
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
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78 Chs

40.Appointing mingzhu as leader

"Elder qiang what do you think their intention are ."

Elder qiang thought 'My honest views are .they are terrified of kang lord and also sect disciples of 'shadow moving sect'.and seeks protection 'with kang lord as reference they also realised the difference and the opportunity they missed.plus with how magistrate gave importance to you. They now realise there is no better place for them to go'.

But He said to lin tian "I think they are are impressed by you .Not only you protected their lives . But also gave them choice .Not forcing others .I believe they want to repay the gratitude with their lives ."

Lin tian deep in his heart was not satisfied with the answer .But he felt happy .After all he had made achievement and impressed others .He was feeling smug.

"Than what should we do now ."

"Honestly we need workforce .so we should accept them.But we will only be accepting those who didn't choose cultivaton over their lives and betrayed your expectations."qiang

"Is...is that fine .I think if someone gave me chance to cultivate.i will agree too. I think they did nothing wrong ."lin tian

"Than we will accept them as workforce too .just not for same place "qiang

Lin tian didn't expect .elder qiang to accept so easily .

After they ate lunch they decided to go outside .

"Young master we want to serve you . previous we were blind to not notice your generosity."

"I am deeply ashamed I missed the chance to serve you . please give me another chance ."

"Master I followed others and took wrong steps . please give me chance ."

There was uproar of voices making listening confusing .

"Old expert our knight captain left us here to help you .Do you need us to deal with the crowd ."

"No but we will be accepting some slaves .can you help us in registering them in young master's name .only register those I point out .for others use different sheet "

Knights nodded .

"I will be accepting all of you and giving you work to do .do you agree "lin tian

"We agree".

"My whole family agrees "

Come one by one and register yourself .

The registering took lot of time .By the time they were done .afternoon was about to end.knights were skilled and did their work fast . Decreasing lot of time .

More than 300 people had registered themselves.As for rest they had different plans .Not everyone was weak in mind and decided to submit their fate to others .

.All the homeless people with their families came to the big residence.carrying what little belonging they had .

When the slaves within residence saw so many people coming with master .they felt worried .For they had to share this grand residence with them .But when they saw familiar faces .they felt relieved and happy.

"Today all of you can stay .However from tomorrow onwards Only some of you will stay in the residence.rest will have to move out.

I will tell you the details tomorrow"

" You will all Share the room with others ."

"Mingzhu report .how much work is done and how much is pending ".

Mingzhu nervously spoke .

"Today we females cleaned 16 rooms and prepared them for living. Kitchen,pantry,dining area and hall were also cleaned .during after noon and noon .we had to made lunch and dinner .which caused us delay "

"This residence has 50 rooms ,On ground floor there are 30 .On first floor 15 .and last floor 5 rooms .so there are 24 rooms pending ."

"Moving on to outside .

Mens worked tirelessly and managed to clean one fourth of residence area .they also made crop area of 15 x 16 .we have already buried vegetables seeds there ."

"Good work" .Everyone mingzhu here is representative of me . Remember to follow her words. What she does is what I want to say .Her each decision represents me. "Lin tian.

"From now on treat her as leader and listen to her .Do anyone of you disagree"lin tian looked at crowd .Elder qiang had said to him .If anyone disagrees than just insist on mingzhu being leader . However he saw no one disagreeing or Denying to accept mingzhu as leader .

"Since None of you disagree.Mingzhu will be appointed as leader of all of you and my representative.Remember to listen to her .

Also for me mingzhu's words takes priority.So if you have conflict with her there will be punishment or expulsion.She can decide on punishment..."lin tian trailed off his words at end .showing them the importance of mingzhu.

In fact many of them didn't agree with mingzhu with being leader .Some of them were more capable and experienced than the little girl.But they had just gotten over their tragic situations.And their future seemed to be bright .It looked like they won't be tortured,harassed or exploited .Their master didn't seem cruel person .None of them wanted to offend master on their first day .They were afraid to show disagreement and face the consequences.Even if they weren't afraid.A slave had no choice but to agree with the master's words .

But many were jealous and envious of little girl .Other than being the earliest slave of master she had nothing good .The female slaves were especially jealous.

Mingzhu kneeled in front of lin tian

"This slave accept the honor of being master's representative.i will wholeheartedly serve the master and meet the expectations of master in any way ."

Looking at mingzhu he thought of something.

After searching for something in his pouch .He gave it to mingzhu .

"Good .This is my token. Now you can represent me as a leader .I hope you become a good leader and you and others grow together to great heights ."lin tian

"I humbly accepts master 's vision "mingzhu .

Elder qiang coughed at this time .giving slaves a hint .some slaves understood.

"We accept mingzhu as leader "

"We accept her as representative"

Soon others slaves followed and cheered .

When the cheering died down .

"Master may I suggest something.It is already night .Going outside is not safe .Master please spend the night here .we have already cleaned master bedroom .it is in condition to stay .Master please stay here today ."mingzhu

Lin tian looked at elder qiang.When he nodded.

"Than I will stay here today ."

Hearing this mingzhu sprang to action .He signaled other three females from morning to go check master bedroom .If there was anything needed to cleaned .

Straigtning up she said ."There are too many slaves and there are less room .we may need to divide them up .Master please give us your opinion"mingzhu

"Ahem..Those slaves from morning.if you have family members .You can bring them to the room and stay together.its not only limited to slaves .If your family is homeless you can bring them here and live together."

"16 Rooms will be divided among slaves from Morning "

"As for rest make do with less cleaned rooms .

Rest who cannot get room .please spend the night somehow .Choose any empty place to sleep in .hall ,kitchen , anything.

