
The path of fate

Amelia a young woman living a quiet life, suddenly finds herself thrust into a world of mystery and intrigue when she receives a dangerous request from her dad to marry a stranger. not knowing that he is a cold-hearted Mafia boss who doesn't care about anyone. Luca a dangerous mafia boss and CEO of a successful company doesn't care about anyone After a terrible accident that happened that took away the life of his parents and only sister, he became a mysterious and dangerous devil. He thrust at full speed, making the bed below grunt "uh-huh! he shouted "enjoy it sweetie" he snarled seductively "or else he whispered frowning tracing a straight line across my throat-otherwise meaning or your dead. this novel involves lots of sex scene if you are not comfortable please skip.

Patrick_Perpetual · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs


It was the middle of the night and Amelia was sound asleep in her new home. She had only just arrived a few hours before and the events of the day had exhausted her. She didn't feel safe and secure in the large, luxurious bed. But then she heard a sound, it was faint but it was enough to make stir. She opened her eyes and sat up looking around the room, everything was still and quiet but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

And then she heard it again, the sound was coming from the door, someone was trying to open it. Amelia heart began to race, she didn't want anyone coming in, Amelia braced herself for what she might see, but nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her.

The handle turned again and she heard a soft click as the door swing open, a man came in, Amelia had no idea who this man was. She felt a sudden rush of fear, like a wave crashing over her, the man's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold and lifeless. She had no idea what to do. She was frozen in place her body trembling with fear.

Amelia felt a sudden rush of fear, she was afraid to move and every part of her body was trembling, she didn't know who was standing at the door or what he wanted. But the longer he stood there, the more she became aware of his physical features. He was tall and broad-shouldered with a strong, powerful built body. She didn't dare to meet his gaze so she stared at the floor hoping he would go away.

The man remained silent and Amelia's fear grew, she wanted to scream but she couldn't find her voice, instead she held her breath a d waited, hoping this was just a nightmare and she would wake up soon. But as the silence stretched on, she realized this man was no dream, the man was real and he was standing on her room without saying anything rather he was giving her a very dangerous look.