
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

47.The great ruins

The road led them to the plains between mountain ranges .

After nearly 4 hours of traveling.The dark had already fallen .They could see many campsites .Fire lit in the camps .

Temporary wooden houses lit up with torches .

Some guards stationed to protect their camps .

Guys keeping lookout for dangerous things .

Every camp had someone keeping lookout for dangerous things .

Since it was dark they also had to make a camp .Lin tian saw a small place some feets above from ground .He felt this was a good place to make a camp.

"Let's set up our camp there "

After lin tian said lin fang followed .

"Lets go to that place to set up camp .That place is above ground .we can keep eye on surroundings easily ."

After lin fang said others agreed .just when they were about to set up camp .

A person came out from another direction and started beating them .

"This land is already a place chosen by our 'Bettle shell force ' to make camp .Make your camp somewhere else ."

Some more people came out and started throwing their things .

"You " lin disciples were angry .

"Stop .sorry we thought this place was empty .we will move somewhere else "Lin tian

"Move quickly "The man showed haughty attitude .

After that they chose more places to make camp .But everytime someone new would come out to exact their ownership on the ground .

The lin disciples were fuming with anger .They felt angry at lin tian who kept compromising.From their p.o.v.those people who took over the land . Didn't seem much strong .They should fight over to decide ownership of land .Lin fang felt good he wasn't leader .Lin tian had to bear all the humiliation and humbly kept apologizing.

"Are you looking for a land to set up your camp " A voice came in direction .

Because it was dark they had to wait for figure to come near .Before they could see the person .

A Middle aged appeared in their view .

"Yes senior we are looking for empty land .I am lin tian from xialong kingdom"Lin tian

" My name is Hua bo from 'Treasure search union' .

Most of the best places to make camp are already occupied or you can say self claimed by strong forces .

There are indeed some unclaimed places to make camp .But those lands are dangerous and not suitable to establish a camp.

if you want empty land .There are several methods "

"Senior please explain the methods " lin tian

"First and foremost method is To prove your strength to other forces .When you will try to establish camp some persons from other forces will appear to disrupt it .Just beat them and it should be enough "

Second method is to Take a land on rent from other forces ."

"Elder how much rent we will have to pay ."lin tian asked curious.

"It can start from as much as 1 gold coin per tent to 10 gold coins per tent .it simply means if you make 5 tent .you will have to pay 5 gold coins per day . However the prices are decided by relevant forces .So it can also be changed according to their will .I don't advice it "

"Another method is join their camp and become subordinate force ."

"Last is free method that is .make camp on unsuitable and dangerous places .For example under that mountain.No one will come to stop you from making camp .But nobody can guarantee a big rock won't fall from above .

Or in that direction.There is wetland area .unless you don't care about submerging your legs in dirt and mud and also not care about unknown creatures.i don't advice making camp there ."Then he pointed other places and explained .

Man stopped after talking after time .

Disciples were discussing which method was good to follow .According to Elder qiang money won't be of much use here .so they hadn't brought much money with them .Most importantly the rent of gold coins per tent was ridiculous.plus it could be changed on will .

Even if they totaled their money .At most it would be 100 gold coins .it was not feasible method .

As for using strength to prove .lin tian denied it .what if the other force retaliated with their full power .it was risky .he wouldn't let them choose this method .

Joining other forces .it was also No .

Lin tian noticed middle aged man wasn't finished speaking .

"Senior if you have another idea please explain"lin tian requested.

"There is one last method .

Infact that's why I am here .you can nomily join my force"Treasure search union" .We will give you place to make camp and protection from other forces .But you have to promise to share 30% of whatever treasures you found in the great ruins Every day "

"Just that "Some disciples eyes lit up .

But lin tian contemplated his words .

"Lin tian agree fast .we are getting uncomfortable standing in wind ."

"I am tired from all traveling and can't wait to sleep "

"We are tired young master .please agree "

"I am full of mosquito bites .just agree "

"Wait let me think "lin tian felt he couldn't just agree .There was something wrong with senior's words .lin tian was thinking .

"Senior you said we have to share 30% of treasure .But how much exactly is 30%.what if we find some weapon,or a pill or herb .How will you divide it in 30 and 70% .please explain."

Lin fang asked .

Other Disciples also realised .what if they only found one weapon .How will they divide it .

Could it be they break it in 30-70portion .But wouldn't that make it useless and of no value .

Lin tian also realised what was wrong with senior's words.

"Senior you said we have to pay everyday .but what if we can't find treasure everyday ."lin tian

Middle aged man's face paled .But than he smiled .

"If there is treasure that can't be divided.we will naturally buy it from you at market price.

Also if you can't find treasure .than you can naturally pay with gold."

"And how much will that be " lin fang

"For our protection and land . Giving 20 gold coins per day is bargain don't you think "

"So senior you were tricking us all this time and making us fall in trap "Lin fang replied calmly.

Lin tian also nodded he had come to same conclusion.

They had to give 30% treasure every day for free to "Treasure search union ".if they found treasure that can't be divided.They will have no choice but sell it to union.Whether it will be according to market price or not was not trustable .

If they can't find treasure give 20 gold coins to union .which was more expensive than joining other forces .

Disciples scorned the middle aged man after realising the trick.

