
The Pattena Heroes

Every 5,000 years, the celestial planets Platymus, Cantrus, Glarion, aligns in perfect harmony with their moon. This is a cosmic event of greatest power and potential. The evil Emperor Zalthar long long ago directed his archmage, Mordak, to forge a mystical disc - the Pattena that has the ability to absorb the combined energy of these celestial bodies. Legend foretold that whosoever used the Pattena during the alignment can either dominate or destroy the celestial realms. Five millennia ago, a coalition of heroes - the Planon Alliance - shattered the Pattena and stopped Zalthar's insidious scheme. The disc fragments were scattered across the planets and peace ensued for generations. However, Mordak’s agents have now diligently collected the hidden fragments and are much closer to restoring the dreaded artefact. It is up to five heroes - Kael, a skilled warrior with his own tragic past; Elara, a cunning rogue and a master thief; Zephyr, a charismatic bard with his own secrets; Thorne, a lone ranger with natural abilities; and Lyra, a young and inexperienced but gifted mage - to unite and prevent the Zalthar and Mordak from achieving their dark ambitions as the time of the alignment once more draws near. They must journey on across treacherous landscapes and enemy territory to locate the remaining disc fragments and learn more about their ancestors’ legacy. Failure is not an option for it would spell doom for all life as they know it.

gabobian · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Chapter 14 Stay vigilant and trust no one!

"First get some needed rest. Then we'll get you your supplies and provide you with answers." Captain Mira gestured to her team and they went into the makeshift camp. The heroes clustered around Captain Mira as the team brought out supplies for them.

The captain started to report recent events to the heroes with a grim expression. 

"Not long after Elanon discovered the Lunarceptor - a device that Mordak wishes to use to reflect and direct lunar power to the realms, he was attacked by a Dark Enchanter named Varrick." She began in a steady but sombre voice.

"He injured Elanon - even though he managed to survive - and stole the Lunarceptor. The Planon Alliance has subsequently been cleaning house. Several moles have been discovered and removed from our ranks." She continued.

The expression of the Alliance Heroes became grave when they heard about Elanon's injury but it was about to worsen as Captain Mira continued briefing them. 

"Investigations are still on-going but Elanon instructs that you should not trust anyone. Gareth, your earlier guide was implicated. You should therefore proceed with caution because the situation is dire." 

Anger blazed in Elara's eyes and Kael clenched his fists. "The infiltration must have been quite deep for Varrick to have known about the Lunarceptor so soon." 

Mira allowed a moment to pass as they contemplated the report. Then she continued.``Elanon has mobilised his son, Aelarion to help track Varrick. We are not sure if he will agree though because he fell out with the Alliance a while back. However, all hope is not lost.``

Zephyr nodded. "We'll try to be more cautious. What about the supplies? I'm famished."

Mira's team began to distribute packaged meals, weapons, and magical items to the Alliance heroes. "These supplies should last you a while. Stay vigilant and trust no one." 

Equipped with fresh supplies and intel, Kael and his companions resumed their quest. The support of the Alliance did a lot to boost their morale and they further resolved to press on even if danger lay ahead.

The false trail

Loose rocks and narrow ledges littered their path as the heroes resumed their ascent into the Catalonia mountains. Again, they got close to the area designated on their map to be the location of the sixth fragment. 

The wind howling through the mountains generated the only sound that broke the silence. They were in a desolate plateau that was surrounded by various towering cliffs. In the lead, Thorne gave the area another scan and muttered to the others.

"I feel that something's not right here."

"I agree," Kael nodded and continued. "Let's carefully search the area for the supposed fragment. Be prepared for anything."

They fanned out and began their search, looking for signs of the fragment. But they found nothing to show for their efforts. "What could be wrong?" Lyra wondered aloud. "This is the area designated in the map."

The realisation came home to them after a while. This must be a false trail and there was no fragment here. This must also be a trap. The Alliance Heroes began to fan out.

At that moment, the ground suddenly erupted with dark energy. Devon, Seline, and their dark forces suddenly surrounded them. It was a perfect ambush.

"Welcome, Welcome," Seline clapped sarcastically, her voice dripping with malice. "Thank you for falling nicely into our trap." Devon was characteristically silent with cold and calculating eyes.

The reverse ambush

Lyra's mind was racing as the dark forces closed in but Thorne smiled slightly and Elara yelled. "Form up everyone! Just like we planned earlier."

