
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

45.Frozen lin fang

Lin suya returned to her tent .it was shared by all girls and was the biggest tent .

Girls looked at her mockingly .

"What do you have to say .spit it out "

"Lin suya did you spent good time with young master "said one girl

"Our female genius is interested in young master a waste "

"Lin suya you ignore whenever we talk about potential male candidates.but to think you were interested in a waste "

"You girls are ignoring the main point . Isn't young master the clan heir ."

"So what if he is clan heir .In the end he is mortal "

"Don't forget marrying him can make her clan heiress ."

"Ohhhhhh"all girls looked at her meaningfully

"Sister suya isn't like that . don't speak badly to her " lin meru

"We can't say .but she can do "

"Have you said everything.if yes than go to sleep .otherwise I can just make you go to sleep "Lin suya

Hearing her angry words .Girls decided not to say anything stupid and just laid .

Lin suya lying thought.

'The world was unfair .She didn't wanted to marry lin tian .But wanted to grow with her own strength.She didn't want to marry lin tian for clan heir position.No to mention She was to marry him just as mere concubine .

She could never become Clan heiress .

She laughed helplessly .'

Others girls thought she had gone crazy and just went to sleep .


Lin tian who about to sleep was woken up by rhino .Rhino inserted his neck in tent and hummed .

"You want me to come with you "

Lin tian stood up to follow Rhino .very soon they entered within forest range .

Elder qiang also followed them secretly after leaving protection measure for the camp area .

It appeared Rhino had brought him to forest . Because he wanted to look for food .

Lin tian felt afraid of dark and the unknown place .He stucked close to Rhino .

Hour later they returned .

Rhino had eaten some things .So lin tian had not to worry about founding food for rhino .

Lin tian went to sleep inside his tent .Rhino was left outside .

Elder qiang felt assured and took rest .


3 days later .Mid afternoon.

Female disciples were cooking food for All of them .

Some disciples were sent to explore the forest .But they were only allowed to go 500 meter deep within forest .It was considered outer range of forest and according to Elder qiang no strong beast would appear here .which make this distance relatively safe for exploring .

"Young master I have brought food for you ."lin suya approached him

"Thanks Elder sister but you don't have to bring food everyday.i can pick up myself like other disciples ."

"Young master .They are different and you are different "

"Elder sister you don't have to treat me differently ."

"Young master it's just giving food nothing much ."

Lin tian stopped persuading her .after some time he said.

"Elder sister I have noticed other Disciples don't talk to you much these days ."

Lin suya squirmed a little .Than she said

"Young master that's not the case .They talk to me lot in the carriage ."Lin suya said and evaded her eyes from lin tian .

"Is that so .I thought it was because of me .they stopped talking to you .Now I can rest assured "Lin tian

Lin suya looked down .These days she was mocked by other girls for getting close with Lin tian .

Almost every time they talked to her .they mocked for her vision.Lin suya rather wanted to sit alone than talk with them .

At this time a hurried voice came .

"Help....Help lin fang he is danger .Help Elder qiang "A disciple shouted and looked around .

"Elder qiang where is he ."

"What happened"Lin tian stood up quickly to know .

"We were chasing a hare to hunt .But than suddenly he felt the need to relive .So he left the group for a while ."

"When we saw him again he was frozen .Like there was solid ice over it "

"He was unable to move and asked for help .But he was completely frozen "

Other Disciples have surrounded to protect him .But we heard a strong roar.Thinking it might be a dangerous beast .I have come to ask for help "

"Elder qiang is not here right now .But he should be nearby .Elder sister when he returns inform him "

"Young master where are you going ."

"I will go and see .if I can help "Lin tian

"Don't go "you are just a mortal .you can't help in anything.Lin suya thought.

Lin tian and some other Disciples ventured in forest to help .


They were searching for lin fang for some time .But lin fang was nowhere to be seen .

"Where is lin fang "lin tian

"I don't remember the path .all directions look the same "

"Could it be you lot ventured deep into forest ."

"We were chasing the hare .so we didn't notice the distance."

"You..think of something that was near him . something easily noticeable.Like a tree or a big rock "lin tian

"I can't think of anything.... something noticeable yes .The soil was wet there and area was flowery and full of lush grass ."

Taking a round view .lin tian didn't see any matching description.

"We might have to divide and search .but it's dangerous"Lin tian said

"What divide no .we can't risk it . let's go back and ask for Elder qiang."

"But lin fang might not survive till than "lin tian mused .

"You aren't you our leader .you have to search and protect lin fang "

"That's right you have to protect him"

"We will return to ask for Elder qiang .you will search for lin fang "a disciple proposed .

Lin tian was stunned .On one side he was single and on another 5 disciples.They were asking him to search alone in forest and risk his life .

Perhaps they also realised the number difference.One disciple said .

"We will also search for lin fang separately.2 of us can go look for Elder qiang "

They didn't wait for lin tian's reply before they split up and went in different direction.

Lin tian was left alone thinking .whether he should return .

Lin tian as a clan heir had responsibility to protect its disciple .Even if it was Lin fang who always mocked him .

