
Prologue - A Normal Day

(2020. November. 8)

It's 5 AM. I'm running late to my workplace. I was hoping to get a day off today but my two week notice got denied at the last minute. Each day felt like a constant loop, everyday I go to my job, go home, eat, sleep and repeat.


As I pulled up to the warehouse, something felt off. It seemed like someone was inside. Normally it's only me that goes to work at this time. The lights were off and everything was untouched, I felt like I was going crazy. However I saw my office lights on from across the hall. I slowly walked towards my room with the closest weapon I saw - a metal pipe. As I opened the door I saw my boss on my chair, in my office - which is pretty unusual since he normally comes in the time I start to leave, which is at 6pm.

The boss stared at me for two minutes straight and then said, "So you actually come to work at this time, Spades?" I nodded my head without actually speaking. He stared at me, like I was some alien. He got out of my chair and walked up to me bypassing my personal space and whispered into my ear, "If you think this deserves a raise or some praise, well boy…get the fuck out of here !".

I was stunned - I felt fear like I've never felt it in a while. I felt the compressed hole I left behind long ago stir up again. As he walked away he was laughing hysterically, and then said "Get back to your fucking job dumbass."

I stood there for a good 10 minutes, since I needed to calm myself or else my past mistakes would consume me.


Since it was Friday business was pretty easy; I mean every day is the same. Today was a bit different, especially this morning. However it was nothing major. Near the end of shift, some of my friends at my workplace invited me for dinner later that day, since I was going on a two week break to visit my parents, whom I hadn't seen in a long time.

I went to the restaurant they invited me to at the organized time -8 PM. As I see them pull up - my ears start ringing with no sense of sight; the feeling of blood running down my chest and getting beat on the ground as I pass out.