

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 38: The Guardian of the White Willow

After settling the turmoil within the Fox Clan, Yun and Lingshan gained renown as the defenders of balance far and wide. But their odyssey was far from finished, as the realm of cultivation was ever-shifting, presenting new trials at every turn.

Rumors swirled of a mysterious entity lurking near the White Willow, the very arboreal sentinel integral to their spiritual voyage. This enigmatic presence, not of earthly origin, cast doubt on its intentions. Sensing the looming peril, the valley's guardian spirits beckoned Yun and Lingshan to investigate.

With a sense of duty weighing heavy, the duo journeyed back to the hallowed grove where the White Willow reigned. Urgency tinged their steps, for the tree was not only a symbol of their oath but also a font of profound spiritual energy sustaining the valley.

Approaching the grove, they sensed a shift in the atmosphere. Once serene, the space crackled with an unearthly aura. Trees murmured secrets, and the ground pulsed with an unseen beat.

At the heart of the grove awaited an ethereal being—the Guardian of the White Willow. Radiating pure energy, it stood sentinel, entrusted with safeguarding the tree and upholding life's equilibrium.

"Yun, Lingshan," the Guardian intoned, its voice a symphony of rustling leaves. "You are summoned, for a celestial visitor has arrived, whose presence threatens our world's delicate equilibrium."

Yun and Lingshan exchanged a solemn glance. "What do you request of us, Guardian?" Yun queried, his voice unwavering.

"I beseech you to parley with this visitor," the Guardian responded. "Discern its motives, and if need be, implore its departure, unscathed."

With a nod of comprehension, Yun and Lingshan readied themselves for the encounter. Led by the Guardian, they approached a clearing where a luminous circle formed. From its midst materialized the celestial visitor.

The visitor defied earthly description—a humanoid form composed of glistening stardust, its eyes twin galaxies ablaze. Its presence inspired awe mingled with disquiet.

"Hail, guardians of the vale," the visitor greeted, its voice a celestial chorus. "From realms beyond, I come, in pursuit of enlightenment."

Lingshan, embodying wisdom, replied, "Your aura resonates deeply here, celestial wayfarer. What knowledge do you seek?"

Fixing its gaze upon the White Willow, the visitor spoke reverently, "I crave the lore of this sacred tree, font of boundless power and sagacity."

Yun, cognizant of the White Willow's sanctity, treaded cautiously. "The tree's secrets are not easily divulged. What recompense do you offer for such enlightenment?"

The celestial visitor pondered Yun's query, then proffered a shimmering orb. "A boon from the celestial expanse—a shard of starlight that mends and unveils hidden truths."

Yun and Lingshan regarded the orb with intrigue tempered by wariness. Though its potential boon was evident, safeguarding the White Willow's mysteries took precedence.

After a beat of contemplation, Yun addressed the celestial visitor. "Your offer is generous, and we are grateful. Yet, the White Willow's secrets are not ours to barter. Respect our world's balance, and seek enlightenment elsewhere."

The celestial visitor acquiesced, its form dissolving as it prepared to depart for the heavens. "Your prudence and devotion to harmony are commendable. I shall heed your counsel and resume my cosmic voyage."

As the visitor faded, the orb remained—a token of celestial gratitude. Yun and Lingshan knew they had chosen wisely, preserving the White Willow's sanctity while forging an alliance with the celestial realms.

With the visitor's departure, the valley's guardians sighed in relief, and the earth found solace in its natural cadence. Beneath the White Willow, Yun and Lingshan stood, hearts brimming with renewed resolve and reverence.

Chapter Thirty-Eight concludes with Yun and Lingshan's encounter with the celestial visitor, showcasing their sagacity in safeguarding the White Willow's enigmas. It underscores the importance of wisdom, reverence for nature, and maintaining equilibrium—a prelude to their ongoing quest as stewards of harmony and balance.