
Chapter 1

C H A P T E R 1

— Yeah, right.

She sits on the table. We were the only ones there so it didn't matter.

— I swear! No guy can resist you, they are all at your feet.

She gives me a sidelong glance before leaning in close to my ear.

— Even Vince.

Then you must know that Vincent Meyer is the most popular guy in school and all the girls want him in one way or another. I rolled my eyes.

— That's ridiculous. Vincent only thinks of me as a good friend. And besides, who says I see him that way?

— I don't know. When he's around, you're always shy and blushing, so...

I knew my cheeks were turning pink.

— That's not true.

— Yeah, and my ankles are made of marshmallow, see?

The bell rang and all the students arrived in the cafeteria; we were supposed to go see the principal but since it was almost lunch time, we decided to go straight to the canteen. Maybe we'll be in trouble but who cares.

I could see the clans forming;

— The unpopular (the nerds, shy, invisible, call them what you want)

— The normals (they're there and we see them from time to time, but they're not that great)

— and of course the Populars.

I noticed our group coming towards our table. They were walking together, laughing and patting each other. Vincent stood out; his hair was a beautiful brown. His eyes were a unique blue and he have a great physique. He was a hottie, I'm not going to deny that.

Our group was mostly Sam, Ky, West, Johnson, Chelsea and I.

Sam is shorter but that only adds to his charm. He has cocoa brown hair and bewitching blue eyes. Ky is also short and blond. He has dark eyes and a face so cute it's impossible to take him seriously. West is a jock; you can't get through the day with him without him listing his favorite players. He is tall, with dark hair and chocolate eyes. Johnson is medium height, has brown hair and also deep blue eyes.

I felt Chelsa straighten up next to me. Did she has feelings for one of them? I can't say.

— Are you okay? West asked.

— As usual, and you? asked Chelsa as she started to eat.

— The history teacher gave me detention again. (Sam)

— Deserved (Ky with his mouth full)

— Sam won't stop until he is assured that all his neurons are fried. (Johnson)

Sam answerd with a silly face.

— You want to play a game?

Everyone turned to the voice, Vincent.

— Why not, but what kind? (West with an amused look)

— I give the challenges and you have to do them. (Vincent)

I see Sam biting his lips to keep from laughing.

— This could be fun. (Ky)

— That's not all; if you succeed, I'll grant you a wish. Any wish.

We were surprised, since it wasn't Vincent's style to propose this kind of game. It was suspicious, but we all wanted to play it.

— Okay. (West)

— No dangerous stuff, right? (Johnson)

— I'm in. (Sam)

— I'm in. You in? (Chelsea)

— Why not? (Me)

Then we turned to Ky, who had not said anything.

— Any wish? (Ky)

— Any wish. But only if you succeed.

He raises his eyebrows and smiles stupidly; we were witnessing a bad idea germinating.

— It's a deal.

— Are you sure? (Vincent)

— Well, yeah.

We looked at each other for a moment, incredulous. He wasn't going to do that to Ky. It would be mean. But then, he would have asked for it.

— I dare you, to swim 20 laps in the school pool for me.

— Are you fucking kidding me?

— Yes, I love you too.

We all laughed because Vincent's accent was really funny. Ky looked like he was about to throw up. I couldn't help but look at Vincent. I wonder if he's interested in me...I wish he could see me like I see him. His hair curls on his head; he is irresistible.

— So, is anyone up for it? Or are you all just scared?

Sam was coughing at this point but no one volunteered.

— So I choose. John?

Johnson crosses his arms and stares at Vincent with a smile.

— I'm ready.

Vincent smiled and stepped forward to be closer to him. Johnson is pretty quiet, I guess the challenge will be to wear something completely ridiculous or yell something super embarrassing in class. And then I was wondering what John's wish would be...

— See that girl over there? (Vincent)

He turned to point to a very cute girl with long brown hair who was smiling at her friends. When she noticed they were looking at her, she blushed and pretended to not notice.

— I want you to take her to the middle of the cafeteria tomorrow and...

— Can I pick? (Sam)

— No, you can't. (Vincent had a bigger smile as he turned to Johnson) You're going to do this...

He came close to his ear and whispered something. John's eyebrows arched.

— You're a sick bastard, you know that?

Vince displays his beautiful white teeth. Johnson sighs and looks in another direction, full of anxiety.

— I'm already regretting it, he whispers.

— Well, who's next? (Vincent rubbing his hands together)

— I'm next! (Chelsea)

— We like courageous women, that's good. You must know Tony?

— The four-eyed guy in my philosophy class? Yeah, why?

— You're going out with him for three weeks, starting Monday morning.


— Yes, you are.

— You bastard.

He smiled with all his teeth and Chelsa made a face at him. He laughed and then looked at me, and I felt the butterflies taking over my body.

— Are you playing, Jess?

— Um...

Ky made a chicken noise while glancing at me.

— That's right. (Johnson)

— Come on, Jessie. (Chelsa winking at me)

— Okok.

— Fine. Jess, I dare you to seduce a guy.

