
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Ciudad
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49 Chs

Chapter 19

Calvin soon reached his estate Quarters.

He dropped Madam Elina in the new Mansion provided to keep her a secret.

"You can stay here for now, the attendant will show you to your room." Calvin said as Housekeeper walked towards them.

"Such a handsome child." Housekeeper praised Madam Elina's child handsomeness before the attendants came to take her in.

Calvin turns to look at Housekeeper.

"Greetings young master.' Mr. Calvin greets.

"Oh well... I think it's time I rest." Calvin said as he headed home with Arthur.

It was already a new day too.

Calvin soon gets a call from his Uncle Oscar.

"Hello Oscar." Calvin responded.

"You did a good job, Mr. Peterson would be pleased, ensure that you stay low for now." Oscar said before ending the call.

"Housekeeper, what are my schedules for today?" He asked.

"Oh well, you are meant to meet with the current governor today." Housekeeper replied.

Calvin recalled he was trying to get to the governor because of Chloe so it annoyed him.

How she last treated him wasn't cool.

"Cancel it!" Calvin orders Arthur.

"Sir?" Housekeeper responded.

"I said cancel the god-damn meeting with the governor, Chloe doesn't deserve me." Calvin said as he turned to enter his room before his system caused him to stop.

"Calvin, aside from helping Chloe get her freedom, we can also work with the governor to help us get the office Madam Elina is offering us." Calvin's system said as a voice in his head as he looked at his bed.

"But I am sleepy." Calvin tells his system.

"Wiped!" The voice in his head responded.

"What do you mean by wiped?" He asked.

"I have disposed of your sleep and healed you to be more active." It replied.

Then Calvin turned to look at Housekeeper.

Calvin became very active too.

"Wow! The feeling of rest was great, Housekeeper prepared my visit to see the governor." Calvin said as he entered his room, took off his clothes and had his bath.

Soon he was all done.

Calvin had dressed up in black suit, with half of his face, covered with facemask.

Then in his convoy they headed to the governor's mansion and this female governor aside having power, she was too smart and had served her tenure for eight years already, yet still looked beautiful and hot, despite the states stress.

She had her body all curvy and hot too.

As soon as Calvin entered her office in her mansion, she began drooling over him.

Even Calvin felt the sensual vibes too.

Calvin tells her of The Uzaron family issue and the problem of corrupt leaders while still chipping his interest in getting her to support him as the states next governor.

Obviously she feared and still respected him because he was an Rian so anything he actually wanted could be accomplished.

Calvin had the money to make heads roll.

"Fine then, I will do everything you have said for some private time with you." The governor said as she rubbed her hand against Calvin's dick area to tease him.

Calvin smiled as he looked around her office.

"Don't worry, I have a place more classy and extremely private for us." She said before she winked at Calvin, causing his dick to harden to her cute movements.

"Come with me..." She said as Calvin followed her into an elevator that led down into a basement where her private jet was parked, and they soon got into the jet.

She unzipped Calvin's trousers, took out his penis, and put it in her mouth.

The one thing different from before was that she did not take off her own clothing.

He tried to move, but it felt as if Calvin's body were tied down by invisible threads.

He felt himself growing big and hard inside her mouth.

Calvin saw her fake eyelashes and curled hair tips moving.

Her bracelets made a dry sound against each other.

Her tongue was long and soft and seemed to wrap itself around him.

Just as he was about to grab her, she suddenly moved away and began slowly to undress Calvin.

She took off his jacket, his tie, his pants, his shirt, his underwear, and made him lie down on the bed.

Her own clothes she kept on, though.

She sat on the bed, took Calvin's hand, and brought it under her dress.

She was not wearing panties.

His hand felt the warmth of her vagina.

It was deep, warm, and very wet.

His fingers were all but sucked inside.

Then she mounted him and used her hand to slip Calvin's dick inside her.

Once she had gone deep inside, she began a slow rotation of her hips.

As she moved, the edges of the pale-blue dress caressed Calvin's naked stomach and thighs. With the skirts of the dress spread out around her.

She continued to ride on top of him, looking like a soft, gigantic mushroom that had silently poked its face up through the dead leaves on the ground and opened under the sheltering wings of night.

Her vagina felt warm and at the same time cold.

It tried to envelop him, to draw him in, and at the same time to press him out.

His erection grew larger and harder.

Calvin felt like he was about to burst wide open. It was the strangest sensation, something that went beyond simple sexual pleasure.

It felt as if something inside her, something special inside her, was slowly working its way through his organ into him she she continued to fuck moaning with exhaustion and pleasure.

"Oh god, hit that pussy." She said.

"Lie down." Calvin stood up and said to her.

She sat down on the bed and watched Calvin going to get something from the cupboard.

"On your stomach." He said.

Calvin took out a lubricant and cupped it in his dick massaging it gently.

She laid down on her stomach and he also applied the cream on her pussy.

"Ow, Calvin. It stings!" She moaned out to Calvin who was actively drilling into her.