
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
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78 Chs

13.man plans , heaven plans

Zhang mei used contacting talisman .to report about the evil culivator in forest .she transmitted all the details .

She left for sword edge city .it was also the direction she was sensing her disciple.she had left some things with her disciple to track her location .

However she could only be accurate when she was in the range of 5km.


Mo yin received emergency contact from his companion

He frowned .

Yesterday he had taken his time personating as evil cultist .he killed those he didn't like and kidnapped young childs .To create unrest and chaos among important clans . attracting attention from all major clans in this area .

However among the kids he kidnapped .He found a child with special physique .a child with special physique was'nt that a treasure in itself .he thought of refining the blood and bones of this child .his strength will increase greatly after refining .he denied himself this physique had lot of potential.in the future she may even grow stronger than him .

He made a plan .he will bring this child to his sect .there he will take his time to deal with the child .

He was going to pretend to be a weak cultist when righteous cultivator tracked him .he will have a fight .where he will appear weak .just strong enough defend himself .than looking for a chance he will escape .

But because of this child he had to make better preprations.

Atleast he had to make sure no bring this child back before he returns .he created layers and layers of protection on his hideout.than he brought little girl to different room .kids trembled at his sight .too freaked out to make a loud noise silently crying.He was just waiting for the time to pass when he received emergency signal.he had to get back .

After he was sure nobody in the surroundings settlements was strong enough to get past these defense.he left the childs trembling together.

To think their plan was already disturbed.if the mission failed .they both will not be able to take responsibility.



"How can someone escape when you were here "mo yin

"The opponent was in same realm as usual .however he was weaker .but had lot of defensive treasure "Zhou fengru

"So you underestimated him . Didn't use your full power . isn't entirely your fault "mo yin smirked

"Mo yin don't even think blaming me infront of sect master later on .if there is someone to blame than its you .who left the mission halfway for your pleasure."Zhou fang retorted

Mo yin choked on the words he was about to say.

"In short we both made mistake ." So we both have to make sure the mission goes successful "mo yin said through gritted teeth

"Just make sure every point of formation is okay "

"I have asked for reinforcement.and they are on their way ."Zhou fengru


Lin tian was crawling in the underground .he had slept for a long time . yesterday when rhino brought him out he was really worried .the beast would him eat him .Than he heard sounds of fighting .than he increased speed.

Than rhino was attacked by lot of spiders .In the turmoil Rhino threw him off in a hole .he was unconscious again .

Slept like a wooden log .when he woke up he tried to get out of hole .but was attacked by spiders in a panic he entered a tunnel wide enough to crawl into .but the spiders were still following he could only go deep into tunnel .

Fortunately the spiders were weak .he killed them by kicking again and again.

But the tunnel wasn't wide enough to turn back .he could only go forward .Than tunnel divided into two than 3.sometimes he felt like he was going deep underground.sometimes going up .but there was no end in sight .

When he felt tired he would rest . fortunately he ended up in a room wide enough to .recover.when he rested enough he ended up doing his business in corner .he covered it completely with sand and mud.after he chose another tunnel to crawl into .


The sky above silver tail mountain was gradually changing.

At first it became completely clear .Than clouds gathered together and a typhoon appeared in the sky .

Many beasts with strong sense of danger went into hiding .


Zhang mei had brought other cultivators with herself to the hideout of evil cultivator.

Cultivators from various clans had gathered together in sword edge city .she just conveniently became a leader of this group .by showing her aura .at first all of them had followed clues left by evil cultivator.

But their clues disappeared halfway .leading them to sword edge city .

They had no clues further .Hence all of them were pressuring the local authorities existed in sword edge city to create a team for the rescue of kids .

Zhang mei's timely appearance made her the leader .under her lead

They soon found a abandoned house or a mansion.

It was invisible to them .and they had missed it .while searching for clues .

But when Zhang mei used her dagger in air.

Whole building became visible to them .

After that Zhang mei comfortably stood in the back.othere cultivators fought their way in dodging various traps .

Finally they arrived at room .where Childrens were held captive .when they tried to go in .

A fog came out of door .after the fog gathered it became a ferocious beast with two heads .

All the present cultivators were helpless against the beast .

Zhang mei had to make move .she killed the beast in just 3 moves .others cultivators praised her . After searching for long they didn't find any cultivator in building.though they did find necessities to conduct a ritual .a demonic statue .blood basin ,triagrams beyond their understanding and what not .

Others kids reunited with their known ones .

Zhang mei saw mei lin standing in a corner .not moving .

"Mei lin come here let me check if you are fine"Zhang mei said

Mei lin didn't move .her eyes lost focus

"Mei lin if you are frightened.come to me nobody can harm you when I am here "

Seeing no movements.zhang mei moved herself to mei lin .

Thinking she was frightened.she hugged her to console .

But !


Mei lin stabbed Zhang mei .there was short knife in her hand she had stabbed with .


Others were frightened.

"No there is no light in her eyes" Zhang mei understood .

This was the last defensive mechanism prepared. By evil cultivator.

'But why only her'others kids are fine .she thought.She knocked her out .

"Mei lin forgive me "Zhang mei

After that she injected her spirit qi in mei lin .

"This....this is " the possibility frightened her .she leaked her aura frightening others cultivators.

Some of the weak cultivators prostrated.seeing the others prostrating especially the kids Zhang mei retrieved her aura .

"You are from lin family right " Zhang mei

pointed at one of cultivator

"I am 3rd elder Lin ke from lin family of silver tail city .if teacher Zhang have any instruction .please tell me " 3rd elder

"Lin clan has failed to protect their young miss .from now on mei lin will have nothing to do with the lin family .She will be part of "serenity moon palace "I will be taking her "Zhang mei

"But ,you can't ,teacher Zhang "lin ke

Heavy pressure descended on him .

"Relay my words to the patriarch."Zhang mei left while carrying mei lin .