
Words of the Guardian

"No... No, the fact that I know these things makes a lot of difference. You won't kill me, for example."

Despite all the vines staring at him, controlled by Amar, Kael was not afraid.

Or rather, he made sure he wasn't afraid.

"I couldn't be sure before, but now I am certain. Your guardian is... dying, Amar. And I mean that in the most serious way possible."

He raised both hands in the air as the vines closed in on him step by step, taking a position completely open to attack. Yet his expression did not change one iota.

"It is constantly growing, constantly expanding. Yes, it benefits its environment. Yes, it protects the place from creatures. But it is also slowly killing itself."

One of the vines was right in front of his forehead at this moment. And... for some reason, even though it was a plant, it looked as sharp as a sword.