
Breathe for a while

Bryant ran as hard as he could to get to where Vino fell because his current position was very far from the position where Vino would fall.

"Vino!!!" Bryant screamed as loud as he could so that Vino could control his fall, but he felt like he was unconscious or something, because Bryant saw Vino keep falling fast and down.

Oh how is this, he fell very fast from the sky and I couldn't possibly catch the fall, while my current position was very far from him.

I ran as hard as I could so I could get to where Vino was, but I wasn't strong I couldn't run as far in a short amount of time.

I didn't realize that tears were running down my cheeks right now. Gosh, I will be a very guilty person in this world if I can't save Vino the only person I love.

"No!!!" I screamed as loudly as I could when I saw that Vino's fall was so close to the ground.