
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

51.Snatching ores

All the disciples had just fought and were battle sensitive.seeing strangers coming near to them .They were worried.

"Greetings "lin tian spoke first .

The leader of 6 just snorted.without any politeness He said .

"What did you get after defeating Crocodile beast "

Lin disciples showed Negative faces .

"I don't think it's appropriate to ask someone about the treasure they got after risking their life ."lin tian

"This person is Young lord Bi deng . Descendant of great bi family with 300 years of history.Just show what you have to young lord respectfully."Henchman said arrogantly .

"No matter who you are you can't just ask us to show our things "lin fang replied equally arrogant.

"Just show us while I am asking nicely "leader of 6 said .

"It's nothing but some stones "lin tian replied calmly

"I said show us you bastard" leader of 6 said angrily

"Young master they are clearly here for our treasure.There is no use talking to them politely "Lin fang said readying his sword .

"Fodders shouldn't talk about young lord " A Henchman said.

"You . how dare you call lin fang fodder "lin disciples said .

"You and you all of you are just fodders compared to us .present us your ores and we will not bother with you "

"Lin fang they are here to snatch our treasures "

"Let's fight them "

"We won't give you our treasure "

"You are the leader of this country bumpkins "leader of 6 asked lin fang .

Lin fang was about to nod but than thinking something he denied .

"No he is our young master and also our leader "lin fang pointed to lin tian.

"You are strong but you are under a weak young master .just what could I expect from bumpkins"leader of 6 snorted .

He didn't saw expression of 5 person with him .when he said that . otherwise he would have scowled.

'Wasn't their young lord weak too .but they were under him .but than again we haven't shown him we are stronger than him' They thought.

"Well I don't care .You are leader of them .Show us your treasure and let us confirm if it is what we want ."young lord Bi said .

"If you want treasure there are other areas you can explore"lin tian said simply .

He wouldn't risk showing other treasure they risked their lives on obtaining it .

"Are you treating me as theif .we will definitely pay for treasure .if it's what we want ."young lord bi threw 5 platinum bars to them .

"No matter what you have it can't be worth more than this .Give whatever treasures you have "

Lin tian realized this guy had extraordinary status not everyone can use platinum bars as currency .They shouldn't offend this guy .

He looked at other disciples.they were also stunned .5 platinum bar meant 5000 gold coins .They wanted money .

But they were also reluctant.They had risked their life today .it was the hardest fight they fought so far .

Lin tian said and threw platinum bars back .

"Sorry for declining but we are not selling it .No matter what we have .how much is it worth .we are not selling it "

"We were talking to you politely.but you don't know to return politeness.if you don't want to sell we will snatch it "young lord bi

"Are you sure lord they have more number in their side "one henchman asked

"It is better to get the treasure here.before others know what it is " young lord bi replied

"Ohhh" hench men's reacted instantly.They started attacking.

Lin fang threw cloth bag to lin tian .And started attacking.some other disciples also attacked .

Lin tian worried looked at The disciples fighting .They had just fought a battle before and might be tired .Can they hold on till exit opens .

"Young lord .why is there need to fight .we don't want to fight and also don't want a conflict to escalate .please stop it .Before anyone gets hurt "lintian

"If you don't want fight .Than handover the treasure " As for getting hurt .I don't even care if they died .You also shouldn't care about one or two dying "young lord bi .

"Young lord this treasure alone doesn't belongs to me .I can't give it you " lin tian

"Than let them fight and decide winner "Young lord bi .

Lin disciples realised while fighting other party was strong and better than them .Even lin fang was no match for them . Fortunately they had numbers .With numbers they almost defeated the other party .

Just than the doors opened and light from outside poured in .

"Halt "young lord bi said

His henchmen stopped fighting.

Lin disciples also stopped and looked at lin fang and than at lin tian for instructions.

Some lin disciples exited the ruins and waited for everyone to come out .

Lin tian heaved a sigh of relief and said .

"Young lord bi .Do you still want to fight "

"Don't let me meet you again in ruins ."young lord bi just snorted and went for exit .

No one stopped him .His henchman followed .

First thing lin tian did after exiting was to look for Hua bo .it seems to become a habit .he thought .

He showed ores to Hua bo .while disciples waited behind him with eager eyes .Their ears perked up to wait for an answer.

Hua bo after inspecting and scratching a layer on 3 ores said .

"Orichalcum ore .A rare metal . suitable for making weapons ..... . It's worth is 2 gold coins .....

Lin disciples faces were sunken and low .They grimaced .

Hua bo continued .

"It's worth is 2 gold coins per gram "

"What per gram 2 gold coins .really "lin fang was shocked beyond happy .

Lin disciples were also happy they hadn't sold the ores to bi deng .Looking at 3 ores on table .They calculated happily .

The biggest ore should be 5 kgs .

Middle size ore should be 3 kgs

Smallest ore should atleast be 2 kg .

2 x 10000gm = 20,000 gold coins .

It was more worth than Bi Deng was offering.Good thing his offer was rejected.

Lin tian was also happy .just with these ores .Their trip can be considered successful.

Any more exploration depended on their choice .

"What do you intend to do .I am willing to buy it .let me remind you .This ore isn't something you can carry and parade around ". Hua bo said waking them up from stupor .

