
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

56.wang hao and voice from ring

Only when he saw lin tian's fading figure he turned back coldly glaring at Xena .

"You failed "

"I am sorry master . please don't abandon me "

"I have no intention to abandon you .as long as you continue to be useful ."

"Yes master "

"Wang jue will try to kill us in ruins .with your beauty you have to attract him and create a opportunity for me to attack "

"Yes master there won't be a mistake ."

"If brother lin was'nt here both of us would have died .you don't feel anything for brother lin do you ?"

"No master I am only devoted to you "Xena kneeled and denied

"It is fine even if you like him .if I can be friends with brother lin .I don't mind giving you to him "

"Master I only want to belong to you "

"I don't trust you .Go make a camp .we don't have to hide our faces anymore "Wang hao commanded.

Xena left hearing the order .


"Your plan failed "Wang hao said to no one .

"Only if your servant was competent.she couldn't even distract Wang jue's mind .I had thought she will seduce him and poison him on his bed .when he will try to make love .But unexpectedly Wang jue had already send his henchman to look for you ."A voice came from ring finger .

"She is just servant with low cultivation.it was wrong of you to make a plan including her .Besides I would have died because of you "

"Are you blaming me .this was the easiest method.You can't win against him in direct confrontation.Besides with the techniques I have taught you .You physique have gone through many transformations.you can't just die from receiving beatings ."

"If you had helped me like before .And slowed their qi circulation.i could have dealt with easily "Wang hao

".That was method we used previously.he was already on guard this time .He was carrying many protective treasure .I couldn't effect his mind .Besides What I can do is limited now .you can't relay on me everytime "there was a pause .before a voice came again from his ring "why don't you use your new friend to deal with Wang jue ."

"No."Wang jue "Didn't you say he had no cultivation.he is no of help "

"That's not completely true .Are you reluctant to use him .just like your maid . Remember in cultivaton world .A relationship is strongly dependent on persons strength.if you are Strongest there will be 1000 of maids like her .No even better than her to serve you .Friends stronger than Patriach Wang will line up to meet you .But before that You will have to use everyone and everything to reach on peak ".

Wang jue didn't speak for a while .This voice had always helped him survive up till now. He was grateful for it .But this voice was also cold emotionless and felt no sympathy for others .

Even for his maid who wholeheartedly served him .when no one even wanted to talk to her .In fact Xena was the greatest emotional support after his mother passed away .Some months ago He couldn't even begin to think to use her .but now was different .

According to voice a woman's body itself was lethal weapon against men cultivators.it was the easiest way to deal with strong enemies .

After he personally dealt with some enemies .He also had to believe the voice .

But now to use the friend he just made .

"What did you saw him in .That made you think he is useful ."

"I saw nothing in him .All in all he was mortal From head to toe .But his perception was especially strong.Only someone with strong soul have something like that ."

"But what is useful is his background.There might be someone strong behind to protect him .if you make him fight with Wang jue .That person will definitely save him and kill Wang jue .you don't have to make a move ."

"What if there is no one to save him .I don't want to risk his life ."

"Don't be softhearted.you have to use everyone you can. You can repay them once you stand on top of the continent "

"Let's try with Xena first .We will think about him later "Wang jue

"Whatever falls your way "voice said .

There was one thing voice hadn't said .when it peered into lin tian's body .

when I peered I could feel someone gazing at me .But I couldn't find anyone .most of my stored power was exhausted to look for gaze .Yet I found nothing.As for that sword .it was indeed treasure .But not something we needed .It just makes the holder appear strong .

if I hadn't exhausted my power before .I could have looked into sword more .if it had any hidden uses .It was sealed in scabbard though .

"What are you thinking"Wang jue

"Did you say something"voice

"I said teach me new technique.i feel i need new skills to fight against Wang jue ."

"Why do you hate Wang clan .you are too obsessed with revenge you can't see the bigger picture .In my idea you should hunt this lin guy .There will definitely be benefits to reap "

It was indeed true He hated Wang clan .In the clan he was direct descendant but treated as orphan.He never received the treatment,respect ,status , privileges of pureblood descendant.When he was child .he thought it was because he was not talented .But later he understood many things .Things like status,mix blood ,spawn .

Although he was never bullied physically.He hated the comments of other descendants .

He hated he wasn't treated the same as other descendants.So when he found the treasure ring containing this voice .He had hoped with his cultivation rising .He would be treated better and receive his father's love .

But he realised they were just pretending.Other juniors were always looking for a chance to deal with him .Trial forest was best chance .Others wanted to handicap him .some wanted to kill him .So he did the same .

