
Nourishment Corpse

Editor: Larbre Studio

"Otherworldly races?" Lei Heng looked into Wei Wushuang's eyes and asked solemnly. Wu Weishuang nodded his head slightly. He walked to Lei Kun's corpse and looked at the black blood on the ground. In a heavy voice, he sighed: "Lei Kun was not resurrected from death, but was used by the Black Blood Clan. They were planning to raise him as a nourishment corpse, to be used as vitamins for themselves."

"Teacher, could it be that there are other races besides the human race?" Lin Qian had hastily rushed forward when he heard Wei Wushuang's words.

Seeing the immense curiosity, Wei Wushuang nodded and pointed at the pool of blood on the ground, "After hearing Lei Qian's description, there was this foreboding in my heart. When I saw this, I could be absolutely sure, this is the handiwork of the Black Blood Clan."

"As their name suggests, the Black Blood Clan has jet black blood flowing through their veins. This Clan has an especially ominous ability. When they inject their blood into a corpse's heart, they can manipulate the body using a secret technique that is passed down within the Clan."

"With that body they control, they hunt for victims of the same race, forcing the corpse into cannibalism, eating their clansmen hearts and drinking the blood. By doing so, they can rejuvenate corpse life."

"Using the black blood, they will raise the Nourishment Corpse. Not only can they use the corpse as a weapon to battle with just their minds, they even serve as nourishment for the Black Blood Clan cultivation."

"However, there's a certain difficulty in this technique. The corpse has to be intact. Not only that, the stronger the cultivation of the corpse, the better the nourishment effects. As such, the Black Blood Clan has the tendency to rob other races and clans of their dead."

"That's how they earned their infamous name, the Gravediggers!"

Hearing the explanation, Lin Qian looked in bewilderment at the corpse on the ground. Deep in thought, his brows furrowed, "Teacher, when you say serve as nourishment, how does that work?"

"The Black Blood Clan eats the corpse."

Lin Qian's face grimaced, and he shook his head vigorously. "How could it be? I can't believe that in this world, such a disgusting race exists!!"

"The Black Blood Clan is indeed an unpleasant race. The nourishment corpses made from the dead are powerful and strong. But they have a fatal weak point. The heart." Wei Wushuang said, reaching for Lei Kun's body on the ground. "Uncle Lei Heng, I trust that you will not blame my apprentice for the hole in your grandson?"

Waving his hands, Lei Heng shook his head and sighed heavily, "The old man would instead like to thank Lin Qian! Otherwise, my poor grandson's body would be eaten by this repulsive Black Blood Clan!"

"Linhai Province is a secluded region. but we are still in the core of the Human Race administration, why would the Black Blood Clan appear here?" Wei Wushuang muttered to himself as many thoughts churned in his mind.

Qin Wushuang swept his gaze across the area as his expression turned sullen, "Could it be, around our Universal Phenomenon Sect, such a repulsive race exists?"

"That hard to say, if someone acts on behalf of Black Blood Clan and goes around injecting the black blood into the hearts of the dead, the nourishment corpse could still be formed." Facing that possibility, Wei Wushuang could not be sure, "Just that, the creation of each Nourishment Corpse is not an absolute success."

"According to the rumours I heard when I was out exploring the world, the Black Blood Clan prepares many other materials when they create each Nourishment Corpse. All of it is done to increase the success rates of each Nourishment Corpse. When outsiders provide aid, the success rates are low."

As Qin Wushuang heard Wei Wushuang speculations, he muttered, "I think, Lei Kun, turning into a Nourishment Corpse is probably not the work of the Black Blood Clan."

"I suppose that this person who is helping the Black Blood Clan found no reaction after injecting black blood into Lei Kun's heart. At that point, he was ready to eliminate the traces."

"However, at the borders of the Universal Phenomenon Sect, disciples are regularly patrolling. Obviously, burning the body with fire was not an option. The best way he had was to bury it on the spot."

