
The Past is Dead

Fear, disgust, and spine-chilling emotions overwhelmed Ashterielle as she came face to face with someone who's gazing at her with sinister eyes and insatiable hunger, ready to devour her at any given chance.

YoursTrulyBeauty · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 01: Moving In

Ashterielle sharply inhaled as she carried a huge box containing her groceries, she just moved out of the orphanage and bought her own house and her USV to near her new school. She took several part time jobs and saved up some money before moving out.

Thankfully, the orphanage was quite understanding of her and gave her some time before having her move out, and although she experienced bullying from other kids there as well, she didn't take it to heart, she fought them back anyway.

She saved up a hundred thousand for ten months since she was seventeen, and was able to move and enroll for another semester in her public school. She bought a cooking stove worth of one thousand five hundred, a small refrigerator worth twelve thousand, a bed worth of five thousand, a second-hand laptop worth eight thousand, a small table worth one thousand five hundred in Lazada and a rice cooker worth eight hundred, she also bought two electric fans worth of four thousand, a pair of drinking glass, plate and spoon and fork, a pitcher and other materials needed for cooking. She smiles in satisfaction as she eyes the new things in front of her. Although it was just a 200sqm two storey house and it only has two bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a small laundry area, she's pretty satisfied with her new home. Not only that, the house has a 40sqm backyard, a storefront, a gated garage and its gate is made of steel and wall, so she's not worried about someone trespassing the property

She put her groceries inside the house and locked the door, she also shut the window and pulled the curtain to make sure no one would see her. Considering that she's alone and doesn't have a relative, she's worried about her safety. Although she can fight but knowing this Municipal, murder happens a lot and this is where the hitmans silence their targets and throw the bodies.

That's why she was able to get this place cheap, aside from the materials and type of home, this place is known for bodies thrown in the river or to the bushes. Even the hitmans and police know each other or the police might even be the hitman themselves. So the safety of the place couldn't be guaranteed.

The only good thing is that she was able to afford and fully paid the house using her mom and dad's insurance, she doesn't have to endure paying the monthly equity and amortization for fifty years unlike others, she also doesn't have to worry about her finances as she still has six million pesos in her savings account.

She put all the frozen meat in her fridge, vegetables and fruits so that it won't spoil. She also put the ice cream and milk inside the fridge. Thankfully, the cost of materials right now are cheap, if she's going to wait for a few years before buying things, the cost of these groceries might be more expensive than what they are now.

She also set up the groceries she will be selling inside the store. She also ordered some canned and bottled sodas for the grocery and put it in the fridge, as well as chocolate milk and milk for babies as well. She's not sure if there will be anyone buying the milk but it would be better if she has it, if there are no buyers who will buy the milk, she will donate it to the orphanage. After setting everything up, she took out the puto she bought from town and Biko and put it in a Tupper ware to give out to the neighbors.

She hummed a tune and went out to greet the neighbors. She knocked on the gate of the house in front of her house and said, "Hello, is anyone inside?"

A woman in her thirties opened the front door while carrying her one year old baby girl, "Can I help you?" The woman asked with her brows furrowed and a frown appearing in her lips.

Ashterielle ignored her reaction and greeted the woman, "Hello, My name is Ash, I just moved in and I'm living on that house." She pointed the house in front. "This is for you, I just bought these." She handed the Tupperware that has puto and Biko in it.

The frown disappeared in the lady's face and returned the greeting as she accepted, "Hello, I'm Rena, you shouldn't have bothered giving this but still, thank you. You're new here? Where are your parents?" She asked in a leisure manner. This is just her making a conversation.

Ashterielle smiled and says, "They are currently out of town and will be back in a few days." She lied without batting an eyelid, she looks at the baby, "How old is she?"