
CHAPTER 01 : "The Encounter"

"You don't meet people accidentally, everyone comes in your life for a reason "




I landed on the floor with a loud thud, which was enough to wake me up from my hideously wild and vivid dreams.

I clutched my head in both of my hands and let out a whimper.

What a great start to another awful day.

"RISE AND SHINE LUCY!!!" Anna shouted in a ridiculously high pitched voice.

"Ugh go away Anna. I need to sleep. Don't you see these bags under my eyes carrying the burden of my existence? It's all because you don't let me sleep. Shoo go away." I stood up and wrapped myself around the blanket, only to get my ass smacked by her again.

"Don't tell me you stood up watching Netflix all night again!" She said snatching the blanket off me.

"I'm surprised you're surprised." I yawned.

"I wonder when Lucy Wilson will start taking her life seriously." Anna sighed, giving up.

"Can I ask why you're being so over dramatic so early in the morning?" I asked, now wide awake.

"Okay. I hate to break this to you but Lucy, but today is the first day of the photography course we both signed up for. I just thought you wouldn't want us to get late on the first day but you, being the most annoying and lazy creature on planet that you are, refuse to get up from your bed. So, you can go back to sleep, I'm leaving 'cause I paid for the course. Bye, sweet dreams." Anna stated decisively.

I jumped out of the bed in an instant, yeeting the sheets off me.

"Crap! Why didn't you remind me? I'll get ready in a minute, wait for me." I said, gathering my thoughts.

"You know what, I'd rather ditch my friend than get late on the first day." Saying this she stormed out of room slamming the door shut.

I let out a frustrated sigh, making my way towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. For some reason, I looked bewildered and tired.

I put on plain white shirt with a denim jacket and a dark blue jeans. I pulled my hair into a ponytail. Then, I applied a thin stroke of eyeliner and put on some mascara to add to the look.

Lastly, I picked up my favorite canon camera and scurried out of my apartment.

Anna and I had already looked up the location on Google Maps so I had the idea of how far the building was from our apartment. It was at a walking distance so I dashed towards the way.

Walking down the stunningly pulchritudinous streets of Chicago, I inhaled the fresh air mixed with faded scents of coffee evaded from the various shops on the street. I looked up examining the sky which looked insanely alluring.

Lucille Wilson on her way to find her true self.

I was so immersed in my own thoughts that I didn't realize when I bumped into a hard chest.

"Watch where you go Miss." He said, knocking me down, sending my camera flying.

It was too late when I realized that the collision had resulted in cracking my favorite lens.

I stood up, fuming with rage, brushing the dust off myself. I picked up my camera examining it for any damage.

I looked up to find the person who had knocked me down a few seconds ago. I studied his masculine figure up and down. His tall and lean frame hovered over my slender body. He had a perfectly chiseled and accentuated jawline. His unruly locks of brown hair fell over his stunningly sparkling blue eyes. For a split second, I actually thought that he was mad attractive, but there was absolutely no way I was admitting that anytime soon.

I expected him to say something like, "I'm sorry" or "Are you alright?", 'cause why not. This dude literally knocked me down and broke my lens, but to my surprise, he just shrugged his shoulders and started walking away.

I let out a surprised snort, not believing the sight.

Dudes nowadays actually be attractive until you find out how they behave.

"Excuse me Sir, but don't you think you owe me an apology???" I emphasized the 'Sir' because he had called me 'Miss' a couple seconds ago which, to his notice I took as an insult.

He spun around giving me a questioning look.

"Well yeah..actually I do. I'm sorry God didn't give you eyes." He stated shamelessly. I noticed his voice was eminently deep and resonant.

I'll just let the fact slide that I have a kink for masculine and deep voices.

My eyes widened with utter disbelief. There was no way this numbskull was being serious.

"Do you eve realize how much of a self-obsessed, egocentric narcissist you are being right now? You literally knocked me down and broke my camera and all you have to say is that-"

"Excuse me but it really wasn't my fault you were walking like a blind person let loose." He shrugged, keeping a straight poker face.

"DON'T CALL ME BLIND!!" I snarled at him.

"Umm... then would you like the word 'visually impaired'?" He suggested, pretending to be in thought.

"Wow.. I mean it really wouldn't have been a big deal if you apologized, but mind you Mister, you-" I was cut off when he promptly grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me into him.

"What are you.." I pushed him off. Suddenly, the realization dawned on me that he had saved me from getting hit by a speedy car which was coming my way.

He took in a deep breathe and stepped back to keep a deliberate distance between us.

"Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere to get to real quick. Goodbye." He waved goodbye to me, who was at a loss of words.

I instantaneously felt a feeling of déjà vu. I must have seen this guy somewhere. Why did he feel so familiar.


Tyler the nerd?!!

The guy I had avoided all my high school life? The one who would always hang out with the biggest troublemaker of the school? Who used to wear thick round glasses and was always laughed at by people for having a round, bulky figure?!!

There was absolutely no way it was him. NO WAY IN THE WORLD.

I guess they were right about Tyler the nerd rendering people speechless.