The Alliance Heroes came together in a defensive circle. Kael activated his legacy ring and a green barrier shimmering with energy formed up. The legacy tokens of the others also glowed with protective light. Kael's Luptarus blade gleamed with energy as he took a step forward to lead the counterattack. 

"Do it now!" Kael commanded.

Through their recent trials, the Alliance Heroes had learnt to be more coordinated and united. They unleashed their combined power in a strategic move. Kael's shield worked to deflect incoming attacks as Thorne's arrows led the way with deadly accuracy. He also infused explosive lightning spells at the tips of the arrows. Elara moved with hypnotising speed, her cloak blending with the shadows, her daggers finding their mark with blinding speed and lethal precision. 

Zephyr also played a distracting tune underlaid with a calming one. The first tune targeting the dark forces and the second calming and focusing his allies. Lyra's magic also flared brilliantly. Her staff created a barrier that pushed back the attacking dark forces while strategically sending bright fire spells. 

There was a fierce intensity in the fight of the Alliance Heroes this time and they were able to turn the advantage to their side. It no longer looked like an ambush but like a successful reverse ambush. Devon, Seline, and their dark forces were caught off guard by the stiff opposition and they could not cope with the resilience and strategy of the Alliance Heroes.

In the heat of the battle, Thorne looked at Lyra and she nodded in understanding. Thorne notched an arrow and concentrated as he aimed at Seline in the distance. He was seeking a clear shot. Lyra chanted a special spell that merged with the explosive lightning spell that Thorne infused on the tip of the notched arrow. Thorne instinctively let fly when he saw a brief clear line of sight. 

At this moment, Seline had a snarl on her face as she could see the ambush was not going well. "You fools!" she chided her forces. "You can't do anything well." She turned and saw the arrow but it was already too close for her to react. 

She was wearing her dark armour that had defensive spells but it proved to be no match for the offensive combination of the arrow, its infused lightning spell, and Lyra's explosive fire spell. Seline was lifted off her feet in the explosion that occurred upon the arrow making contact with her chest. The faces of the dark forces were filled with horror as they scattered away from the explosion. By the time Devon had walked up to Seline, she was completely unconscious. Her armour was tattered and virtually gone and there was blood on her bosom and her face. However, Devon's experienced gaze could see the slight rise and fall of her chest indicating that although Seline was grievously injured, she was still hanging on to life. 

Kael gazed into the distance and rallied his team mates. "We can do this! Continue the attack!" his voice was filled with determination.

Devon tried to regroup his forces but it was clear that their dark magic was no match for the combined attack of the Heroes. Their relentless assault and the chaos left them no time to recover. 

However, Devon did not give up. He rallied the group of dark enchanters and arcane warriors remaining and started to give an organised response.

Whispers of the dark artefact

In the heat of the battle, an unexpected consequence of the increased aura of dark magic in the vicinity occurred. Within a hidden cavern, deep within the mountains, a dark artefact woke up from slumber. For thousands of years, it had slept but the taint of dark magic that it sensed in the mountainous air woke it up. 

This was a dark artefact that Dark Emperor Zalthar imbued with his own essence and gifted to a prominent leader amongst Mordak's minions five millennia ago. The Alliance Heroes dispatched this minion even though his dark powers were immense and the dark artefact in the form of a small obsidian amulet was lost. Landscape formations down the many years have altered the features of this landmass and the gradual passing of time has led to the amulet going into slumber and it was all but forgotten within the mountains of Catalonia.

As the battle continued in the mountains, the air became thick with the scent of ancient magic, both light and dark. Elara continued to wield her daggers and use her enchanted cloak. But do not forget, the cloak used the mysterious advantage of shadowy pathways, allowing Elara to move with all speed between areas as if she was teleporting. The microsecond that she spent in the shadows between two areas was enough for the dark artefact. 

It was able to assess her and take advantage of her unconsciously roguish and rebellious nature. It seized upon this strand of dark element and whispered into the shadows, targeting her fleeting outline.

As Elara flitted here and there, faint whispers began calling to her from the shadows, offering power and secrets untold. 

Within the microsecond that Elara spent in the shadows, intent upon yet another dark force agent, she felt drawn to an unseen force. The force whispered to her and she could not but feel attracted to this mysterious force. Almost quite forgetting her initial intent, she trod upon the shadowy pathway that led to the hidden cavern, deep in the mountains.

Without knowing it, and unbeknownst to her companions, Elara was separated from the group.