
The Phoenix's Prophecy

The Phoenix is told to be one among the first three dragons. While the two alongside Phoenix are to have had an unknown and unreachable end each, the Phoenix lives on, like phoenixes do, dying and living again and again, in circles and cycles. Through ages she lives on, she passes the prophecies on what has, and will happen again... The beast Rahambose, will be brought back. And the ones responsible will be the reincarnations of the first two dragons, Max and Sam, who just like their predecessors, will cause him back into existence. Knowing such a Prophecy of the Phoenix, the little dragons listen to the King, as he tells them what happened once the three met each other once more. And the little dragons can only HOPE that the past went about peacefully. It sure must've, the great King must've made sure of it. But even so, the saying always goes: in the end, it is always Rahambose. --------------------------------------------------- Updates:- Every Monday

MrParadox_2020 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
57 Chs

Chapter 13 – Lost and Found

Two or three feet away, Sam sits on a chair too, just like me.

"Do try and run," the officer says. "You must either be confused or intelligent, to not make a move yet. Are you intimidated however? Cause I want you to be. But, you better speak."

"I don't-" I try to explain before-

"-we got lost, where are we now?!" Sam asks, gasping. She sure had learnt a few tricks from the experience on stage. "Who are you?"

Even I could have fallen for it, but it makes me a little proud. Also, I had scars which stopped me from grinning or laughing.

Where was Tar?

"Any one would say that, at such a moment. Nobody just shows up out of nowhere here. Sneaking-in, even within five miles of here, is so hard for a commoner. But to be a mile closer, must be some goddamn amount of luck."

Sam doesn't back down, and nor do I, I continue to seem confused and innocent, and in pain.

"Unless…. You came for that idiotic fresh-wood. Not the first time around here, I heard. But… either of the bosses will be coming soon. I hope it is Esterine, and not that bloody Blasthe. Parzival is no good for such roles, or anything. You'd be lucky if he comes instead. The initiator of this mad-hunt."

It WAS a base… but not for the dragons, but for the hunt. But, Dad?

"Where is the man who was with us? My uncle…"

"There was another? I expected one of you lot was driving and you got out. Shouldn't have left him in, alone. I don't think he made it. There was an ugly blast. Poor bastard."

"You're lying!"

"Don't raise your voice… don't push your luck anymore than that. What else did you expect in coming to such a place?"

"You monster! Where have you kept him?"

"Monster? I'm someone who is protecting you from them. You wouldn't know. The mines were for the dragons, not for rich-wood haulers. It is your fault. You have zero idea about how we-"



"Okay, if they are real," Rusty says, excitedly, as my eyes are busy with seeing if we were clear to go forward, without being detected quickly. "Will a Pegasus and Unicorn be friends, far-related, enemies, rivals, or nemesis?"

I see Fara roll her eyes, from the corner of my eye.

"They could be related, due to being horses with adaptions. And why would they be enemies though?" I ask.

"And, isn't a nemesis and a rival, the same thing?" Fara asks, despite saying she is uninterested, and looking at the base too.

"Well, a rival is like a competitor who can also be friendly. Nemesis is your sworn enemy, like your forever opponent, with same strength as you, or something," Rusty explains, and I nod, agreeing. "And enemies because: you know, Unicorn is on land, and Pegasus in the sky, so like competition and fights."

"Well, we don't know if they truly exist, but will tell you if I know," I say.

"Sure thing-"

"-Don't you dare, Rustizen," I warn him. "We came here to fight the military, not each other."

"And besides, we brought you because you could be helpful. So, let us concentrate on invading the base, and not distracting us. Though I would have preferred that you finished," Fara giggles.

"This is all on you, Fara," I shake my head.

"I know that I'm distractingly charming, Farr," Rusty winks at Fara.

"Right, garbage's smell is distracting, can't help it."

"You remind me of Sam, wonder how she is doing, I miss her already. There is no time I did not wish her on her birthday."

"Okay, we'll see about that later. First, we need a distraction, you two, from the behind. Rusty, you got anything on mind?"

"An explosion," Rusty says, with his index finger pointing to the sky.

"How does-?" Fara asks, and an explosion occurs in the distance, far away. "Never mind but… how?" But even Rusty seems shook, even when he knew that this was the spot we had to be standing at.

"Let's go."

I lead the two forward, towards the huge door, almost instantly. Seeing that it didn't budge, I sign to the big guy, who transforms into the largest of dragon I have ever seen, and smacks into the door, with one push. He roars to the inside.

"No problem," he tells me.

Like a bull, he charges forward-smacking one person with his massive tail, and bashing his head into another, sending them far away.

I just watch with a shocked expression, seeing who else is inside.

One person shoots with his pistol, trying to aim right at Rusty's face, but he covers himself with his huge arm, and slowly going forward, forming a fist with his paw, punches the guy, making him fall to the ground.

Rusty's skin was tough, but he shouldn't be pushing it that way, as if it'll do all the work.

