
The Peerless King of Necromancers

Adam was sentenced to die for crimes he did not commit. He was ecstatic after being asked to join his friend’s global company as CEO two months ago, and gave all he had to prepare to lead the company to even greater heights. But he was stunned when he was summoned to court to answer for the numerous crimes the company committed from fifteen years ago. The situation was made worse when he was pronounced guilty after a very short, ten-minute private court session and sentenced to death! Adam was sent to the Reincarnation Center of the Lower Heavens, where he accidentally received an overdose of [Supreme Good Luck]. His luck instantly took effect, and he was transmigrated into a chaotic Black Dragon World with a strange ability to devour spirits of the dead. Filled with golden opportunities for him to power up, the Black Dragon World would be the first step in his long journey back to Earth for revenge. Witness him completely defy even the Gods to enter the immortal halls of ultimate power! Revenge... Would be sweet indeed.

SecondLittlePig · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Demons vs Dragons

I opened my eyes to a heart-pounding scene.

I was a spirit of sorts, floating atop a massive, awe-inspiring fortress manned by draconic warriors in human form, besieged from all sides by a horrific demon horde.

"This must be the Black Dragon World." I thought to myself as I surveyed the vast armies arrayed against each other. "What a mess! What's this, Dragons versus Demons? And what is with that incredible fortress design?"

It was the first thing that struck me. Bar none, it was the most formidable fortress I had ever seen..

There were fifty layers of walls, with each inner wall just a couple meters taller than the one in front of it, shrewdly placed ten meters apart. A quick glance from my vantage point told me that there were absolutely no entrances. Just rings of solid walls around a massive structure with five tall towers.

It was the ultimate nightmare for any land-based force trying to take down the fortress.

At that moment, mighty dragons of all five colors were flying out of the five gigantic towers in perfect coordination. They landed on the massive walls, transformed into their human forms and arranged themselves by the ramparts, eyes coldly gazing out towards the shrieking demon horde clawing their way up the first outer wall.

Swirls of energy covered each and every draconic warrior, denoting their mastery of the elements. The very atmosphere crackled with power in response to the summons of so many arcane masters. Wind, lightning, water and ice thickened the sky, while the ground rumbled as fire, wood, iron and rock came to be.

The battle with the demons ahead of them would not be fought with merely brute force. They would marshal the very fabric of nature to fight alongside them. They were, after all, the Chromatic Dragon Empire, the rightful rulers of the planet.

Thick, near-impenetrable natural scaled armor in chromatic colors covered their bodies. Black, Red, Blue, Green and White, they made for a sight straight out of a child's fantasy book.

However, there was nothing childlike about the murderous aura that raged around them. These were all dragons with their wraths fully ignited, and they all stood ready to do one thing, and one thing only. Deal death to their enemies.

And what an enemy they faced.

Individually, there was nothing impressive about the clawed and grotesquely ugly demons that surrounded the black fortress. Thin, six limbed and double horned, standing at a mere 1.5 meters tall, each draconic warrior could slay a thousand of them easily. The gathering of 30,000 powerful draconic warriors could face a few million at one go, and would still have enough time to wash before dinner.

But unfortunately, there were more than a few million of them at that moment.

Much, much more.

Four massive portals the size of an entire mountain range each had opened up in the four cardinal directions close to a hundred kilometers away.

And from the fortress all the way to the portals, was an unbroken ocean of demons, with more pouring out of the portals every single second. There were billions of the demons, maybe even trillions.

And as powerful as the draconic warriors were, even they could barely find the courage to hope for survival against such mind boggling numbers.

"Steady." Came a calm and very deep reptilian voice from high above the draconic warriors.

Like a palpable wave of power washing over them, I could see every single draconic warrior stand just a little bit straighter, and the swirl of energy around them swirl just a little bit faster.

It was as though they just remembered who was on their side, and their remembrance of him brought a measure of peace and confidence.

I flicked my eyes upwards to look at the source of the voice, and was stunned.

It was a glorious and massive red dragon standing proudly upon the top battlement of the central and highest tower of the fortress.

A gale of pure energy billowed around it, and I instantly knew that this red dragon was the key to the battle's outcome. If there was even the tiniest sliver of chance that the dragons win the upcoming battle, it would be by the claws and the arcane might of this indomitable Red Dragon Highlord.

It was so powerful that even in my spirit form, I could feel a primal pressure falling upon me as I beheld him, urging me to either flee or fall on my knees in abject worship.

"Their invasion of our world begins and ends right here." His majestic voice rolled out in all directions and reignited the fires of confidence which were burning low in the hearts of his draconic warriors.

"We will grind these demons to the ground. Our claws will rip them all apart. Our magic will sunder their very fabric of being. And after we have wiped out each and every single one of these pests, I will lead you all into their damned portal, and crush the head of their Demon Highlord! He will rue the day he ever thought about attacking us!


"H U R R R A A A A A A A H H H H ! ! !"

A resounding roar thundered from the draconic warriors as their battlefury rose to a crescendo.

But at that moment, right at the peak of their battle cry, a cold chill suddenly emanated from the Northern Demonic Portal. A mournful aura of death spread outwards with blinding speed and began to permeate the atmosphere.


Draconic hearts which were fired up in zeal were suddenly gripped by a crippling sorrow so deep, so intense that many began to fight back their tears.

As quickly as it began, their passionate draconic battlecry dried up completely, leaving behind the ungodly shrieks of the demons.

However, as the seconds passed by, the deathly chill intensified with heart stopping power, and even the demons ceased their howling.

Every living being upon the land, dragons and demons alike, swiveled their heads to look at the Northern Demonic Portal which had started to radiate purple rays of light.

Gracefully, elegantly, and horrifically, a demonified black dragon flew out of the portal.

Fearsome purple runes glowed all over her sleek black scales and her resplendent horns. With her presence upon the land, the mournful aura intensified even further, causing a few of the weaker draconic warriors to start sobbing outright in sorrow.

At the sight of their Mistress, the demons cowered and remained deathly still.

The fact that billions of demons all had the same terrified reaction towards her appearance spoke volumes about the brutality she must have inflicted upon their kind back in their world.

She was a demon in the truest and most ruthless sense of the word. And apparently, she was no stranger as well.

"Kitiara." The Red Dragon Highlord could not hold back his surprise.

"Kitiara??" The Black Dragon Highlord standing upon the Northern Battlements snarled in recognition and unbridled fury. "TRAITOR!!"

A murmur of shock and anger rippled across the highly disciplined draconic warriors as well.

Demon Highlord Kitiara flew wordlessly towards the black fortress. However as she did so, an aura of hatred and bloodthirst blossomed from within her and overflowed into her surroundings.

Like a clear clarion call to attack, the billions of cowering demons sensed the hatred and bloodthirst, and exploded into a frenzy once more. Howling their incomprehensible shrieks, they charged up the sheer walls of the black fortress with wild abandon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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