
The Poker Game

In the vibrant streets of Seoul, amidst the dazzling world of K-pop, a thrilling tale unfolds. YN, the enigmatic fifth member of Blackpink, leads a secret life as a CIA agent known as Agent Apex. Tasked with infiltrating the notorious Asia Mafia, YN faces danger at every turn. Meanwhile, Jungkook, a rising star in the underworld, grapples with the shadows of his past as he ascends to power. As their worlds collide, they embark on a high-stakes journey where loyalty is tested and secrets unravel. Can they conquer the darkness that threatens to consume them, or will they be swept away by the tides of fate?

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29 Chs

Chapter 9: Blood Bonds

Jungkook's car screeched to a halt in front of the mansion guards open the mansion door, and he quickly carried YN inside went to lounge to his own room. Alex and Jimin followed closely behind, their faces etched with worry.

"where the hell doctor is!" Jungkook yelled, as he laid YN on the bed, his shirt was covered with yn's blood

V rushed in the room, while jimin was standing against the wall, looking concerned. Jungkook held YN's hand, his eyes fixed on her pale face. Just then, RM, Suga, and Jin walked into the room, their faces filled with questions. "who is she, hyung?" RM asked, his eyes fixed on YN.

Jungkook's grip on YN's hand tightened. "She's.....someone important," he said, his voice low.

 Then the doctor came and treated Yn's wound and asked him to wait outside. They all went to the lounge.

Jimin was sitting on the couch , he stood up from couch , his eyes locked on Jungkook. "Hyung is not she the one whom you saw in concert ?"

Jungkook nodded, his face set in determination. "They're going to use her against me.she is innocent in these all I don't want a scratch on her." And went back to his room ,where the doctor is treating yn's wound, jungkook couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

The lounge fell silent, as the weight of Jungkook's words sank in. YN was more than just a pawn in their game - she was a key player in a deadly game of revenge.

As the doctors worked on YN's injuries.jungkook watched anxiously,his heavy heart with concern 

After what felt like eternity,the doctor turned to jungkook

"she's stable,but the bullet wound was deep, and she's lost a lot of blood , i suggest you to transfer her to hospital so we check her blood group so you can prepare it "

Jungkook's mind raced with strategies. He knew he had to protect her at all costs, not just for her sake, but for his own. 

He just nodded and went to lounge 

They transfer her to hospital ,"I want the guards outside her room 24/7. No one gets in or out without my permission"

Jimin nodded, understanding." I will take care of it hyung"

As the night wore on, yn's condition was remained stable, but jungkook couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He was sitting near her all night.

At moring around 6am ,yn lightly open her eyes then closed her eyes due to the effect of medication. Jungkook went to take breakfast for her personally.alex and boys are in room with her,YN slowly opened her eyes, groggily taking in her surroundings. She was in a hospital room, with Alex sitting beside her, looking concerned. "Where is he, is he ok? And who were they" yn asked in weak and low voice

, Alex was sitting on bed "do you have any pain anywhere just tell me, I will call the doctor immediately, wait im going to call the doctor" "Wait alex im fine and him?" jhope said " dont worry he is safe and sound"

 she close her eyes again and alex was woring about yn , he is asking her again and again are you okay ,if you feel pain just let me now, again "Just tell me if you have any pain anywhere, and I'll call the doctor immediately"

"Alex...I'm fine," YN said in a weak voice, trying to reassure him.

"You're saying that for the eighth time, alex" yn replied, smiling.."

Just then, Suga spoke up, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So, Miss YN, how are you feeling with that blood IV drip?" He made a humming sound at the end, causing RM, Jimin, V, and J-Hope to burst out laughing. "What do you mean?" YN asked, confused.

Jimin stepped forward, having a grin on his face. "Actually, we need to arrange blood in a short time, and you and Suga have the same blood type, so..."

"So he gave you his blood" rm said ,then jin said ,with serious expression, "He never gave anyone, His leftover water, but He has given you His blood"

Suga nodded, his cold exterior cracking for a moment. "We can't have you fainting on us again. And you saved our hyung's life...just don't waste my blood, get well soon, and do something in exchange." YN's face flushed as she realized Suga was offering to donate blood to her. "Thank you," she whispered.

J-Hope grinned. "Logically, we can say you two have a blood relationship now. You're siblings from now on!. A blood bond."

Suga rolled his eyes. "I don't want a sister. I'm fine alone."

They all laugh expect suga,jin and yn then Jungkook walked in with a packed breakfast, his eyes fixed on YN. "How are you feeling?" He leaned close to her and kissed her forehead. yn was shocked it was so sudden ,boys mouth dropped.

YN smiled weakly. "Better, thanks to all of you." As Jungkook helped her sit up, Alex got up from the bed and stood on the other side. Jungkook put the porridge bowl on the table and was about to feed her when YN said, "I'm fine, I can eat by myself, no need to bother."

But when she picked up the spoon and took it to her mouth, a wave of pain suddenly came from her right shoulder. She closed her eyes, and Jungkook said, "That's why I was helping you, now dont move just open your mouth."

The boys were shocked to see Jungkook's soft side, and YN was touched by his kindness. As YN finished her porridge, Jungkook smiled and said, "You're welcome"

YN smiled back, feeling a new bond forming between her and the BTS members. She knew she still had to be cautious, but for the first time in a long time, she felt like she had found a new family.

Suga He had a reputation for being cold and untrusting, but something about YN made him want to help her. He hoped she wouldn't betray that trust.

They all headed back to their office, needing to handle the situation and tackle some work. Jungkook was reluctant to leave YN alone, but he had to attend an important meeting. Before leaving, he instructed the hospital staff, "Don't let anyone outside of our group into her room without my permission."

Three hours had passed since Jungkook and the others left for the office. V had a meeting with someone, so he excused himself and headed straight to the hospital. When he arrived, he entered YN's room and sat beside her bed. "How are you, YN? I'm sorry, I didnot showed any worry or concern towards you; I didn't want to raise any doubts about our identity. But why did you save him? What if something had happened to you?" YN placed her hand on his. "It's okay, Taehyung. Don't worry; I'm fine. But by doing this, I've become closer to him and the others, except for Jin and Suga.but they didnot ask me, about alex how do i know him."

V nodded. "jungkook told them to dont ask anything .Still YN, don't do such silly things, okay? Take care; I have to go before anyone comes. Get well soon." YN hold his shirt "wait...do you know alex is an agent under cia and he work for jungkook, why do every one is so loyal to him ?and dying to serve him.

YN interjects firmly, "We can't trust anyone, V. not Alex, not anyone .

V nods solemnly, his expression grave. "Agreed, YN. We can't afford to trust anyone blindly in this situation, especially not Jungkook and silly girl dont fall for him. Let's keep our guard up and watch our backs. Trust is earned, not freely given, especially in our line of work. I had my suspicions about Alex, but it's good to have confirmation. As for Jungkook's loyalty, it could be fear, manipulation, or perhaps they genuinely believe in his cause. Regardless, it's dangerous territory. We need to tread carefully and gather as much information as possible before making any moves. Stay vigilant, YN. We'll figure this out together. bye"