
Chapter 1.

Zeldah opened her eyes slowly as the morning rays of the sun reflected on her perfect skin,she rubbed her eyes as her blurry vision cleared. Feeling a cold hand on her wrist as if to check her pulse,she scanned the area trying to figure out where she was.

" She's awake" The doctor said beaming with happiness.

"What happened?? where am I?"she questioned weakly

"A hit and run car ran you over,the police are on the case already,you would be discharged tomorrow okay?" The doctor calmly replied and told her to get some rest.

Zeldah glanced through the room hoping to see her father or sister,Bianca but they weren't there. Not surprised by this,she sighed deeply wondering why her father resented her so much.

Zeldah and her twin sister were born to Lucian,an influential politician. Zeldah, always neglected by her father,grew up to become a bully and rebel In high school, she was the most feared at school. She and Bianca,were nothing alike, people seldom knew they were twin sisters.Bianca was the cheerleading captain of their school,a popular model, she was pretty with long blonde hair and blue eyes with several guys dying to have her attention.

Unlike her sister,breaking the school rules was Zeldah's favourite thing to do, which of course would annoy her father and she would end up being grounded for weeks and even months. She was always alone,her only companion was her best friend,Zann.

Still wallowing in thoughts, she remembered she was to go for a movie audition the day before with Zann.

"Holy crap!" she muttered to herself. That was the only chance she had to stardom and also the chance she had to finally confess her feelings to her best friend. Quickly, she asked for a phone from one of the nurses and frantically dialed his number,but he didn't pick up, she sent him a voicemail and hoped he replied soon.


Hudson woke up to a splash of cold water on his head,he hurriedly got up in fright.

" Your scholarship appointment is today idiot",a short teenage girl still dressed in her pyjamas said as she threw the bucket at him.

" What did you just do, dwarfina " Hudson added angrily

"I hate that name!!!!" the girl said before hitting Hudson

A woman appeared at the corner of the room giggling.

" Cheryl, that's enough, that's enough and you Hudson, you're getting late,chop chop ,start preparing. If I were a stranger I'd doubt you were siblings,how long are you going to keep fighting" Their mom asked

" When she grows tall mom" Hudson said with a towel around his neck grinning ear to ear

"You!!!" Cheryl said as she chased after him while their mom laughed.

Hudson was a young 19 year old guy,he was mostly adored for his aesthetically pleasing face. He wasn't a model but should have been as people said.

He was light skinned, trimly built with well groomed dark brown hair and enthralling champagne brown eyes with equino-black eyebrow and jaw that was abdurate and gritty affixed to his unfathomable and mesmerizing face.

He had to quickly apply for an ongoing scholarship at the most prestigious college in the country,his mother wouldn't be able to afford sending him to college and only a scholarship could help him.

Things had been hard since the passing of his father in a car accident, his mother spent all she had paying for the destroyed car owned by a millionaire who didn't care that his driver had just died.

Ever since,he took it upon him self to take care of his mother and sister from working in a cafe to security jobs.

Hudson was dressed in simple black pants and a faded t-shirt .He hurriedly prayed and had his breakfast.

Hudson rushed to the bus stop to catch a bus checking his wrist watch from time to time.

(Minutes later)

Hudson took a deep breath as he got down from the bus.He gasped at the height of the building ,he never imagined it so big.

He was still lost in the beauty of the school when a voice brought him back to reality.

"Get out of my way."A voice coldly said to him, he slowly clenched his fists and swore he'd put whoever it was in his/her place but he was star strucked to see a well pretty girl in front of him.

She had bandages on her fore head and a small stich at the side of her neck,she was dressed in a dark body con outfit and revealing her curvilinear waist, her hair was a long moon-shadow  black hair and it plunged beautifully over her small shoulders , he couldn't help but stare at her calamine pink lips, and her attractive burnished complexion,her enticing constellation brown eyes gazed at him sternly ....

She took a step closer cleared her throat, and whispered for him to move out of her way.

" You need to stop zoning in and out of your consciousness dude,get out of my way" she said, poking his chest.

" I..I um ma'am"

" The names Zee, Zeldah"

" Um,I'm Hudson,I'm sorry zee,I'm here to I'm register, sorry I.., you're beautiful, the school is beautiful! I totally meant the school! Not you,I don't mean you're ugly...but Yes the school,it's beautiful the school,it's  beautiful right? " Hudson said stuttering anxiously has he struggled to hold the books in his hands.

"Did you just call me ugly!"

" No...i ..I"

" Wait,you mentioned registering ,Oh!you must be here for the janitor whatever job,you should be, it must be you,I mean... well I'm sorry It's occupied Mr sweaty pants"she replied,her hands now akimbo.

"What?! I mean,am I that badly dressed? I'm here to register for the schools scholarship program,do I look like a janit..! Agh! You know what!, I'm running late,I'll see you around."Hudson said and turned to leave.

"Why does it have to always be the pretty ones with the runniest mouth ",he muttered to himself.

He immediately rushed into the schools lift, constantly checking the time.

He however found the right office after taking several lifts and knocked gently.

"Come in" a voice said from within.He quickly hurried in shaking like crazy.

"I'm here to get the ...the scholarship form... ma'am"

"It's Mrs Alex"

"Mrs....Mrs Alex...

"Here, make a transfer of 100 dollars to the account here" she said handing him a paper not raising her head to look at him.

"Hund..hundred dollars!!!!"he exclaimed.

"The form would be finished soon"

" I have just 39 dollars right here with me,You need to help me, please I really need this scholarship"

" Mr?"

" Hudson, Hudson"

" I can't do much,but I'll help you,I'll save one form for you,you have less than a month to pay up or I give it to someone else" she said finally raising her head.

Hudson exhaled deeply with relief, he stretched his hands out to shake her but she nodded her head in declination.

He  proceeded to thank her repeatedly and promised he would be back soon.