
The President's Desire

It isn't normal when no one actually loves you, or is with you since highschool! We've heard of so many highschoolers, even nerds having boyfriends. But i think Novalie Greens' case isn't ordinary! When she gets a job as the President's PA, will she rather back off because the President is the beast from her past? Or will she put up with his torture, finally like him but his big secret destroys them! VOL. 2 The President's Woman She shapeshifted....... And everything became clear..... He had been out with Amanda all this time, thinking its Novalie.... He had announced briefly in front of everyone in Washington D.C He was in love with Nova and ready to marry her.... He is on a mission to have Nova with him Once and for all.

phyinfoluwa · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The Fiery-eyed Demon

"How? How exactly should i help you?" Nova asked Maya, and she gave a little smug.

"You hate Amanda, right? And am sure you won't spare her for what she did." Maya said.

"What do you mean?" Nova was completely confused but Maya gave her the newspaper, and as Nova set her eyes on the headlines, she was devastated.

"WHAT THE HECK? DID...DID AMANDA SHAPESHIFT TO BE ME? I can't believe the citizens are thinking about a wedding...." Nova burst into tears and Maya put her arm around her.

"Am sorry Novalie. That's why i want you to help me. In that way, you can also get what you want." Maya told her, and by now, Nova was eager to help her.

"Name anything. I'd do anything to get Amanda punished." Nova looked angry.

"I....i want you to let go of Roman. I want you to convince him, that you guys aren't perfect for each other." Maya declared.

"This is such a good joke, friend." Nova tried to chuckle. She couldn't believe her ears.

"JOKE??? DO YOU THINK MY FEELINGS FOR ROMAN IS A JOKE??" Maya thundered and Nova got up from the bed.

"Yeah. its a cheap little joke, i don't even know you. I don't even know if all these psychics stories are true, or just fantasy. Look girl, i have been through a lot, been bullied by friends and horrible boys, just because i don't have a boyfriend of my own. And now that am finally happy with my boyfriend, you and your psychic family decided to kidnap me and cook up a story about being in love with him in ancient times. Look, i can never buy this from you and Amanda." Nova looked straight into her fiery eyes.

"am not sure you get it. Amanda will be punished, as you wish. All you have to do is let go of Roman. Then you'll find a real boyfriend of your own." Maya promised and Nova was even more angrier. She fumed and pushed Maya to the ground furiously.

"I PREFER BEING UNCONSCIOUS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS THAN WAKING UP FOR JUST FEW MINUTES HAVING TO HEAR ALL THIS!" She rose up, clenched fists and started running as fast as her legs could take her.

As she reached the mighty door, she pushed it open and fell into the arms of two men.

Nova stopped to stare.

The first man's eyes were amber. They looked a bit fiery, but perfect for his beautiful eye shape, and eye lashes. She stared down at his smooth skin, and lips...

The second man had emerald eyes. His silver hair dropped down his smooth face, and had full colored pink lips. They were just breathtaking, heart-stealing, mind-blowing, everything...!

As the first man spoke, Nova couldn't help but drool over him.

"Miss Nova, can you please return to the black castle? Because no human has never made it out here, alive." There was more emphasis on the alive and Nova started to get really scared of the men. The second man couldn't let go of her waist, and his hands were icy cold.

"please leave me." Nova thought this was some fantasy romance novel. But yeah, this was real.

A real psychic was actually holding on to her waist.

And not just a psychic, a gorgeous psychic.

Imagine having a problem with your freaking sixth sense, and still looking gorgeous?

She turned around and returned to the castle, as the men entered.

"Do you really think I'd be having fun with your hot boyfriend and you be left alone? Of course not honey. I have arranged these men, and they are gonna keep your company for the period that i am with Roman. You get it?' Maya asked Nova and she slapped her angrily.

"SHUT UP! Do you really think i'd be messing around with these strange men?" Nova asked Maya as Queen Maurine entered.

"what's going on here?" Queen Maurine gasped on seeing Nova awake.

"Who woke her up?" She frowned. Queen Maurine got so angry and slapped Maya. Maya pushed her and pulled Nova as the men followed her.

They reached a large room, where pictures of ancient rulers, and even all Queen Maurine's children were.

Nova realized it wasn't just a cook-up story.

President Roman was Queen Maurine's son.

The first man tightened his grip on her and threw her on the bed. She got angry and almost slapped him, but he stared at her and that made her hand stiff in the air.

"Am so sorry My Little Princess, but i never get slapped." The second man came and held both hands to tie them. She whined as Maya watched them. When she knew she could never break free, she surrendered to the men.

As they grabbed her dress to tear, the door kicked open and Maya fell to the ground on seeing the person.

It was all dark.

He had fiery eyes, and he clenched his fist. He ran towards the men and punched them. They had a big fight. Nova kept watching, as Maya screamed her lungs out.

His fingers were a bit long as he ruthlessly tore the men to pieces.

Maya closed her eyes, still screaming. Nova just watched in amusement, not understanding what was going on.

This was more than just some psycho problems, this was a demon.

The second man, was able to escape.

He was looking scary, but Nova couldn't get scared. She just wanted to say thank you a hundred times.

He left the room, and Maya slowly opened her eyes.

"Is he gone....." She scanned through the room and Nova frowned at her. Maya screamed one last time and ran out of the room.

She went to her own bedroom and started crying.

"WHO WAS THE MYSTERIOUS GUY THAT ENTERED!!!" She yelled as she destroyed things in her room, as she saw Dahlia passing by, she took a flower vase and threw it straight on her head.

Dahlia fell on the ground and fainted. Maya heard her mother's wail as she ran towards her, crying at the bleeding.

Maya went towards the maid and just stood there. She lifted her daughter and ran towards the direction of the doctors. Maya stared at her and she froze on the spot. She turned around to look at Maya, still in the same spot.



"FREE ME!" She snarled, and Maya went towards her to slap her.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Check out my new book, My Half Sister Is A Psycho

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