
The beginning

It all started on the 7 of the october, it was exactly 1 am i was walking down the street. On my way back home i saw a strange light it was red and black. I was curious so i went to check it. Mistake. The strange light suddenly grew bigger. I was paralyzed. Had my time finnaly come? No it was the start of my new life. I touched it out of curiosity then the light suddenly shine. It was like looking at the sun only smaller, i felt like my hand was burning. I think i lost conscious i dont remember what happened after i touched it. I woke up in a forest, a forest that was quiet too quiet. I couldnt hear the bird signing not even the wind hit against the trees. after 30 minutes of walking in the forest i heard a sound. It sounded like.....footstep? I still went to check it maybe it was someone lost. Or was it?