Facing comtempt Middle aged man smiled .

"Tricking ? making you falling in trap ? No I just shared information with you out of pity .whether you will fall in trap or not was all on you .I haven't even tried my best to trick you ."

Lin tian understood.This man openly told them everything.If he wanted to trick there were better ways .He told disciples to not speak .

"Shut up all of you .Bow and thank senior

"Senior thanks for your information."Lin tian bowed first followed by fang and suya .Everyone bowed.Although they were reluctant they were told to listen to young master .Also lin fang had already bowed why couldn't they .

Middle aged man smiled and opened his hand in front of lin tian.

"Senior what do you mean by gesture "lin tian asked .

"Express your thank physically "Hua bo

"He is asking for money "lin fang said .

Lin tian gave him a gold coin .But hua bo didn't close his hand .

"A gold coin is just smallest currency here ."Hua bo

Lin tian reluctantly gave him gold bar .Hua bo was about to close his hand .when lin tian slided another gold bar in his hand .

"Senior please explain if there are rules or anything we should be wary off "lin tian

Hua bo kissed the gold bar and happily said .

"The closer the camp to the great ruins .The stronger the force it is."

"Fighting and beating is allowed outside of ruins .But not killing .if someone tries to kill .local forces will intervene."

"Only Cultivators below the age of 25 and realm below core formation are allowed inside to search for treasure ."

"Getting within the 300 feets range of other camps is considered as intruding .other forces can deal with however they want ."

"Within the ruins .Local forces won't intervene .So anything can happen inside ."








....... That's all .

"Among all the forces here .only our union uses money here .As long as you have money .you can ask us of any favor ."

Lin tian felt all the information was worth it .He bowed .

"Since you have already paid 20 gold .you can make your camp Today .if someone come to intervene .tell them "Treasure search union "have rented this land to you ."Hua bo said and left .

"Haven't you paid him too much young master ."2 gold bars or 20 gold coins was big amount for them.

"You should have bargained "

"Information was worth it and also we can set up camp now .So go do your work "lin tian

"Young master is right let's set the camp "lin fang commented .

Disciples were feeling pained for 20 gold coins . although it was not their money .

They started setting up camp .

As hua bo said some people came to disturb them .But once they said "Treasure union" name they returned quietly.

This time lin tian's camp was shared by 3 disciples.lin fang ,and two disciples from hare incident.

Lin tian while lying contemplated hua bo 's word .


Next day .

Early morning .

Lin tian and others were woken up by .uproar outside .when they came out of tent .

The sun had still not risen .

But others camps had started moving .Making prepration for searching the ruins .

Some had started sharpening their weapons .while others went for morning abulations .

Some were cooking food .

Some forces had even started walking to the great ruins .

"Young master should we start preparing too "

Other Disciples asked .

"Have you all relaxed .if not we can rest more .For first day we need not to go early "lin tian

"Truthfully us females wants to rest "lin suya

"Than relax and go to sleep . For those who don't want to sleep .freshen yourself.

we will start making preparation when the sun had risen " lin tian ordered

They had set up a 1 person tent for the purpose of defecation and peeing .

Disciples started taking turns for emptying their stomach .

Hour later .The sun had risen .

Females had went to cook up food .

Disciples were sharpening their weapons .

Lin fang went to emptying the feces bucket to the far corner .For some days it was his punishment and also duty .

Lin tian noticed they had enough food to last for a week .But water only enough to last 3 days .They had to get water from somewhere .

He gazed at area around .Looking for a water source . Mountains with stream of water coming down were already occupied by other forces .In that direction should be wetlands .Can we get water from there .lin tian shook his head .Now was not the time to worry about water .

He gazed at the destination.Turns out they were still 5kms away from the great ruins .

However the ruins were still visible from far .

From far it looked like someone had destroyed a castle of several dozens stories and turned it into rubble .The ruins were likely several kms long and wide and were situated on the biggest mountain. It was even 20 times bigger than the residence they bought in sword edge city .who destroyed this castle .

According to hua bo.These great ruins were once fortress and later on after cutting a big mountain were turned into castle .

This was a stronghold which separated beast world from human world .some hundreds of years ago .

Than one day it was suddenly destroyed killing everyone within it all together .major forces speculated a strong beast may have destroyed it but no one could find a clue .

Looking at the wide spread ruins .Lin tian wondered if someone living could do this .

The castle had several floors underground .And they will be exploring them .other than that several rooms and buildings around it were also safe .

Lin tian wondered if he could find something that can help him cultivate.


With prepration done .

Lin tian and their group embarked to the destination.Infact they only had to carry some weapons ,Armor and their protective treasure.

Before they left to the ruins .

lin tian distributed Talisman to everyone.Everyone was shocked when they received this magical treasure .

They hadn't expected their young master was so rich that he carried so many talismans.Lin fang was envious .

If he was young master would he also get these many treasures.However He wasn't sure whether he would share it with others .

Lin tian gave 3 talisman to every disciples.

He felt the numbers of talisman were less in his hand . however he wasn't sure how many talisman fairy Huang had given in .He wasn't sure .

The great ruins had several entrances .many forces were lining upto enter within .

For safety's sake or other reason .There was some time gap in every force's entrance .