
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

70.old swordsman and hostages

From the shadow old swordsman saw other ancestors failing to attack Ghost general one after other .

Even if their attacks reached Ghost general.they were unable to have some significant effect on him because of ghost body .

Hiding he wondered if one could become invincible after becoming ghost .

Honestly he didn't see any chance of gaining advantage ghost general in a frontal fight .

So he was just waiting for opportunity to sneak attack General.

This was the reason he gave to himself .

But in truth because the opponent was ghost .

Most of their weapon attacks were useless against him .unless they had learned special skills to deal with ghosts .

Being a human who has been alive for some couple centuries.He himself had learned 2-3 such skills .

Previously These skills were enough to deal with any ghost he encountered outside.

But against Ghost general he was lamenting the fact that he hadn't learned any ultimate skill to deal with ghosts .

He saw 3 old ancestor dying from General's attack .

A shiver ran through him .

His hand holding sword trembled.

Ghost general floating with lightning arcs looked like Thunder god to him .

'There is no chance ' He murmured his voice shaky .

'just what do I do'.

He was thinking .

When suddenly he saw some humans come out appearing from nearby mountains.

Seeing the spectacle outside their heart shook.

What's happening here .

"Did we entered some great expert s fighting range "

"Where should we go nos"

"Every where seems to have turned into area of lightning to strike."

"We managed to escape from ghosts .But where can we run in lightning flash "

The sound of thunder and lightning flashes .filled their heart with terror .

If they happened to be unlucky.just a small lightning strike will kill them .

The old sword cultivator flew to them .

Just as he was some distance away from them he saw some ghosts soldiers appearing behind them .

"There is nowhere to run .To did well trying to escape by making a hidden tunnel .but your luckd ends now .you are our chips to bargain & demand "said Ghost soldiers

"We won't let you run "

However suddenly The old sword cultivator came and in some simple moves sended Ghosts soldiers to afterlife.

After killing he looked at the young cultivators with scrutuny.

"Where did you come from .why were these ghost soldiers behind you "

Seeing the mighty old swordsman young cultivators trembled with excitement & hope .

They knelt before him .

"Senior expert we are cultivatiors belonging to various forces .We were exploring the ruins today and were captured by ghostly figures.After others created the opportunity for us.we managed to escape .But senior where can we now . please help us"

"Senior others are captured just like us . please help them too "

"Shhh ..silence why were you all captured .what is the use of capturing you .

How many are there captured "old swordsman questioned .

"We...we don't know why those ghosts captured us .They only said .we will be used a bargaining chips to blackmails others .But we don't know who will they blackmail & why"

Old swordsman frowned

'what did ghost general wanted to accomplish by taking hostages .

If he wanted to blackmail the forces behind us .it is not possible.

Not to mention most of cultivatiors didn't belong to their forces .Even if they did Their forces won't back down .unless they were direct descendants .

As for human compassion, sympathy,kindness & whatnot.

Ghost general should be experienced what choice they will make in front of great threat .

As for making them dig tunnel . could it be ghost general had lost his mind .And he thinks they can escape by making tunnel .if so that was really ridiculous '.

But looking at the ongoing fight .old swordsman had an idea .

'why don't he use the reason of saving youngsters to get away from battlefield.

With his strength.As long he didn't fight ghost general.he could survive pretty much anything 'Thinking so .

He sent a message detailing young human cultivatiors were held captive inside ruins .And he was going to save them .

Turning he said

"Take me to the place you were held captive .I will save you all .

How dare these vile ghosts capture younger generation.Do they think there is no one to save them "

"Thann.....Thank you .senior expert "young cultivatiors bowed .In there eyes there was faint ghostly glow .which went unnoticed by old swordsman.

"We will guide you to the place where others are captured "

Old swordsman nodded .just as he was about to head inside cave like entrance.Two more human experts appeared around him .

"Where are you going alone on such a dangerous task ."

"Although saving the human cultivatiors is kind deed . could it be you want to do this dangerous task alone .And earn the merits ."

"Younger generation is in danger how can we sit back ."

"As a older generation it is our duty to save younger one in crisis "

The two expert were ready to go inside with great enthusiasm & human compassion.

But the old swordsman didn't believe a single thing they said .They just want to escape the battle just like him .He knew perfectly.

But he couldn't say no to them .

"Please follow inside "he gestured

'could it be The reason for capturing hostages is to divide human forces'.If so it seems to be working .

he thought & entered .


Similar things happened on many places outside ruins .

Some weak cultivators who couldn't participate in battle against ghost general and were on standby noticed them .

Upon a short explanation. for kindness or other reasons they entered the ruins in order to rescue the hostages .


Inside the ruins .

The ruins were gloomy & dark .This was the first time young cultivators had entered the ruins at night .Their limited vision hindered their speed and slowed them down .

On the way they were worried and walking carefully.