From tomorrow we can make wooden shelters outside .Some of you can live there ."

"If any used to work in any profession.let mingzhu know. farmer ,woodworker ,artisan,painter any profession you had .let mingzhu know ."

"Mingzhu according to their profession you can give work to them Is there anything else ."

"Master what are we called as group together .Please give us name .

Also what is the name of this residence "mingzhu

"Ah yes A name I will think about it and tell you tomorrow "lin tian

After that mingzhu asked some more question .keeping lin tian busy .

Lin tian answered them to best of his knowledge.Those he couldn't answer He delayed it to tomorrow.

When mingzhu saw three females return .

"Master please follow me to your room"

"Ah yes ."Lin tian was happy with questionare ends.He followed mingzhu .But when he saw his room he was shocked .

"Is...is this my room .But isn't this too big "

"You are our master .So naturally the biggest and best room belongs to you .In fact everything here is yours .I know it's lacking many things .Thus feeling empty and big ."From previous knowledge mingzhu knew .

Noble person 's room contained many furnitures and luxurious thing.This room only had bed and table .Thus giving the feeling of big room .

"Master I will add more things to the room .so it doesn't feel empty. "

"Ah no need .its is enough for now .in fact it's bigger than my room in my clan .but it's lacking decorations ."Even his small room in clan was decorated.so he blurted it out .

"Yes I will add decorations too "mingzhu seemed excited .

"In fact its big enough for dozens of people to live .if there are some who can't find place to sleep you can send them here ."lin tian

"There is no need master .How can slave sleep within their master's room "

"Since young master has said so .its enough .mingzhu go out and see if others have settled in ."Elder qiang said .

Mingzhu bowed and left .

"Young master that token you gave her .it belongs to young miss right ?right "

"Ummm,,,yes "

"Take it back from her "

"Why "

"That token is young miss's disciple token in her sect .it's her identity .I don't know why it's in your possession.but it should not be in mere slave's possession "

"Lily gave it to me she said with this token .I can avoid many dangers and garner respect from various small forces. From what I can understand it can help mingzhu and also protect her .I think lily won't mind . besides lily said she can have more tokens."

"Young master I don't understand you .have you not considered the possibility.she can misuse the token .To those who don't know her .She can pretend to be disciple from big sect .Ther are many possibilities she can use that token .She wouldn't even need to be slave anymore .what if she is no longer under you "Elder qiang said greetings his teeth .

"Elder qiang I don't want her to be slave.Nor anyone .She is pitiful girl .if she can use it to better herself .There is no harm in giving her .Besides do you want me to carry a disciple token from all female sect ."lin tian

"Young master ....."Elder qiang was steamed .

Have you not thought It can bring harm to the young miss .what if ..."

"Elder qiang if mingzhu dared to do anything that brings harm to lily in any way .Than I will deal with her without mercy "Lin tian was serious when it came to his sister .

"Elder qiang will lily come back ." Lin tian was emotional.

"It's hard to say she was taken away by her teacher .Her teacher was very angry on our lin clan saying we didn't take good care of her .She said lily won't be coming back to clan "Elder qiang regretted bring up the topic of lily .

"Young master forget it .But you endangered your life today for those homeless .that can't be allowed .Not only that you offended a direct descendant of big clan .what do you have to say about that ."qiang

"I...I don't think I did anything wrong "lin tian

"It's not about right and wrong .it's about endangering your life .There was no need to interfere nor care about those homeless .But you spent so much effort ,money and your precious time .You offended kang descendants, Disciples of shadow moving sect and magistrate too .we don't know what his intentions are .But we should be careful "qiang

"Why magistrate?He is a good man I think"lin tian

"Young master you shouldn't believe someone's word at face value .His intentions are unknown."

"I will be careful than and won't consider words at face value "lin tian

"Young master don't endanger your life again .Also don't take part in matters not related to you .I shouldn't say it .But limit your kindness and sympathy."

"Yes I agree "lin tian said not serious

Elder qiang sighed and said ."young master I am thinking of cancelling this trip .For you and others it's great opportunity for a growth .If not yourself think about others .If you made trouble than I will have no choice but to cancel the trip "qiang

"Rest assured elder qiang I won't make another trouble ."lin tian

"That should be the case .Consider it last chance young master ."qiang said and came out .He noticed a sneaky figure in corner

"How much did you hear "

"Eve.....Everything "

"Hearing your master's embarassing and personal matters .it's not enough to break your legs and leaving you incapable "

"I did....I did hear it but I don't understand.Atleast not everything "

"No need to understand and think over unnecessary things .I will forgive you because of young master."

"Come back and Stay in young master's room in early morning .it will give other the impression that you are close with young master ."qiang left .

"Yes..Elder "mingzhu

"Take this list .it contains names of slaves .who can be somewhat trusted .

For others use them .but never trust them ."

Me and your master only trusts original 14 ."

Afterwards he explained from his p.o.v how others slaves betrayed them .

"My young master is kind .so he helped them but they can't be trusted .use them to their limits ."

"Yes elder ."

"Mingzhu I hope you are different from other slaves.don't ever consider betraying master .The opportunity master gave you is far greater than anyone .if you are capable than you can build your brother's future far better than you even considered .The efforts and money young master invested in you is also grand ."Elder qiang said serious tone .


lin tian was alone in his room .When his body relaxed .

He unexpectedly felt cold .His body started trembling.

I hadn't thought someone would try to kill me .Today I was very close to death .The thought of death made him tremble.

Some time later he fell asleep .He had kept doors open to his room .In case someone needed space to sleep In.