"Who knew, after so many days, Lei Kun's body actually succeeded."

Qin Wushuang's inference was slightly convincing, leaving a few of them nodding their heads.

Right at that moment, Lin Qian also spoke, "I developed a medicine. It will force the truth out of anyone who takes it. Lei Qian and I had learnt from the guard disciples..."

Hearing the story, Lei Heng was the one under the most shock. A few days back, he had personally interrogated the people. With Liu Ming as an alibi, he did not trust the guarding disciple.

Contrastingly, Qin Wushuang was more sceptical of Lin Qian's words, "This medicine, you made it?"

"Uncle, why is that not possible?"

"Within the Universal Phenomenon Sect, there isn't a single soul that does not know that you, Lin Qian, only have talents in cultivation. In all other aspects, you are an idiot amongst the idiots."

"In alchemy, you called pills useless, only useful in filling the stomach. With just this claim, you pissed all of the Alchemy Elders off. Till this day, they would even take a detour just to avoid seeing your rascal face."

"When you tried iron smithing, you set another record. According to Elder Qi, he had never met a disciple that could actually craft a Soul Equipment or Vitality Equipment that rejects any input of Soul Energy!"

"Spiritual Arrays were even more mind-blowing. An array to increase the density of Heaven and Earth Energy, to hasten the cultivation speed actually dropped the cultivation speed of a practitioner by 90%. Till now, Elder Fu still calls you the genius of the century."

"What's even funnier is that at alchemy, you set the pot in flames. At iron smithing, the furnace erupted. At array formation, the talismans exploded. In short, all you achieved was a constant explosion. Now, you are telling me that you crafted such a magical medicine? I, as your uncle, would never believe it even over my dead body!"

Lei Qian, who was next to him, had sudden enlightenment. He looked at Lin Qian and sniggered uncontrollably, "Boss, so you are the king of explosions of the Outer Sect!"

Wu Wushuang also laughed out loud. Looking back, when Lin Qian wanted to learn the techniques of alchemy and smithing, he always left cleanly every day. But when he returned, he would be black as ink.

Subsequently, all of the elders who taught niche skills prohibited Lin Qian from entering their lessons. Explosions after explosions in every class. They had had enough of his nonsense.

"....." His lips turned crooked as he watched his own teacher's brother mock him openly. If only he could swing a hard cross onto him now!

"Near Mt Ba City, there's a small ruin. Within it, there were many goodies. This potion is part of them!" Having left with no choice, he could only make up any form of excuse, patching up the story.

Despite the terrible excuse, Qin Wushuang chose to believe Lin Qian and the guarding disciple.

If Lei Kuo was indeed the culprit, it would be easy to understand why he did not bring the corpse and leave the area.

Being a Universal Phenomenon Sect disciple, Lei Kuo could not leave the mountain without notifying the Sect in advance. Of course, he could not bring Lei Kun's remains away.

"From my viewpoint, Lei Kuo probably colluded with Liu Ming to make a fool of this old man!" At that thought, molten rage burst from within Lei Heng as he roared, "Back to the Sect. I want to speak to Lei Kuo personally!"

"Uncle, interrogating Lei Kuo would be an impossible task." Laughing wryly, Qin Wushuang told Lei Heng.

Owned and looked at Qin Wushuang, befuddlement flushed his face "How so?"

"Lei Kuo is dead, he was killed by Lin Qian."

"What?" Lei Heng's eyes widened and glared at Lin Qian.

Lin Qian opened his hand innocently as he took several steps back "I didn't know that Lei Kuo had something to do with this fiasco. This idiot himself invited me to pierce a sword through his heart. He yelled really loudly. Seeing his immense urgency, it was difficult to refuse, and I had to free him from his difficulties. So I stabbed him. "

"Lei Kuo is dead, but there is still Liu Ming. Let's find a breakthrough from him." Wei Wushuang didn't know what else to do but laugh.