Old swordsman really wanted to tell them .They didn't had to worry .

'I can just deal with anyone who comes to attack'

He wanted them to hurry .

But on second thought it was good they were walking slowly .

That way he will have a good reason to stay away from battle .

It was better .if when he goes out of ruins .The battle might already be finished.

Thinking so he walked at slow pace .

.The dark inside didn't hinder his vision much .

Casually he looked here & there .

He had explored these ruins in his prime .So he was just curios if things were same or had changed .

He remembered when he had entered last time in ruins .

The ruins weren't organised like for this generation's youngster .

Anything could pop out at any time .

Accidentally triggering was small mistake .

Encountering the ghosts and other dangerous beast was big threat during his time .They had to stay vigilant at all times .

A lost moment of focus or

A slight delay in action anything could take their lives .

But now ofcourse he didn't have to be so vigilant.He wasn't what he used to be .Now the things that could threaten his life were limited .And ofcourse he would stay away from them .

Nevertheless he didn't have to spare much thought while walking inside these ruins .

The threats inside these ruins couldn't harm his life .


On the way to the room where Unconscious cultivatiors were captured .

They didn't encountered much obstacles.

At most they triggered some traps which caused young ones to be injured .

They encountered some ghosts but Old experts easily dealt with them .

Old swordsman was getting bored .He wanted more hindrances or ghosts to come his way .so he could waste his time .

But Not matter what he thought.he was standing outside the room .

'I hope inside the hostages are guarded by strong ghosts .So I can waste away my time ' he thought.But he knew perfectly well .The chances were less .youngsters had explained to him this room wasn't guarded at all .

And why would it be youngsters just weren't strong enough to give trouble to ghosts soldiers .


Looking inside it was all mostly dark .Some torch lit up in 4 corners were the only light source .it was hard to make out faces of unconscious youngsters laid on floor.

"Go and wake them up "he ordered the youngster with them .

"Why do you think they have captured"

"Their focus should be to escape the ruins .what do they gain by making tunnels ."

Asked the two individuals on same level.

"I don't know .maybe it is to divide human forces "Answered old swordsman.

Some time later .most of the unconscious cultivatiors had woken up .But there were still some unconscious.

"Seniors there are some cultivatiors who haven't gained consciousness.what to do with them "young cultivators asked .

"Carry them if you want .or we can leave them for now and come back again to rescue them " old swordsman replied but he hoped they would choose the later option.

Youngsters looked at each other .Than nodded.

"We choose to carry them seniors .we can't leave them behind after experiencing the same thing "

"Whatever "old swordsman.

Soon every individual was carrying someone . whether on shoulders or on back .

But he failed to notice a group of 5 carrying a unconscious girl in a makeshift stretcher .

These group maintained their distance almost formed a human barrier around .but their numbers were less so they couldn't completely hide the girl .

Old swordsman and two experts noticed this inconspicuous group .

"Why is the she being treated different"Two seniors asked .

Old swordsman also noticed .The treatment this unconscious lady receiving was completely different.The girl's skin was beautiful indeed but the ugly hexagonal pattern on her .made her look ugly .

With his cultivation old swordsman couldn't guess what type of disease it was .so it was most likely curse .At his stage what thing they were most afraid of was curse .

He wanted to maintain distance with her .

"Senior this is our young lady .she is also our leader . without her we won't be able to go back .if clan head knew we touched her .than our clan head will be angered ."

"Hmm"old swordsman thought it made perfect sense .infact Now that he took another look at youngster . Although they appeared as group All These youngsters were divided into small group probably related to their forces .

Just as they were about to leave .They were approached by other experts cultivators .seeing each other they they nodded.

"Are you also here to rescue young cultivators ?"old swordsman asked .

"Indeed senior .we met these young ones and after hearing details .we couldn't leave the youger generation in danger.Also on the way we met other experts .And they along with others have decided to explore the ruins to search for hostages & rescue them"

Old swords man nodded.

'so you are also escaping battle '

He thought.

'it seems this tactic of ghost general is working quite well '

But since others were here .He couldn't use the excuse of exploring ruins to search for humans either .He decided to leave .

In no time they were ready to go outside. But suddenly the old swordsman noticed something and turned .

In his view he saw two ghost soldiers approaching .Thinking he could delay some more time he was ready to fight .

when the two expert beside him simply attacked with fire spell and ended their ghost life .

Old swordsman frowned .Do these two have no brain.

But what can be done .He couldn't order these two expert on same level with him .

On their way out They met many ghosts .Dealing with them was too easy .

Just 2 or 3 moves from old swordsman ended their ghost lives .

Standing at the exit he saw the atmosphere outside had turned even worse .

He quickly thought of many excuses .His mind worked rapidly.

"Going outside is dangerous for you all .Any attack would kill you .I can't protect you all inside .so we will stay here "He ordered.