
Chapter 10

"Gene! You're back!" I couldn't hold in my happiness and hugged him when he entered the hallway. A few students turned their heads.

He awkwardly returned my hug. "Did you miss me that much, Beatrice?"

"How is your foot?"

"It's not completely healed yet, but it's better than yesterday. I can't keep missing class."

"If it starts hurting, I can carry you. Leave it to me!" I did a salute.

He had an embarrassed look on his face. "No, it's fine. I can take care of myself."

We both went to the classroom. After a few minutes, Mr. Latrell entered the room and started class.

"We have two new students who just moved in town. They will be your classmates starting today. Please introduce yourselves," said Mr. Latrell.

Two identical blonde-haired twins entered the classroom. One was a smiling girl with pigtails who had an aura of confidence. The other was a calm-looking boy with neatly kept hair.

"My name is Momo," said the girl.

"I'm Cyrus, Momo's twin brother," the boy followed.