

In ancient China, there were mysterious legends about the Five Immortals. They are fox (hu), weasel (yellow), hedgehog (white), snake (willow) and mouse (gray). Each creature has incredible magic power and wisdom. In a small border town, there lived an ordinary boy named Yun. His life changed drastically due to an unexpected encounter. From then on, he embarked on a wonderful road to enlightenment and immortality.

DaoistlKDs6Q · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 36: The Serpent's Deceit

With the White Willow's vow echoing in their hearts, Yun and Lingshan embarked on a fresh leg of their journey. The bestowed power acted as a beacon, guiding them toward a destiny as mysterious as it was grand. But the road ahead was no stroll in the park; whispers of deception began to snake their way into the picture.

Word on the wind spoke of a serpent's lair hidden deep within treacherous mountain ranges. This serpent supposedly guarded an ancient artifact capable of wielding the elements, posing a dire threat to the valley's harmony. Yun and Lingshan realized action was imperative; the balance they swore to uphold teetered on the edge.

Their trek to the mountains teemed with danger. The landscape was brutal, and the thinning air at higher altitudes made every step an ordeal. These mountains sheltered creatures unseen by human eyes for eons, and our duo faced trials that probed the depths of their souls.

During their ascent, they stumbled upon a cliffside village nestled amidst the peaks. Its inhabitants coexisted with nature, their homes melding into the mountain's embrace. The villagers greeted Yun and Lingshan warmly, sharing tales of the serpent and their mountain-bound existence.

The village elder, her eyes a wellspring of wisdom, spoke in hushed tones of the serpent's legend. "The Serpent of the Depths has stirred from its slumber," she murmured, her voice heavy with portent. "Its awakening heralds chaos and ruin."

Yun and Lingshan exchanged somber glances. They knew time was of the essence in reaching the serpent's lair. With the elder's guidance, they embarked on the final stretch towards the mountain's core, where the serpent's nest supposedly lay concealed.

The path grew perilous, with precipitous ledges and yawning chasms that defied the laws of nature. Yet, Yun and Lingshan traversed these trials with the poise of seasoned cultivators, their resolve unyielding.

As they drew closer to the lair, the ground trembled beneath their feet—a clear sign of the serpent's awakening. The air thickened with oppressive energy, and even the rocks seemed to groan beneath the serpent's might.

They entered the lair cautiously, senses alert as they navigated its labyrinthine passages. The air grew clammy, the darkness swallowing their every step.

Then, they beheld a sight that froze their blood: the serpent, coiled around a pulsating crystal, its scales shimmering with an otherworldly sheen. It was a being of immense power, its gaze sharp with intelligence. Yun and Lingshan knew they faced not just a beast, but a cunning adversary.

"Intruders," the serpent hissed, its voice reverberating through the cavern. "You dare to disturb my slumber. What brings you here?"

"We come to safeguard balance," Yun replied firmly. "The artifact in your possession threatens our world's harmony. We implore you to surrender it."

The serpent's laughter filled the chamber, sending shivers down their spines. "Balance? Harmony? Mere illusions! Power alone reigns supreme."

Lingshan stepped forward, her staff ablaze with ethereal light. "We cannot allow you to disrupt the balance. If you refuse to relinquish the artifact willingly, we'll take it by force."

The serpent's eyes narrowed, and it uncoiled its colossal form, towering over them like a titan. "Then let's see if you're worthy of claiming it."

What followed was a clash of titans. The serpent's agility was matched only by its cunning, its strikes as swift as lightning. Yun and Lingshan fought tooth and nail, their powers pitted against the serpent's dark sorcery.

The lair shook with each blow, the crystal at its heart pulsating with growing intensity. Yun and Lingshan knew they had to end the battle swiftly, lest the crystal unleash a cataclysm.

In a moment of clarity, Yun spotted an opening in the serpent's defenses. With a word to Lingshan, they synchronized their assault, merging their powers in a decisive strike that sent the serpent reeling.

Though weakened, the serpent refused to yield. Gathering its remaining strength, it launched a final, desperate attack. But Yun and Lingshan were ready. With a surge of the White Willow's might, they repelled the serpent's assault, sealing its defeat.

The artifact, now freed, hovered in the air, its energy pulsating with boundless potential. Yun and Lingshan approached it cautiously, mindful of the immense responsibility it carried.

As they laid hands upon the artifact, they felt its power surge through them—a testament to the vow they'd undertaken. They knew it must be returned to a place where its potency could be safely contained, studied, and understood.

With the serpent's deception laid bare and its power subdued, Yun and Lingshan departed the mountain, their journey leading them back to the valley with renewed purpose. Armed with the artifact and their vow, they embraced their roles as guardians of balance and custodians of harmony.