
The Path of a Demon King: A Tale of Ambition and Revenge

In a grim and desolate world governed by ancient laws that have bound demons since the world's inception, a profound awakening stirs the previous demon King from his eternal slumber. Erupting from the depths of the underworld, his once-majestic physique is reduced to decay, his wings tattered and frayed. Fiery red eyes, burning with a threatening fury, survey the unfamiliar and disdainful new realm that unfurls before him. Yet, the demon King harbors no intentions of idle observation. His purpose is to conquer and subjugate, wielding his arcane mastery to absorb the powers of those who possess magic. His path blazes with destruction, leaving behind a trail of ruin and despair. With each victim ensnared, his powers surge to heights unimaginable, and his insatiable thirst for blood and dominion grows evermore ravenous. As the demon King's might intensifies, the boundaries between worlds begin to erode, and disgusting creatures slither through the cracks of reality. Drawn to the dark allure of the demon's malefic energy, they flock to his side, forming a ghastly legion. Their eyes glimmer with a sinister luminescence, and their claws drip with the promise of untold suffering and death. Shrouded in impenetrable darkness, the world trembles under the oppressive reign of terror. People huddle within their feeble sanctuaries, fervently praying for salvation from the demonic monarch and his unholy horde. Yet, escape proves impossible as the relentless onslaught ensues. The demon King and his minions relentlessly hunt down those who dare defy them, their powers swelling with each conquest, as the world plunges further into an abyss of everlasting dread.

Brianx_Ngo · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
65 Chs

Chapter 31

After listening intently to his master's encounters, Lazarus couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and mustered the courage to ask, "Master Astaroth... what are your plans now? I have spent countless years amassing a formidable force, and if it pleases you, I am prepared to unleash them upon Arcania." Lazaurus ready to start a war if his master give the go ahead.

A flicker of concern passed over the demon king's face as he replied, "Lazarus, I have a pressing question. When I awoke, I attempted to summon the demons who once obeyed my every command, but to my dismay, no response came. I even tried summoning you, but your presence eluded me. I could not sense your being in this world, but somehow when this sword start to whisper… I had this feeling I would find someone I know…"

Lazarus' brows furrowed, his voice laced with genuine surprise, "No, my lord! Had I known, I would have swiftly soared to your side, breaking all barriers to answer your summons. Alas, your call remained unheard until you materialized before my very eyes. In my solitary journey spanning eight thousand years, I scoured every inch of this vast world, yet I found no trace of our once-mighty forces."

"There are many unknowns to me at this moment, Lazarus. Activating your forces prematurely would be unwise," the Demon King remarked, his voice dripping with anticipation. "But fear not, for now, that you and I have crossed paths, we shall dismantle our enemies one by one, and those who have dared to lead us will face unimaginable consequences. This includes the treacherous gatekeeper."

The vampire king, humbled in the presence of his master, bowed to acknowledge the commanding words. "Master, as you have just arrived in town, you must be weary. Allow me to prepare a chamber where you can rest."

Lazarus clapped his hands, summoning his chambermaids. Two alluring succubi walked in, clad in maid uniforms. One had fiery red hair, while the other possessed flowing black locks, both elegantly styled in buns. "Master Astaroth, please follow us. We shall lead you to your chambers," they chimed in unison.

Astaroth gazed at Lazarus and rose from his seat. "Your taste remains unchanged after all this time. I shall retire, for now, Lazarus. We shall continue tomorrow..."

As the demon king trailed behind the two chambermaids, a sudden thought halted him in his tracks. "Ah, yes! Before I forget, I have acquired an intriguing subordinate recently, and she is supposed to link up with me in this very town. Inform her of my presence and bring her here."

"Your wish is my command, my lord. Might I inquire about the fortunate soul who has captured your attention?" Lazarus inquired, his curiosity evident.

Astaroth's cryptic smile widened, his eyes gleaming with wicked anticipation. "Her name is Lalitha, a sorceress(changing witch to sorceress) possessing powers unmatched by any other. Within her resides a darkness so profound, it rivals the unfathomable depths of the abyss itself. By sheer luck, I stumbled upon her existence in this realm. She is an undeniable spectacle, with flowing tresses as white as snow, radiating an otherworldly beauty that ensnares all who lay eyes upon her. But beware Lazarus, do not dare lay a hand on her, for she belongs solely to me."

Lazarus was puzzled, his mind grappling with the unprecedented turn of events. The master, who had always shown indifference towards mere mortals, now appeared to be enthralled by one.

"Of course, my lord," Lazarus replied with unwavering loyalty, his voice filled with conviction. "Rest assured, no one shall dare lay a finger on her. I guarantee her safety. I shall dispatch my most trusted servants to remain vigilant in the town."

