
Knowing The Culprits

The next day at school, Jake decided to pay attention to what the teacher was saying since he didn't want to fail in his education. Although education was good, most people knew that Veda soldiers earned the most salary apart from the scientists of the planet, and it was also the most risky job to do.

Jake still wanted to find those guys who beat him up yesterday. When he had come down for breakfast before getting to school, Sky was surprised that he was walking without any sign of pain. He had asked Jake if he was alright and Jake replied "yeah I'm good." Even on getting to school, a similar scenario happened with Cat, they were shocked at seeing Jake, who was in pains in the infirmary yesterday, now walking as if it never happened.

Jake had already asked Cat to help him with someone who might know who those guys were. At first she thought it was too dangerous but he insisted that he couldn't be beaten because of a girl and let it go. "Which girl did they beat you over?" She had asked Jake, he had pondered if he should tell her the truth but decided to tell her after he dealt with the people who beat him up.

After the class was over and the bell had been rung for sports, Jake went to meet Cat who was sitting with her friends, her friends looked up at him from their seats with looks of disgust. "I don't think your friends like me very much" he said when they were in the hallway "That's just how they are but I swear they're good people. Sort of. Aren't you gonna call your brother? I'm sure he would like to know who they were as well" "Yeah you're right. Let's make a quick stop at his class and check if he's still there."

They stopped at his class and saw it empty. "Wow. They all left really quick" "Come on let's go to the gymnasium. Most students should be there" Cat suggested.

"Sky" Jake called him after he spotted him. Sky was heading towards the area for table tennis when he heard his name being called out. He turned around and saw Jake and Cat heading towards him, "I don't see you two apart nowadays, anything I should know?" Sky said when they reached him. "What days, I just started school here yesterday?" "Yeah, that's to say I've not seen you two apart since you got here" Sky gave a smile which said more than enough. "How about we focus on why we came to meet you" Cat interjected "I'm taking Jake to the school's gossip girl. You know her right?" "Yeah. Trish Starr. The only one with enough time on her hands to know everyone in this school" "Yeah that's her. Let's go. She'll be at the end of the building."

The three of them got to the far end of the gymnasium and saw her with some people. "Hey Trish. Can I talk to you for a sec?" "Catherine," said the short lean girl, with brown eyes and curly hair. She was a little pretty but had the look of trouble on her face. "long time no see. What can I do for you?" "We're looking for some people. Describe them Jake" "The first one was big, had a lot of scars on his face, " "Yeah that's Duke, his class is in the building next to yours" "another had green hair, shoulder length and looked pale," "that's Kevin, same class with Duke" "I also saw one with a huge diagonal scar." "That's Not. Same class as well." "I think we got it from here" Cat said "thanks Trish" "No problem".

"Now we know who they are. Sky how about we pay maybe two of them a visit in the toilet" Jake said smiling with the satisfaction of knowing the names of his attackers. "Sounds good bro."