— You're serious?

— I'll give you three months to get him to kiss you. If he does, you win.

— Oh, if that's all it takes, I don't need three months.

— Aren't you a little overconfident? (Sam)

— You eat your pasta.

— He's not just any guy. (Vincent)

— Your dad?

— LMAO (Sam)

— His dad's ugly, mine's better. (West)

— He's literally 5'4 but ok. (Sam)

— You should stop looking for trouble and eat your pasta, don't forget that you are still growing. (West)

— Shut the fuck up (Sam)

— So? (Johnson)

— Dylan. (Vincent)

— Uh-oh. (West)

— She'll never make it. (Sam)

— BAHAHA . (Ky)

— She's going to kill herself before that happens. (Johnson)

— But why? Who is this Dylan?

— He's been known for being an ass, even to teachers. (Chelsa)

— Long story short, he's the coldest guy you'll ever meet. (Sam)

— I heard he has a dark past. (Johnson)

— Anyway, I'll give you a maximum of 3 months to find out who he is, get kissed, capich? (Vincent)

— I should be able to do it.

— Great.

He winked at me and I felt my cheeks flush immediately. I wonder if I would dare ask him out. You could say it was kind of my wish, but I really don't know if what I feel is mutual.

— What about us? (West pointing at Sam and himself)

— (Vincent turned to them and laughed) For you, I have something special in store.

— My wish is already made, I tell you. (Sam)

— My dear friend, can you dance?

Vincent raised his eyebrows to provoke them while Sam bit his fist and West looked impatient.

— You will perform a slow in the middle of the hallway when I put on the indicated music. (Vincent couldn't help but laugh, as did the others and Chelsa fell off her seat).

— But it's not fair to me, you know Sam dances like a frozen cardboard box (West)

— You literally move like a raw spaghetti (Sam turned to a laughing Vincent) You'll see.

— Oh I can't wait to see it (Chelsa and I were dying laughing)

The bell rang but we had barely touched our food. People were still looking at us with envy. They really think we're snobby and shallow when we're just like everyone else; maybe a little better looking and a little richer, but that's all.

Sometimes I get hateful looks, but I don't pay attention to it, same for others. We got used to it.

Chelsa would leave with Ky and Johnson, with whom she had math, Sam would leave for his literature class with West, who vomited in disgust at the name Victor Hugo.

That left Vincent and I and that was probably the best part of the day.

— You coming in?

— Yeah.

I followed him and we walked while the others looked at us like we were from a special planet. We'd split up to get our stuff and head to our chemistry class. Personally I can tolerate it but Vincent says it gives him zits.

We arrive and sit in the middle, as we always do; he's always on my right by the window.

— How can DNA or that kind of thing be interesting? (Vincent puking)

— If you pay attention, you'll see that it's not so bad.

Says the girl who only follows every other day.

— There are much more interesting things in life...

He looked at me with his eyebrows dancing and I rolled my eyes. That's all guys think about.

— You disgust me sometimes.

— Literally one of my reasons to live, Jess.

I blushed when I heard my name. I'll probably never get used to it.

— Hey. (Vincent whispering)

He hands me a piece of paper folded in half. I quickly take it before the teacher closes the classroom door and quietly open it.

"The guy on your left is Dylan"

I reply to him on the sheet...

"you are going to regret giving me a wish"

I gave him back the sheet and when he read it, I could see his smile. He looked up at me and I looked away so he wouldn't see my face. As I turned around, I finally saw the famous Dylan.

He was nothing special; his dark brown hair was all tangled up on his head and he looked too serious for my taste. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and his glasses made him look like the perfect freshman.

— What are you staring at?

He had whispered this sentence without looking at me, that's why I was startled. I could feel Vincent's gaze on me.

— Nothing. I like your eyes.

And I wasn't lying; his light brown eyes were beautiful. That was probably the thing that stood out the most about him.

— Hm.

— What?

He finally turned to me and I got a closer look at his eyes; they were really beautiful, especially with the sun shining on them. And his hair too.

His gaze was really heavy and his smile was gone. For a second, I thought I couldn't talk anymore.

— I'm not lying. Your eyes are beautiful.

He ignored me for the rest of the class, although sometimes he realized I was looking at him. He looked so serious.

I suddenly wonder if I will be able to take Vincent's challenge...

— Miss Wilson (me)?

— Uh, yes?

— Can you answer the question? (Teacher's voice)

— Hmm, can I?

Suddenly, Dylan raised his hand and the teacher looked at him with wide eyes.

— Mr. O'Brien?! Do you want to answer?

— Yes, I do. In eukaryotic cells, the chromosomes are found in the nucleus. In prokaryotic cells, they are in the nuclei.

—That is correct. I congratulate you.

The teacher resumes his lecture on genes while Dylan resumes his notes.

I wonder if he had answered the question to save me or just like that? I wonder if he is really devoid of emotions...

So he's really the stereotypical nerd who is repulsed by social interactions. The perfect geek. Oh well, this might be fun.