Astaroth, the mighty demon king, waved his hand dismissively, a dark aura surrounding him as he exited the room. Lazarus, relieved, cautiously lifted his head, finally free from the suffocating weight of his master's gaze. The mention of the enigmatic white-haired sorceress had sent chills down his spine as if the very air crackled with impending danger. He knew all too well that even a hint of covetousness would be met with swift and merciless punishment.

As Lazarus contemplated the gravity of the task at hand, a surge of determination coursed through his veins. With a resolute spirit, he planned to ensure the sorceress's safety at any cost. His mind brimmed with visions of perilous encounters and heart-pounding escapes, as he strategized the deployment of his loyal servants. Each step would be meticulously executed, weaving a web of protection around the mysterious sorceress. The fate of both their lives intertwined, their destinies hinging on his unwavering commitment.

"Isabel Souldrinker and Lucius Bloodthorn, heed my command!" Lazarus's voice reverberated through the air, carrying an aura of authority. As his words echoed, two menacing figures materialized from the depths of his eerie shadows.

The Vampire King's piercing gaze locked onto his subordinates as he entrusted them with a vital mission—to locate and safeguard the sorceress on her journey to this very place. With unwavering loyalty, the lesser vampires absorbed their master's instructions, their eyes glinting with a sense of duty.

In a swift and graceful motion, Isabel and Lucius dissolved into the shroud of the night, vanishing like ethereal phantoms. Their lithe forms blended seamlessly into the darkness, becoming one with the inky abyss. Their mission was clear, their resolve unyielding—to protect the sorceress at all costs, navigating the perils that lurked in the shadows.

As Lalitha made her daring escape from Castle Clovershire, she reveled in the success of obtaining the coveted and potent curse from Borosik. The castle would undoubtedly descend into chaos and panic as the realization of the king's disappearance struck its inhabitants. With each step she took, a surge of exhilaration coursed through her veins, heightened by an unfamiliar sensation that tingled in her very core. It was a yearning, an irresistible pull, drawing her towards an unknown destination that pulsated with undeniable power.

With her senses attuned to her master's presence, Lalitha turned resolutely towards the direction where the yearning was most fervent, her heart pounding in anticipation. The world around her seemed to shift, as if cloaked in an aura of mystique and trepidation, amplifying the suspense that filled the air. The shadows danced with an eerie glow, whispering secrets of untold potential and forbidden knowledge.

Lalitha pressed on, reaching the base of the formidable castle. Beyond its imposing walls lay the path leading to Ravenspire, the nearby town. Suddenly, she halted, her senses alert. She needed to proceed with caution, ensuring her master's safety.

"Ezio, intercept anyone who dares to follow me and eliminate them swiftly," she commanded, her voice laced with determination. "I'll be furious if anyone manages to trail me to our master."

Emerging from the shadows, Ezio promptly responded. His sole purpose was to obey his mistress's every command, and at this moment, his duty was to eliminate any potential pursuers.

Lalitha, fortified by Ezio's silent assurance, resumed her journey toward Ravenspire. Though she possessed the power of flight, she hesitated to unleash it, knowing that it would attract unwelcome attention. Instead, she opted for a more inconspicuous approach, treading cautiously along the concealed path.

As she approached the town, she suddenly came to a halt, her senses tingling as she detected the unmistakable presence of two formidable beings with mystical powers rapidly closing in on her. In a swift motion, she called out to Ezio, who remained diligently at her rear, ensuring no pursuers followed. "Ezio, intercept them if they intend to attack. However, I desire no unnecessary attention at this moment."

Lalitha swiftly unfurled a scarf from her belongings, strategically draping it over her lustrous white hair. In the darkness, her vibrant locks gleamed like a radiant beacon, a stark contrast that screamed her location to the world. Ezio swiftly positioned himself before his mistress, adopting a protective stance that bristled with anticipation.

Before long, the figures drew near, their presence casting an air of ominous anticipation. One possessed fiery red hair, as though her very head blazed with infernal flames, while the other boasted locks darker than coal, seemingly absorbing all light that dared to touch them.

Both women stood before Lalitha, their striking beauty captivating even the most casual onlooker. However, in comparison to Lalitha, they still fell short. The one with fiery red hair was the first to speak, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity and intrigue. "I sense an unusual mana emanating from you," she said, her words tinged with an air of mystery. "We are in search of a sorceress with flowing white hair. Would you be so kind as to reveal yours?"

Caught off guard by their unexpected presence, Lalitha hesitated for a moment, her mind racing to comprehend the situation. But before she could respond, Ezio, intervened with a protective edge to his voice. His tone dropped to a low, menacing growl as he faced the two women. "You would be wise to leave us be," he warned, his words resonating with a chilling intensity. "The person you seek is not her."