans.

"Maybe our coming Governor might have a requirement for us, please go ahead." The current governor asked Calvin who smiled back at them.

"Thank you, one of the requirements I have in place to ensure comes into effect is that which is in the document, currently the government owns all lands in the country and so therefore, I am requesting to buy all the lands to use for business... I am sure you can do this one favour for me." Calvin said as he handed the governor.

She collects the document and smiles back at Calvin.

"These lands are quite really popular, you know the Peterson's companies occupy these lands, if you must get these lands then you should be ready to pay a price worthy of the government to be able to offer you this lands." The governor replies to Calvin.

"How much?" Calvin asked.

"Give me two hundred billion dollars and I will clear the land for you." The governor replied.