
The Sleepover

Getting down from the glist which had just stopped in front of Cat's house, Nikki, Sasha, Cat, Ayo and Louisa headed into the house after Cat paid for the glist with credits contributed by all five of them.

"Is Cassie home?" Nikki asked Cat as they stepped into the house.

"No." Cat answered. "She's having a sleepover at the house of one of her friends. She's going to be leaving for an academy soon so this is like her last chance to do it one last time."

"Good evening girls." Maggie said as she came down from the stairs and went into the living room.

"Good evening Aunt Maggie." the girls replied.

"I did as you all asked and had all the bags put in Catherine's room." Maggie said. "I also added an extra bed, just in case Catherine's bed wouldn't be enough. And I put everything you girls will eat in the refrigerator in Catherine's room."

"Thanks Aunt Maggie." Cat said.

"You see what I'm saying?" Nikki said as she walked towards Maggie then gave her a hug. "The best."

"Alright." Maggie said then stopped hugging Nikki. "Don't let me stop you girls from having a good time. Try to control the noise you will make. And don't stay up too late."

"Good night Aunt Maggie." all the girls said before they went up the spiral staircase and headed to Cat's room.

Shutting the door to Cat's room after everyone had gone in, Ayo asked Sasha "Sasha, is it in your bag?"

"Yes." Sasha answered then walked over to her bag to bring out something but was interrupted by Louisa.

"Do we really need to use it now?" Louisa asked. "Aunt Maggie could pass the door before going to bed and what will she think if she doesn't hear any sound coming from here?"

"She makes a good point." Nikki said. "Let's wait for a while before using it."

"Okay." Sasha said then turned to her bag and opened it. "I brought the horror movies."

"I got the romance movies." Nikki said while walking to her bag.

"Did anyone bring games or at least an idea of a game we can play?" Ayo asked. "We won't just watch movies while we're awake."

"I have an idea or two." Louisa said, sitting on one of the beds in Cat's room which is Cat's original bed. "But shouldn't we all take a shower before we start anything."

"There's no need for that, we don't have to bathe right now." Nikki said. "We can start with watching a horror movie or a romantic movie, then have our baths when we're about to go to bed. It's not like the bathroom is going anywhere, it's in the room with us."

"I agree with Nikki." Cat said. "We don't have to take a shower this instant."

"Okay." Louisa said then got up from the bed and grabbed her blanket before lying down on the floor in front of the sixty-five inch flat screen television and asking "Who's putting the movie?"

The floor was covered with an artificial grass rug so they could lie on it without the need to put something beneath them.

Walking forward, Nikki selected a movie from the few she was holding and put it into the player. "Are you guys cool with me turning on the air conditioner?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." Sasha answered with no objections from the others.

As Nikki turned on the air conditioner, Ayo went to the refrigerator with Cat and brought some snacks and drinks for everyone. Now ready to watch the movie without any disturbances, the girls laid down in front of the television and started the movie after Cat clapped twice to turn off the lights in the room.

When the girls had finished watching the movie for up to two hours, they all stretched and moved from the positions they were in.

"That was a very romantic movie." Ayo said.

"Yes it was." Cat concurred and clapped twice again which turned the lights back on. "The way the man didn't care about how the odds were against him and still went ahead to marry the girl he loved."

"Wow, it almost brought a tear to my eyes." Sasha said sarcastically.

"Girl what is wrong with you?" Louisa asked Sasha. "How can you not be moved by that movie?"

"I guess I'm just built different." Sasha answered as she got up from the floor and kept her blanket on the bed that was close to her. "I'm going to take a shower now, I want to change out of these clothes."

"Yeah me too." Cat said.

"Alright." Nikki said. "Let's take a shower now, then come back and watch a horror movie."

Getting up from the floor, they all brought out another set of clothes from their bags and took it to the bathroom then shut the bathroom door.

"I call dibs on the bathtub." Nikki said quickly.

"No, come on Nikki." Ayo complained. "You always use the bathtub when we have a sleepover. Let me use it this time."

"She's right Nikki." Louisa said as she took off her clothes and stepped into the large cubicle which had two showers.

"Fine, you can use it." Nikki said.

"Thanks." Ayo replied. Taking her clothes off, Ayo went to the bathtub and turned on the faucet above it to allow water flow into the bathtub while she added some soap into the water.

"Are you both aware you can get into the bathtub together?" Sasha asked as she pulled her clothes off her body and joined Louisa in the large cubicle which could enclose at least four people.

"It's big enough to fit two people." Cat said, also getting undressed and joining Louisa in the cubicle. Cat shut the door behind her to prevent water from splashing outside the cubicle.

"This is great." Nikki said as she laid down in the bathtub with Ayo in an opposite direction. Her feet were close to Ayo's head while Ayo's feet were close to hers.

"And the temperature of the water just kind of relaxes your body." Ayo said.

Watching Nikki and Ayo from inside the cubicle through the transparent glass of the walls while rubbing soap all over her body, Cat smiled.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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