

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 5: The Trial of the Snake

Yun returned home, clutching the Immortal Spirit Secret Record and Elder Liu's teachings. Longing for the path of Immortal Cultivation, he awaited the nightfall with a determined glint in his eyes, seated before the window, the ancient tome held tightly.

At the crack of dawn, Yun embarked on his journey once more, following the guidance of the Immortal Spirit Mysteries to the Snake Valley north of town. A desolate expanse shrouded in mist, it was said to be infested with serpent spirits, rarely traversed by mortals.

Standing at the valley's mouth, Yun steeled himself and plunged into its depths. The air was thick with moisture and earthy scents, the canopy casting a gloomy pallor.

Navigating cautiously, Yun remained alert, ears attuned to the slightest rustle. A colorful serpent emerged, its sinuous form gliding towards him.

Meeting its gaze, Yun stood firm, recalling the trials recounted in the Immortal Spirit Secret Record. Only by passing such trials could he earn the spirit's recognition and access deeper cultivation techniques.

Locking eyes with the serpent, Yun exuded determination. Sensing his resolve, the creature relented, leading him deeper into the valley.

As they journeyed, mist thickened, obscuring vision. Yet Yun's senses sharpened, attuning to the ambient energy.

At the valley's heart lay a clearing, its centerpiece a majestic serpent, its golden scales shimmering.

Yun bowed respectfully. "Honorable Snake Spirit, I seek trial."

The creature regarded him, its gaze approving. "Your courage and wisdom merit recognition. Prepare for your trial."

Anticipation surged as Yun readied himself.

The serpent's tail stirred, conjuring a whirlpool within the pool. "Enter the vortex, confront your fears, and emerge victorious."

Without hesitation, Yun plunged into the vortex, transcending into a realm of light and shadow. Amidst swirling hues, he confronted his deepest fears—fear of failure, of solitude, of the unknown.

With each challenge faced, the vortex's chaotic colors softened, its whirls slowing. Yun's resolve strengthened, his mastery over the vortex growing.

Finally, a resonance formed between Yun and the vortex. Empowered, he emerged from the trial, bathed in golden light.

The Snake Spirit bestowed its power upon him, merging their energies as one.

Standing by the water's edge, Yun exuded newfound strength, gratitude in his heart for the serpent's guidance.

As the spirit faded into ether, Yun clenched his fists, brimming with confidence. His journey to Immortal Cultivation had only just begun, yet he knew, armed with newfound power and resolve, he was destined for greatness.

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