
The Possessive Playboy's Love

Axel the most popular playboy at Zyrex University. Like what other people said, what Axel wants, Axel gets. And there is this girl name Alexandra the girl who hates Playboy--- I mean Axel. But what if their faith leads to each other? Can they be together? The Playboy and the Playboys hater? Destiny is playful, cam they deal with it?

Axis10925 · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Agusta Alexandra's POV

I really pissed with that playboy, what is he thinking? Friends? Really that too old style of flirting.

I was walk on the hallway, when we i saw my David talking to some of his classmates. A smile suddenly appears on my lips, well to be honest I actually have a feelings toward him. But sad to say, he can't return the same feelings towards me. I walk toward them, you know just to say hi.

"Hi David" I greet them.

"Hi" he said and smile and look again to his classmates

I bite my lower lips, he's kind of rude. I want to ask him something but i feel like he's just going to ignore me, He looked at me again.

"Do you need something?" He ask

"A-ahm.." I don't know what to say

"Hey!" Someone spoke behind me

I turn around to see who is it, It's Mr. Playboy!

God when will he stop stalking me?

"Wow, so Axel this kind of girl is your new type" David said

He laughed a little, I don't know but i feel like i he insulted me on what he said.

"I didn't know that you're that interested in my type of girls, why? Are you planning to be my ideal type?" Axel said and smirk

"Tsk" David said" did you know that this girl confess her feelings towards me?" David said and he smirked

"Did you also know that, this girl in front of you is my girl?" Axel said and put his arms around my waist.

My eyes widen on what he said, what the hell? Where the hell on earth did he get that?!

"You can't fool me Axel, last week that girl besides you just confess to me. But she's nit my type, too chubby" David said and laugh

I thought he's a good person, the hell he's worst than this Playboy besides me! My blood is boiling with anger, I walk towards he and put on a fake smile.

"Well just to tell you Mr.David you're nit ny type too, i just did that confess for play, right Darling?" I said and look giving him a just-say-yes look

"Hmm.. I guess you won in bet." Axel said

"And lastly, I'm not chubby" I said before i slap him on his right cheeks. Serves you right jerk

"Nice one Darling, now let's go i need to give you your price" Axel said and grab my waist and we walk together.

I don't know what to feel, about what happen i hate David! How can he said that towards me?! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!

I was busy thinking about that David the jerk when i heard someone laugh a little beside me. It's Axel and his arms is still on my waist!

I immediately removed his hands around me.

"You're enjoying it too much" I said and rolled my eyes on him

"You're bring mean to me again, Darling" he said and pout

"What?! Stop calling me Darling!" I said with annoyance

"You're the first one who called me that, Darling. You can't stop me now for calling you that" he said and wink

"Tell, what do you need to me? Why do you keep bothering me?! For your information i Don't have time to waste for a player like you so please stop bothering me!" I shouted at him i didn't control my self

His face became sad, what's wrong with him?

"Mr ---" he cut what I'm saying when he suddenly speak

"You keep judging me, as if you really know me. But all those Playboy thing that your saying is only on what you heard from other people" he said and show a smile, i guess i can say it's a fake smile.

"Everybody here in our campus knows that--" he cut me again

"That I'm a playboy, but those people do they really know me? I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. It's hurts that your judging me like that, Darling" he said and leave me.

I feel guilty for what i have done, he's right i shouldn't judge him like that. I shouldn't say those hurtful things like that. Ugh! Alexandra you're becoming a bad person!

I bite my lower lips, I'm i that rude for him to walk out? Gosh!

"I shouldn't did that to him, I should say sorry. But how?" I whispered to my self.

What if will do a revenge at me and embarrassed me in front of a lot of people because of what I did? Ugh! stop thinking to much Xanda but I should say sorry to him no matter what, because this time it's my fault.