With the voice's help .They carefully dealt with every junior .from causing beasts to rampage and stealing their treasure.Everything was done carefully.No Clues were left behind .

From that day on He received resources from his clan .But never staus and love .He hated his father .Even though he had proven his worth .He was just treated perfunctory.His status was never raised .He hated the clan . Because they were just raising him as guard to serve Wang clan .Still he was patient One day he will receive things he deserved .

But he hadn't expected Eldest brother with his master . Would visit the trial forest .recreate the screen and withness everything.The clan Elders didn't take much time making decisions.Afterall his eldest brother was strongest among young generation and heir to the clan.

His father didn't say anything to save him.That day he realised his father was heartless person who never cared about anyone but only himself .He gave his hope of become recognizable for clan.So he just killed some juniors and left the clan with Xena .

After that he never trusted anyone .Nor this voice nor Xena nor anyone .But he hadn't expected someone would save him with pure intentions .A stranger on top .

"He is nothing but mortal .What benefits there are to collect .Should I kidnap him and ask for ransom from his clan ."

"We can start from there .But there are better things you can do .For example give me his body "

"Don't you dare .it's no use to you if he can't cultivate right "Wang hao

"I can use his body for some years though.Besides don't forget .it was because of my spell influence he saved you .otherwise he would have given up on you in front of Wang family .No one is crazy enough to stand against Wang clan"

"You said if I keep reminding him to save xena.with your spell mixed power .it will solidify his decision to save us .but that also mean you just influenced him .it was originally his decision "Wang hao .

"Why are you needless arguing.You have always choosen. Easy and Fast paced method before . Being ruthless to others and yourself.Remember you can only believe in me and no one .There is only me who wishes for you to stand on peak .

For Others they only want to drag you down .If you don't believe me you can just throw this ring containing me .

Though if you believe me you can keep it.But you have to obey me . "

"I believe you .But first we try other methods "Wang hao had nothing to say .He was truly deeply indebted to this voice .it was also his great reliance.He wouldn't leave it .


Lin was following behind Hua bo .

Lin tian suddenly asked .

"Did I create a trouble for you "

"No trouble word can't sum it up .You can say disaster .but don't worry for money everything is welcome .you can just pay me "Hua bo

"Arghh That you can keep one small ore .For the disaster I caused you "lin tian heart ached as he said

"Than I won't be polite .You can sell me other ores you want though "


"Why did you save me .will there be risk to your life "

"In the future my mobility will be limited to some places .But don't worry a generous gift to the Wang clan can appease them .As for why I saved you .It was because someone paid me for it .you can guess who "

'Other than Elder qiang who can it be .'

"Thanks Elder Hua bo .I Will be on my way ."lin tian couldn't treat the hua bo as same before after today.

"Be cautious while exploring ruins "Hua bo gave a warning .


Hua bo came to his camp .

After he ordered his staff to find something valuable to send to the Wang clan as a gift .

Entering camp With a hand wave he turned off all the light sources .In a dim light he brought out a plant with a pot and placed it on table .

The plant was emitting dim light .As he looked the plant .He worriedly thought things through.

He was one of the strongest people here .He had kept eye on many things .But never involved himself .But today his taboo was broken .He didn't knew if he had made the best decision.For all he knows .Wang hao wasn't as simple as he seemed .

But Wang jue's choice to deal with deal with Wang hao in open , public view was rather arrogant.But this had always been the way .big clans liked to do things .In a arrogant manner .He had offended a clan for a idiot and 2 people who might be a criminal.Whether his gift will be accepted or not was unknown.

After thinking something things through.He wrote a letter for Wang clan.To apologize.

His gaze lingered at the plan .before drifting into thinking .On the first night lin tian and his group arrived .An old approached him and gave him some money to protect them .But he rejected he wasn't babysitter .

Than old man simply asked him .what will it take for him to protect lin tian .

He had casually replied the herb he wanted and searched for a long time .

But he didn't expect old man to come and give him the treasure he wanted for a long time .

A mutated plant of yin & yang nature . This was something he needed at all cost .At that time he thought.It was his luck he got this rarest treasure in exchange of taking care of some kids .it was nothing but 10% effort 90% profit .But that don't seems to be case now .

Looking at the flower with eight petals missing .Those combination of red and blue petals .

Occasionally fuming a hot and cold mist .

Hua bo made up his mind .

In any case this was treasure he absolutely needed .He had no choice but to take care of kids .

I just need to not make losses in the future.