

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 44: The Serpent's Vengeance

The victory over the foreign predator echoed through the valley, and Yun and Lingshan's legend grew. Yet, they knew peace was a fragile state, and vigilance was their constant companion. As they continued their duties, word of a new conflict reached them—a conflict that would test their resolve and strength.

The Serpent Clan, renowned for their wisdom and deep connection to the earth, had been wronged. A rival faction, envious of the Serpent Clan's power and influence, sought to undermine them. They unleashed a venomous campaign of deceit and manipulation, aiming to tarnish the clan's reputation and claim their territory.

Recognizing the threat to the valley's harmony, Yun and Lingshan set out to assist the Serpent Clan. They traveled to the heart of the mountains, where the serpents made their home, a series of caverns and tunnels that mirrored the complexity of their minds.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the Serpent Clan's elder, a majestic figure with scales that shimmered like precious stones. "Our clan faces a venomous wind of lies and treachery," the elder confided. "We need your help to clear the air and restore the truth."

Yun, ever the strategist, considered the situation. "What is the source of these lies? Who is behind this campaign against your clan?"

The elder described a rival faction that had long sought to diminish the Serpent Clan's power. They were cunning and relentless, using every means at their disposal to spread their poison.

Lingshan, with her deep intuition, sensed the situation was more dire than it seemed. "This is not just a battle of words," she said. "It is a battle for the soul of the valley. We must act with both wisdom and swiftness."

Together with the Serpent Clan, Yun and Lingshan devised a plan to expose the rival faction's deceit and reveal their true intentions. They would use the ancient knowledge they had acquired and the power of the guardian spirits to unmask the faction and protect the Serpent Clan.

As they set their plan in motion, Yun and Lingshan found themselves in a delicate dance of shadows and light. They moved through the valley, gathering evidence and turning the whispers of doubt against the rival faction. Every move was calculated, every word a carefully placed piece on the board of this grand strategy.

The rival faction, sensing the tide turning against them, made a desperate play. They sought to strike at the heart of the Serpent Clan, aiming to weaken their spirit and break their will. But Yun and Lingshan were prepared. They had foreseen this move and set a trap of their own.

In the dead of night, as the rival faction crept towards the Serpent Clan's stronghold, Yun and Lingshan sprang their trap. A net of spiritual energy, woven from the very essence of the valley, enveloped the faction, binding them in truth and justice.

The elder of the Serpent Clan, witnessing the capture of the rival faction, expressed their gratitude. "You have not only saved our clan but also preserved the integrity of our valley. Your names will be etched in the annals of our history."

With the rival faction's plot foiled and the Serpent Clan's honor restored, Yun and Lingshan felt a deep sense of satisfaction. They had protected the valley's harmony and ensured the continued wisdom of the Serpent Clan.

As they prepared to leave, the Serpent Clan elder presented them with a gift—a pendant made from a scale of the guardian serpent, imbued with the essence of wisdom and protection. "Wear this as a symbol of our gratitude and the bond we share," the elder said.

Yun and Lingshan accepted the gift, their connection to the Serpent Clan and the valley's inhabitants stronger than ever. They continued on their path, guardians of the valley, protectors of truth, and bearers of the wisdom that would guide them through the challenges ahead.