Lin tian decided to search for lin fang .when he was moving .He noticed Rhino biting on big mushroom the size of bucket .

The presence of him lifted his unrest heart .

Under rhino's big body .The mushroom disappeared in 4 bites .

Lin tian talked with rhino to make him understand.They had to search for lin fang.

Rhino nodded and walked along him .

But rhino was no dog .He couldn't find lin fang easily .

They searched and finally found the area they were looking for .some distance away from them .They saw lin tian frozen . His one hand was about to touch some kind of flower .

2 disciples were protecting him from beast attack .A group of hares surrounded them and were pouncing on 2 Disciples.

Two disciples used their swords to cut the attacking hares .

The hares didn't retreat but enraged attack again.

Lin tian from his side view saw a hare of 2 feet height approaching from side to the lin fang .

He didn't thought much and ran quickly to the lin fang's side .Hare attacked with his paw .Lin tian used sword to defend himself .Lin tian moved 2 step back.

He thought of using talisman's but decided against it .This hare wasn't so strong he had to use talisman .

Looking at Lin fang's body .The ice was melting slowly .He just had to defend for some time .

The duel of defense and attack erupted between the two .one beast and another human.

Rhino looked at the scene .waited for while than decided to graze on nearby grass .

Lin tian's arms were getting numb from the onslaught of repeated attacks .

The hare got used to the defending pattern of human .It suddenly jumped and attacked with it's legs.

Lin tian wasn't able to hold on his sword .He let go .

With another attack his injured arm was scratched from uppen portion .Droplets of blood flew in every direction.Lin tian quickly picked his sword and defended again .

The hare grunted and roared .Lin tian felt The hare was saying something.but he wouldn't understand.

The hare waited for some time and attacked again.And than again.

Rhino who was relaxing some far away . Finally smelled bloody fragrance.looking up he noticed lin tian .He charged at the hare hitting him strongly.The hare flew and hit a tree .Blood came out of its mouth .it's insides were probably injured .Still he stood up and charged at lin tian again .

Rhino was about to attack again .But lin tian stopped him and told him to defend only .

Rhino understood and like a wall He stood still on its four legs .Hare's strong attacks felt feather touching to his body .Hare tried to jump over it .But rhino would shake it's body and it would fall.

Lin tian approached the two disciples and asked .

"What happened why are they attacking without caring about life ."

Two disciples while attacking replied .

"We don't know .we were chasing hare to hunt it .so maybe they are here for revenge"

"That can't be the case .They are attacking with hostility.which is strange ."Lin tian said .

"We don't know .when we found lin fang .He was already surrounded with them "

Suddenly a small hare slipped between the gap and attacked lin tian .Lin tian's other arm got injured and blood came out .He lost his balance and started falling backwards. He tried to balance himself and unintentionally grabbed frozen lin fang 's shoulder .The ice melted quickly on shoulder .Lin tian lost his source of support .In the end he fell .

The small hare started climbing lin fang's body .As though it was searching something.it looked up and down but didn't found anything . frustrated it started biting ice .soon the ice on lin fang's hand was broken .it was about to bit the human hand .but was suddenly grabbed by neck another human .

Lin tian looked at the white hare he had grabbed .He was thinking something.The white hare struggled to free itself. But lin tian was'nt letting go .

"If you struggle you will only hurt yourself"white hare stopped for a sec than resumed struggling .lin tian looked at the disciples who had also reached their limit .

"Rhino make then afraid "

Rhino with strength marched in the group of hares.The other hare was already injured and wasn't much threat .

Lin tian thought of using fire talisman to quickly melt the ice .But he didn't knew if quick melting would harm lin fang or not .

He decide to make a torch and use it's fire to melt the ice .grabbing some branches and coiling handkerchief on their edge .He used talisman to generate fire.

With one hand he grabbed the other arm of lin fang and with another arm he used to melt the ice .

Unbeknownst to him .The flower near his hand released a puff of gas .which started melting ice start from lin fang's hand .lin tian noticed this phenomenon and distanced himself .

Very soon Ice melted .

"Waahhh....Help "lin fang screamed.

"Lin fang you are fine . that's good let's escape "

"Thanks for helping me you two....."

Lin fang noticed lin tian was also here .

"Lin fang young master also helped you .Not only he defended you and gotten injured .He also melted your ice . otherwise we had no choice but to wait for ice to melt "

"Young master's beast also helped us rest .we were already exhausted ."

"I owe you one young master ."lin fang said simply .But looking at rhino who marched strongly .He had greedy desire to make this beast his .

"Never mind .do you know why these beast are attacking us hostility.The way they are attacking is not normal ".

"How would I know young master .I was frozen.Lets return to the camp .we can't defeat their numbers .I am also feeling cold ."

"Is that so .but I don't think we should go .We have to know why are they attacking fiercely .Besides I don't think they will let us go.

For some reason hares had started attacking more fiercely .Rhino was'nt able to keep up with their numbers.Two disciples had to join again in defending.Lin fang was in no condition to attack and was shivering with cold .

Lin tian could only handle 4 or 5 of them .That too depended on if he wanted to kill them.Lin had no killing intention though.

At this time Elder qiang appeared.
