
Discovering Something New

The next morning, which was a Sunday morning, Jake woke up from sleep returning to the reality of life. His father, Andrea, had informed him he would be starting a new school tomorrow. The same school his brother went to. After unpacking and having breakfast, he decided to walk round the house. The house was bigger than his mom's, and had good designs as well. The last place he went to was the attic.

The attic was dark and dusty which showed that no one had been there for at least three years. He turned on the flashlight in his phone and saw a lot of old boxes, he dusted some of them and opened one. There were things like very old jewelry, mini sculptures, papers and different kinds of stuff but what caught Jake's eyes was the little red crystal that looked like it had lost its energy because it was glowing very dimly. He took it and looked at it with the help of his flashlight. It was round and smooth, and had an aura that seemed fierce but weak.

He put it in his pocket and kept looking around. After a while of going through pile of junk and ancient music records, he went down to his room.

"Jake, Sky. Come down for lunch." Andrea had just finished setting the table and was also watching the news.

"Breaking news," said a female reporter on the television "the soldiers of Veda have spotted movements coming from Repol, the planet where the Werts reside. For over half a century, we and the Werts have co-existed peacefully but rumour has it that the era of peace is coming to an end. It is advised that we... "

Veda is the planet they are currently on while Repol is the planet the Werts live on. The Werts are another race, they are human-sized and they all have wings. The Werts and the humans were once at war but it ended without any side winning and since then there has been an unspoken or unwritten treaty, which meant another war could start at any time. There are other planets that are known to the humans but only the soldiers and elite forces go there, which makes information on the planets scarce.

"Woah. So it's true. A second war might start again." Sky said coming down from the stairs. "We don't know that yet, it's just rumours. Anyway where's Jake?" "Right behind me."

They all gathered at the dining table to have their lunch.


The next day came in the blink of an eye and Jake was already down at the table eating breakfast with Sky. "Hey man, how's the school?" "It's okay I guess. I mean bullies are in every school just don't become the bullied." "Yeah. Nice pep talk, dad" Jake said, with emphasis on the word 'dad'. Sky chuckled a bit and said "Don't worry dude, anyone who wants to touch you is gonna have to go through me." "Thanks but shouldn't I be the one saying that" "Whatever man, just eat or we'll be late."

They left for school after their breakfast and got there before classes started. When they got to school Sky met up with some of his friends, he introduced Jake to them and them to Jake then showed Jake his class. "Hey man, classes are about to start but I'll show you around during lunch." "It's cool bro."

When the class was about to begin, the students started coming in. The class wasn't overcrowded which was a good thing, then his eyes caught sight of a smile he'd recognize anywhere. Catherine had just walked into the class with her emerald green eyes and the waist length black hair, she also saw him and waved and he waved back.

She walked to where he was and sat next to him. "Fancy seeing you here,"she said " haven't heard from you in a while" "Yeah I've been distracted with moving in stuff. So you go to school here?" "Yeah. This is the school I told you about. How about I give you a tour during lunch." Jake knew that Sky had said he'd give him the tour but 'surely he'd be cool with it right?' Jake asked himself. "Sure why not." "Great. See you at lunch." and with that she was out of the seat and headed to people he supposed were her friends. "Who is that?" Cat's friends asked when she sat with them. "Just a friend" Cat said smiling weirdly, her friends looked at her for a minute before talking about the latest brand of handbag that was out.

When Cat left Jake, the red crystal, which he had put in his pocket started burning slightly. As he was about to take a look at it the teacher walked in, greeted the students and placed his things on the desk. He called Jake to the front of the class to introduce himself. "Because you're joining midterm, I suggest you find someone who can help you out with the notes. I recommend Smith or Cat, they're the best this class has to offer." Mr. Tim was a short man with a huge belly, he wore glasses and looked like a strict teacher.

After the introduction, as the class was going on Jake brought the red crystal out of his pocket. The seat arrangement was one person per seat so Jake only had to look out for the people beside him and the teacher who was busy on the board. The crystal was still slightly hot which Jake noticed was because it was glowing brighter than before. As he put in a ray of sunlight to see it better, it glowed brighter. 'It must get brighter by absorbing sunlight' Jake thought, coming to that conclusion. He kept it on the ground where rays of sunlight could touch it and pretented to listen to the teacher. He continuously threw quick glances at Cat and at the crystal. When he saw that the crystal wasn't getting brighter anymore, he picked it up. Immediately it was directly on his palm, the aura of the crystal which had gotten stronger began entering into his skin, he tried to remove the crystal because he didn't know what it was but the crystal seemed to be melting into its aura and entered his skin completely. After that, his eyelids fell over his eyes and he had passed out.