
Beryllium (2)

Reinne leaned back on her sit and stare at the ceiling, processing everything. She's one of the owner of a multi-billion company. She's now billionaire because of her grandpa. Lolo, she prayed silently to her late grandpa. What is this? Why now? When did a billionaire own you a debt?

Hayden watch her silently process everything. He believe his grandfather wanted to pay his debt by giving half of his company to his best friend. He doesn't know what his granddad indebted to Reinne's grandfather. He watch the person in front of him stare at the ceiling as if it would give her the answers she needed. He never thought they would met this way. Reinne started to feel a hot gaze on her, and she knew who it belongs to. Her thoughts flew back to her grandpa's will and something bothered her.

"Wait," she said to break the silence. "For three years, who handled the Plant?"

"You," Kurt answered her honestly.

She turn her attention to Kurt, who was glancing at her father's bookshelf. "Me? How?"

"The title Chief Chemist was merely a cover. We already have an In-charge and a Head Chemist in the plant. So, why need a Chief Chemist?"

She thought about it. He was right. Why haven't she thought of that? All this time, she thought. For three years, I was already the owner of the plant.

"But, I just got promoted..."

"Precisely," Kurt nodded. "Call it a gift for your hard work."

"How did you know I am his granddaughter?"

"We do a background check on our employees, Miss Lacson," Hayden answered.

"What if I don't agree?"

"I believe it would be pass on to your uncle who has a gambling debt."

No way. She let out a groan. "I need time to process this."

Kurt turn his attention to her. "Very well, then. We hope, we would receive an answer soon?"

She nods at them speechless with the sudden info. She has to confront her mother and uncle first.

"Can I keep this papers first?" She ask, referring to the wills.

Her boss or should she say co-owner nod. "Father, its best if we should leave."

"Right," Kurt agreed. "Please think about it, Reinne."

Kurt leave one last look at the woman before heading to the door. Hayden stood up to follow his father but he went near her first.

"Miss Lacson," she look up only to be met by the darkest clouds that made her feel insecure.

"Mr. Sarmento?"

"I really look forward in working with you," He said before leaving.

Reinne watch his back disappear and she was left in her father's study with a sudden revelation. She stood up and head to her father's study window just to see the black car leaving their drive way. There is no way in hell she would let her selfish uncles take over her grandpa's company. She quickly called her cousin. As far as she's concerned, she only has one cousin and that's the only daughter of her uncle Jerry.


"Hey, cousin," She heard a faint gasp in the background.

"Is this my foreigner cousin?"

"Shut up," she roll her eyes. "I'm in town."

She heard a screeching sound on the phone. "No shit. We're going to the farm. Since when?"

"For a month already. I'm leaving this Sunday."

"Why so sudden?"

"Reasons," she turn her back from the window. "Is uncle Jerry with you?"

"Yeah. We'll be there in an hour."

"Great. Tell him, I have something to discuss with him when you guys arrive."

"Great. See you in a bit."

Reinne leaned on the window and stare at papers left on the table. She's a chemistry major graduate not business management or whatever course related to businesses. Her mom is but she refused. She let out a loud sigh. In the end, she has no choice. It's either her or her uncle, who she despite.

She grab the papers on the table and head to her room. She sat on her bed and started reading the will of both grandfathers. Everything her bosses said was stated in the will. Questions surround her mind after reading. Why now? The moment her grandpa died, the plant was left alone. Maybe, Julian Sarmento handled it, she thought. At the last page of the paper, she has to sign. To make everything final, and the company to her name. Her thoughts were broken with a knock on her door.

"What?" She place the papers on their envelopes.

"Is that how you great your cousin?"

She look up to see her cousin, Marie by the door. Reinne stood up to hug her cousin.

"Where's Gabriel?" She ask, referring to her cousin's eight years old son.

"With your mama," Marie sat down on her cousin's bean bag near the window. "Wow. I still can't believe how well off you are now."

"Hmm..." She sat on the bad facing her cousin. "Are you guys here for the anniversary?"

Her cousin nod. "We never miss one of it. So, how's work?"

Reinne suddenly remembered her conversation with Sarmentos. "Confusing. By the way, where's uncle?"


She grab the envelopes on her bed and dash for the stairs, leaving her cousin behind. She found her family on the garden sipping coffee and tea.

"Uncle Jerry!" She went near to a frail looking man sitting across her mother. "Aunt Emy!"

"Ivy!" She kissed them on the cheeks and sat beside her uncle Jerry. "How long will you stay?"

"I'm leaving on Sunday." Reinne glance at her parents and see them looking at her already.

"This Sunday?" Her mom asked while giving her godson back to his mother.

She nod. "I have to."

"What about the anniversary?"

"Seriously, ma?" She gape at her mother. "The farm survived without me last year and the years before that. What's the difference now?"

She turn her attention to her brother who is on his phone and her cousin who just sat down. "Ad, Marie, can you please excuse us for a while?"

"Why?" Her brother ask. She glared at him and sent a thank you to her cousin who drag him away.

She turn her attention to the adults in front of her and place the manila envelope in front of her uncle.

"What's this?" He asked while opening the envelope.

"Grandpa's last will and testament."