
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Leaving For The Journey

They walked up to the hall, however this time when they entered the building, there was no pressure. They continued into the bigger room where the chief was always waiting. However, there was still no pressure. From the looks of it, the chief did not want to harm them, or stand above them.

"Welcome in. I have been watching you for the past few days. Seems that my brothers and sisters have gotten a liking for you. I do not believe that they have put their camaraderie in the wrong places. I have seen your work ethic."

This time the chief spoke in a calm manner. The wind didn't blow at every word he spoke. His voice didn't thunder and only spoke casually.

"Thank you sir." They both responded at the same time.

"I do not trust humans as a whole, because the elves who let us live while we are orcs, deemed humans more evil than us. I trust you two individually. If more and more humans are of your quality, I will have to change my mind about humans. Make sure you have enough meat for your trip."

"Thank you sir." Weiyuan responded.

"You may call me Jarhoth. I do not need you to tell your names, as I've heard it plenty in the last few days. You may look up. I won't harm you."

They both looked up to meet his eyes. They did not look scary like they had in the past. They shone like a caring dad.

"Now that my brothers and sisters trust you. You are welcomed at any time. If you see other orcs, you have permission to use my name. However, if you start a qurallel with other orcs you must use honor and fight back without using my name."

"I am glad to be welcomed here. I do wish to see Tharla again in the future so I will be sure to return." Xiaoyi was excited she no longer had to fear the chief.

"I will not use you as a crutch to survive in this new world. I will survive with my own strength." Weiyuan said proudly.

"We will see. Now go get your food. I'm sure they are done preparing it by now." Chief Jarhoth waved his hand allowing them to leave.

"Thank you! See you next time!" Xiaoyi said as both her and Weiyuan left the town hall in better spirits than they had expected.

While they did expect the chief to tolerate them more they didn't know they would have gained his favor so easily.

"So how did it go?" Tharla was waiting outside the hall waiting for the two to finish.

"He said I can come visit you at any time!" Xiaoyi said while jumping up and down. She then grabbed Tharla's hands and the two jumped up and down. Every time Tharla landed Weiyuan could feel the ground shake a little.

'These really are powerful beings. Even though we were weak they did not show us harm. I can only hope that the other beings we meet along the way will be as merciful.' Weiyuan thought as he watched the two women jump happily.

They were given two weeks worth of rations for their journey. Instead of beans they only had cured meat as their food. As they said their farewells and started to head off they knew the time here was well spent.

"Are those humans?!" A man's voice roared out from behind the group of orcs that was sending the humans off.

"So what of it?" A woman orc replied.

"Did you not hear what happened back in the town of Shavilock? A human named Duanmou, killed an entire inn of people while they slept. He even killed his own kind and escaped the city guards."

"Are you saying all humans are evil?" A child orc says whilst backing away from the two humans who are 50 feet in front of him.

"To think I smiled at them!" A woman orc said angrily.

"Everyone, do they seem like the type to do something like that?" Tharla defended the two humans.

"My pet fly died while they were staying here. I thought it was a coincidence but now I know they killed it!" An old orc man said.

"It's a fly; those things die quickly." An old orc lady responded. The two continued to bicker before it turned into a fist fight.

"The humans hateful spirit is infecting us! Run for your lives!"

"We are orcs, we fight all the time. Don't let one human change your view of them all." Tharla rolled her eyes and continued to lead Xiaoyi and Weiyuan to the road for the start of their journey.

"We need to keep an eye out for Duanmou. He said he would be after us. Now that he killed 12 people he is probably stronger than us." Weiyuan warned Xiaoyi.

"Then we will just have to get stronger." She jokingly started flexing.

They soon made it to the same road that Tharla had left her last time. She hugged Tharla but squeezed a little tighter than she did last time.

"I promise to see you again someday. This time it won't be so soon and I will be stronger." Xiaoyi said while tearing up.

"I know you will be. If you don't visit me soon enough I may just find you." She threatened teasingly.

"It was nice of you to have us, Tharla." Weiyuan said.

Tharla smiled and came closer to him with her arms open. He was surprised at first but they have spent 2 weeks together.

"Thank you for having me." Weiyuan said as they started to hug.

"If I hear anything from Xiaoyi about something that you did, I will kill you. Let this be a threat. Don't worry if you are a good person this will not affect you." Tharla whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, yeah you don't need to worry." He said while rolling his eyes.

He had been threatened almost every night by Tharla even though he hadn't done anything to warrant the threats. If she really thought he was evil she would have killed him by now.

After their goodbyes that varied greatly between the two humans they finally left. Weiyuan picked up the orc bag and started heading off.

Though this was not the first trip they were going on this would definitely be filled with more unexpecteds than they have had.

Xiaoyi knew the trip would be more than triple what they have gone through so far.

They started their journey early in the afternoon with the sun directly overhead. Since Weiyuan had his strength increased he was able to go much farther. He was able to carry the bag for about 5 hours at a time.

Xiaoyi could now carry it for about 30 minutes. Her goal by the time they got to their destination was to increase her strength to 13. Just like what Weiyuans was when they first met.

The first night was the same as all the other nights. Weiyuan fell asleep quickly while Ciaoyi put everything together. This time she made sure to make the bells lower.

Due to their slime incident they now alternate their sleep the best they can. The plan is to wake up Weiyuan a few hours after he falls asleep and then go to sleep herself. Unluckily for Weiyuan he still gets a small section of the tent.

If you have any cool ideas you want to see let me know! Don’t hesitate to vote im in this to win this.

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