
The Path that I choose

Being born from one of the riches family, Josh Alexander have everything that he needs, money, car, woman, you name it. At the age of 25, he is already took his father's position as the ceo of the EXO. Living as a young bachelor, his been called as the Playboy Stand. Because of this, his father Alexander took initiative to arrange marriage for Josh with the woman who Alexander choose. Josh doesn't like what his father did but he couldn't disagree with it because Alexander told him that if he didn't get marry and produce an heir, Josh will lose his position as the ceo. Sarah an 18 year old girl whom have live a tough life, works as a cashier in a cafe shop. Few years ago, she had helps Alexander when he had an accident and she was there when it happen. Alexander thanked her if it weren't for her calling the ambulance, he would have die. They keep in contact after the incident. Their relationship is like a father and daughter. One day Alexander met her at her work place and ask her to help him. She agree to it when Alexander agree to pay off her father's debt if she marry his son. During their marriage, Josh never treated Sarah as his wife and bought different woman to their home. While Sarah, falls in love with him each and everyday even thought she knows that there is a big gap with her and Josh. But as times fly out their relationship got good and Josh started to develop feelings towards Sarah . But some misunderstanding leads their good marriage to divorce. Sarah got hurt for what Josh do to her during the misunderstanding relationship between her and her long lost brother and to add fuel in the fire, Emily whom have a crush for Josh have an evil plot against Sarah. Emily use this opportunity to get close to Josh and telling lies to him about Sarah and her brother having an affair and Josh fell for the lies that he heard. He started to treat Sarah the same way as he did, but this time he brings Emily into his house. Sarah whom had enough with Josh bad attitude towards her have finally make decision, she decided to give what Josh want. After she signed the divorce paper, she disappear without letting anyone knows. Mark, Sarah's brother starts a commotion at Josh's company and tell him that he and Sarah are blood related. He even shows the prove of them being siblings, he hated and blame Josh for Sarah's disappear. Josh feels guilty and try to search Sarah but got devastate finding out she left without a trace, one drunken night Josh got into an accident. During his operation, an angel show up in front of him and gives him a chance to show the impact of his decision towards his future. Given by the possibility to change his path, what path will he choose. Very2 slow update.

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50 Chs

Chapter 3: The First Meeting

Josh is sitting inside his office, busing himself with work paper. Then there's a knock at his door, "Enter". Yue, his secretary comes in and stood infont of his desk while holding a tablet. "Sir, you have a meeting with the company board member in about an hour. And this evening at 6pm, Mr. Alexander has already set you up a date at Empire Hotel, he said you should attend it". Josh stop at what he was working on, and look at his secretary, "A date? " "Yes sir, the one that Mr Alexander talk to you about a few days ago".

Yue knows about it, Mr. Alexander tell him about it, he is excited in telling him all about his arrangement for Josh. Well there is nothing wrong with it. As a secretary, Yue knows that it is common that among the elites rich people would have an arrangement marriage. It is not simple for them to marry common people, what the elite need is for them to straighten their power so in order to do that they needed to select a good marriage partner.

But to his surprise, the Big boss father have selected an ordinary woman to be Josh's wife, it seems that this is the first time he heard about an elite from rich people married to an ordinary woman. He wonder how will Josh react once he found out that his to be wife comes from an ordinary family. Well, we just have to see about that later.

Josh remember what his father had told him, it seems that his father have taken an fast act for him to meet the woman of his father's choice. He knows that this won't be easy but he has to do it. After he finish having a meeting with the board member, he went back to his office and started to work on something at his laptop, after finish typing he read it and and click 'print'.

While waiting he look at his wrist watch. The time already 5.30pm, he still have 30 minute to finish up his work and go meet the woman whom his father choose. After tidy up his desk, he goes out of his office. When he reach outside the company lobby, his driver was already park the maybach car. But when he reach near his drive, "There is no need for you to drive, I'll drive the car myself." His driver Mr. Gu without any further due, he just bow and said 'Yes, Young Master'.

Josh arrived in front of the Empire Hotel, he lets the bell boy park his car somewhere around the vip parking lot. He was walking towards the lobby where they had a nice cafe, there is a front desk beside the entrance. A waitress bow to him and said " Good afternoon sir, is there anything i could help you with?" The waitress couldn't not help but look into Josh, she admire that this man is the most beautiful man that she have ever seen. But Josh doesn't pay any attention to the waitress so he said with expressionless face" I have booked a table for two peson under the name Alexander. The waitress look at the computer and type his name and then she said "Right this way Mr.Alexander". The waitress shows where the table were booked, after Josh seat he ask for the waitress to get him a cup of cupaccino and so the waitress do her job.

While waiting, Josh took his phone and check his email. While doing that he suddenly hear a soft voice calling,

"Are you Mr. Josh.?"

Josh look up and saw a woman stand before him. Then she said again " My name is Sarah Yukohara and Mr. Alexander werethe one whom set told me about the blind date.". With expressionless face and a cold voice Josh said "Do take a seat Miss Sarah?"

Sarah took her seat in front of Josh and looking back at him while Josh also looks at her, evaluating what rate she is in his mind. A waitress comes and take Sarah order then she left to get the drink that Sarah has asked.

Without wasting any time, Josh started to asl some question and sarah answer it without hesitations. And he found out that Sarah has just started her college and work as a cashier in some unknown cafe shop. He thinks that Sarah couldn't lift up to his expectations to become his wife, he find it hard to accept the woman whom his father choose. This is ridiculous, how can father pick this woman.. No no not woman but a girl to become my wife. Look at her body, it hasn't been develop fully, this commener is not my thing said Josh in his mind.

After finishing the question and answer, suddenly Josh said with a sneer "What makes you think that your qualified to be my wife? I think you are still a little girl, look at your body. It haven't been develop fully. I mean it's okay if your not from a respected family if your body could satisfied me but you but can't. I dont even know why my father choose you when there is many woman that can come to me and I could choose any of them that even better than you to be come my wife."

After that he looks again at her, but all the girl in front of him just stay silent and watch at him without blinking. A fews minutes of silence between them, suddenly Josh feels more annoyed. Without waiting or say anything, he paid their drinks and walks away from there.