"He may need your help, go on inside," Fara says as many people shoot towards Max, Sam, and Rusty, but he covers with his wing, and seems hurt. "I'll stay here. The night looks beautiful. Enough to keep me company."

"Drama queen," I say, while racing forward.

I jump above Rusty, while transforming, and sweep out everyone shooting at him.

"Missed lesson one, did we? Wing isn't amour," I say.

I look at everyone I had swept away, to have become unconscious, and feel proud of the perfect one-shot.

Rusty looks at Max and Sam. "Sam, Max? Are you both alright!?"

"Rusty?" Max looks up.

"Rusty!" Sam says, excitedly, and hugs her brother's large face.

I hear someone scream with confusion, and run towards the broken door.

"Finally some fun," I hear Fara say.

As I see Rusty rush to the door too, Fara pounces at him, rather than the runaway, and slashes her sword at his face. A cut appears on his… forehead.

That must hurt. Ouch.

"Augh…" Rusty says, transforming back, and a small cut is visible on his forehead.

"Oh come on. One guy, one guy! I almost had him, let me fight for once!" Fara complains.

"Didn't expect you could fight."

"What can I say? I exceed expectations," Fara smirks. She walks up to Rusty, and slams the sword's handle on his shoulder. "Just didn't expect you to be the one I attack."

"Hey, you just gave a cut to my forehead!"

"Dragons heal ten times faster than humans. Better hope I don't chop your head off, that is irreversible."

"Your plan worked, oh Fara. Now, don't make the first dragons attempt to kill you," I scoff, turning back.

"What can I say? My mysterious ways are mysterious even to me," Fara says, glancing at Max and Sam.

Sam checks on Rusty's wound, but concludes it isn't too bad.

"No one would applaud for the same thing twice, however," Rusty says.

"If I hit your head again, even if it were the hundredth time, everyone would."

"How are you guys here anyway?" I ask, sighing away from the two rivals.

"Yes, what brought you here though?" Rusty asks.

"Wait, you didn't know we were here?" Max asks.

"You didn't come here for us?"

"Why is everyone questioning?" Fara asks.

"Second time…" I sigh.

"What?" Sam, Max, and Rusty ask.

"Make that as sync time," I scoff.

"Well, first we came near your house, to investigate someplace, and found you guys. And now again… came for something. But ended up with… the first dragons. Even when you were taken away, unknown of where."

"Don't like to be called that," Max says.

"And I knew where they were."

"Rusty… you barely knew the address. I knew better."

"Came for something, what?" Sam asks.

"Well, some dragons were taken hostage. Two of them. But couldn't let that happen. So… came for them."

"Wasn't it 'three' dragons? I thought it was," I ask.

"No, it was two itself. You are bad at numbers, Star."

"I thought you guys came here for us," Max mumbles.

"Me too."

"At least will you take us with you?"

"Sure. Twice passes the test for you meant to be with us," Fara claims her weird words, yet again.

"And besides, if we try this again, then either of us would be killed by the military next time."

"And why were you guys here…?" Fara questions.

"To get to you, of course."

"How…?" Rusty asks.

"We got some help from Max's uncle, who we didn't know existed. And he brought us here…"

"Uncle? Where is he?"

Sam tries to say, but Max interrupts. "The car exploded. But he made it out. He couldn't have… not come out. I'm sure. I honestly expected it was him, not you guys."

"Then… do you plan on looking for him?" I ask.

"We can't be doing that," Line says, coming out of nowhere.

"Jesus Christ," I sigh.

Tony stands besides him, looking awkwardly, at the two new faces: for them.

"That's my cousin, Line, and that's a friend, Tony. And this is Max and Sam. I mentioned them, right?"

"The first dragons…" Tony says, and Max just feels visibly uncomfortable. "I won't use that phrase again, sorry."

"Anyways, we came here to rescue the dra-"

"-shut up," I say to Line, and he stops. "We could search for him, Max."

"No," Max says, to my surprise. "He… has had enough of dragons. It is better for him to give up and go back. I'm sure he's fine."

I nod. "And you two… go find the captives."

"Sure thing, Lady Flame, or must I say 'Female Flame'? What would you prefer?" Line asks, looking annoyed.

"Mocking me can wait, Line."

"Well, come, Tony."

"They are inside that big cage like thing just ahead to the right. Just check around there," Rusty says.

Line and Tony exchange glances, and just go away. And return back with… THREE captives, on Tony – the Blue dragon's back. And two bags, which Max and Sam take from Line.

"The lock was broken, do you think this is a trick?" Line asks.

"No… he hadn't tied us either. He was expecting to kill them when they run. Expected us to do the same."

"Then they are in this state since yesterday? That stun grenade sure is nasty."

"Boss, there are three guys here. Fara mentioned two," Tony says, pointing to her back, by bopping-back her head.

"Just bring them in, looks like Fara is just bad at numbers."

"Whatever, let's get going."

I and Rusty transform again, and Fara sits upon me, while the other two sit upon Rusty's back. Even Line transforms, lazily, and we move out, as he leads us to the sky, and beyond, to… home.