Lin tian also worried upon hearing it .Hua bo said right .They could not just casually carry it .Their camp before was also ransacked.

So it was not safe to leave in camp .Even with disciples around .

They couldn't carry it during exploration either .Firstly it will be burden to carry it .

Secondly they didn't knew what type of person they can encounter within ruins .He didn't wanted unnecessary fights .

Specially people with good backgrounds.

As for selling it .It was more beneficial to bring the ores back to clan .They will definitely be reprimanded if they brought gold coins instead of orichalcum .

"Sir hua bo can you keep it safe for us ."Lin tian asked.

"Sell it to me . that's better"

"No sir .we have use of it "

"Well that's pity .if you want to treat me as treasure vault .it will cost you additional 20 gold coins per day "Hua bo

20 gold coins was ridiculous number in exchange of protecting some ores .but compared to 20000 gold coins .it was still small .He agreed.

After leaving ores in Hua bo's protection.They left .

"Young master is it alright to leave something so valuable in stranger's hand "Disciples asked worried .

"Hua bo is merchant as long as he gets money .I don't think he will do anything untoward."lin tian replied.

After lin tian and his group left .

Hua bo looked at the ores with pity .

They weren't just worth 2 gold coins per gram.But also rare to come by .Those big clans who had it .would keep them safe in their treasury.Even if someone got it they would also hide it . It was hardly available in market for sale .

Depending on the place and customer .He could even make 30 thousand or 40 thousand per 10 kg .

Not buying it was loss for him of 10,000 gold coins .


What a pity ! What a pity !


At night in crocodile beast's hall .

2 smoky figures appeared in hall.

They looked at the corpse of crocodile beast .

And empty nest .

"Amazing no one died this time "

One of them released a smoky Attack on Crocodile .

Crocodile with puppetry movements stood on it's legs .

He waved other hand and all the blood on floor turned liquid and entered crocodile's body .

Other smoky figure while looking at empty nest waved his hand and 3 human corpses.

Appeared near the nest .

He searched the bodies of humans for any valuable.

After he was satisfied with one sword .He placed it in nest .

"Let's go and place more treasures in empty rooms ."

They nodded at each other and disappeared.

This was their work to replish the treasures with any valuables they got on human corpses .

Everyday humans come looking for treasure within ruins .

Some of them find treasures .

Some return empty handed.

And some people.They die within ruins .

It was their duty to collect corpses .Search any valuables and place their treasures within ruins .And also make sure beasts within ruins keep working and not die .


Several hours later

2 smoky figures returned to big hall .In the hall there were atleast 1000 smoky figures .standing while surrounding a altar . The hall was lit with various glow stones .The altar had pattern on it .That looked anything but not demonic .

"How many today "A blue and black smoky figure asked .

"28 today .all of them below core formation"2 smoky figures replied .

"Just that .place them on sacrificial altar "Blue and black smoky figure replied .purple lightning seemed to flash in smoky figure when he talked .

2 smoky figures waved their hand and 28 human corpses appeared on altar .

All 1000 smoky figures started chanting some kind of spell .

A mysterious fire appeared on altar and started engulfing every corpse .The smoke that was rising from corpses had human faces .

Blue and black figure brought out Gourd .

"You have no place here .come for your release " with his wave of hand .Flaming faces started entering Gourd one by one .

After he was done collecting every face .He handed gourd to other blue and black figure .

"Release them outside ."

On the altar only dust was left behind .he waved his hand and it collected it in pot .

"Throw these outside too "

Blue and black smoky figure nodded and left .

" Thunder General the number has decreased again .we won't be able to sustain ourselves for long "

"I know .we can do nothing about it "

"General if we can hunt during day .we won't have to worry about less corpses"

"No .only night is our time.I forbid everyone of you to make move during day "

"But general.we will die without completing mission"

"Perhaps it is our fate .Than so be it " Thunder General replied .


Today lin disciples returned happy .

He asked lin fang to gather everyone and inform them of happy news .Later he asked them what they wanted to .All most all of them agreed to explore the ruins more .They still had week left to explore .

Than lin fang suggested they prove their strength to 'Beetle shell force '.They were excited and confident today .

Others disciples also wanted to fight because they had treasure belonging to them .

And so they decided to set their camp near."Beetle shell force " .

As they expected People came to stop them from setting up camp .

Lin fang and others easily beat them up .

In fact lin tian had overestimated their strength.only some people were on equal level with lin fang .And they wouldn't come easily to fight for something as trivial as land fighting .

Their camp was moved near beetle shell force .But it also meant they were no longer under protection of "Treasure search union "

Lin tian hadn't realised it yet .

He like others was excited about Not paying rent to camp .


Next day .

Lin fang with some female disciples went to collect water in barrels .

Lin tian had expected they would be stopped for collecting water .But that wasn't case .

Lin fang smoothly came back carrying water barrel.

Two people from 'Beetle shell force 'had also come to give back their treasure .They asked for forgiveness and gave them 100 gold coins .

Others refused and wanted to beat them .But lin tian accepted their apology .with 100 gold coins and Ring that can store 3 attacks .

Lin tian ,lin fang and others decided today they will be resting and not exploring ruins.

Some disciples were sharpening their weapons.while others were practicing swords .Every disciple was doing something.

These days lin tian had been curious about something.He had many questions in his mind .So he went to ruins alone to search .