
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Just A letter

A girl opens her locker to find a white letter with 'To Xiaoyi' written in black ink on it. Normally she would just throw them away because it is always some guy complimenting her and wanting to date her. 

'Why don't they just talk to me in person? Am I that intimidating?' 

Others watch in suspense as a beautiful 17-year-old girl that no guy has the guts to approach slowly opens the letter. Her silky black hair covering her face from the others as ger fingers slowly and carefully pick at the seal. It takes her a second to get a good grip on the flap so she doesn't end up tearing it. Her slender fingers pull up the seal from the envelope and takes out a white card that says get well soon on the cover. 

'I'm not sick' she thinks to herself in confusion.

She raises her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear so it doesn't block her view as she reads revealing her beautiful face. She has bright pink lips that look as if she had just applied lipgloss, however everyone knows that she doesn't need to wear make up.

Inside the card it says:

"Hey Xiaoyi, I know you probably don't even notice me as you walk past me, but I notice you. I know every guy notices you, and you probably won't even read this letter but are you okay? You have been seeming kind of down recently."

'Oh, that's sweet but a really creepy and weird way of saying it.' She thinks as she continues to read.

"I just wanted you to know that if you need anything just ask, I will help. Also if you happen to, you know, wanna date someone, meet me tomorrow after school in the history section of the library."

'Just ask but won't tell me your name?' she sighs.

She puts the letter back in the envelope and places it back into her locker on top of her textbooks. She then closes it and begins to walk away. Everyone watches her walk away as they begin to whisper to one another. 

"Do you think she's going to accept it?"

"Did someone's confession work?"

"Does she like who wrote it? I mean she didn't throw it away."

"How do we even know its a confession?"

She hears everything they say. However, she blocks it out and continues on her way to her next class.

This school is filled with some of the best students from the surrounding middle schools, so everyone here is at least better than the average. Even so she has still stayed above her peers. 

As she enters the room everyone turns their heads to her. Even the girls stop gossiping to look at her.

Her long plump legs stride gracefully to her seat. With each step, her skirt bounces up a tad bit, making all the guys and even some girld bob their head. Her hair bounces with each step but falls perfectly before the next step. 

Even for a few seconds after she takes her seat, they continue to stare. 

She takes it in as this will be the last time she gets to make everyone here happy just for being in the room. 

She looks up at a group of boys that are just stairing at her and gives the brightest smile she can muster. Her creamy autumn brown eyes look up at them through her eyelashes.

'Hopefully no one will worry about me when I'm gone.' She pulls out her text book to read till the class ends. 

Each one can feel their soul ascending to the heavens as they all stair even harder. Their hearts skip a beat and their minds screenshot what their eyes see. Her beautiful smile will forever be burned in their memories. 

The room breaks out in whispers. Just like the hallway, she can hear all of it.

"Looks like she's back to normal!"

"I'm so glad! Her face is even more beautiful when she's smiling."

"If she wasn't smiling by this Friday me and my friends were going to shove chocolate into her locker."

"Wow man you are so smart! Girls do like chocolate."

The day goes on and everyone is happy to hear that Xiaoyi is back to normal. Everyone Is also talking about what they are going to do after graduation. It's only a few months away.

After school, everyone starts to walk home. As they walk home they feel the temperature has dropped quite a bit while they were in class. 

Most of the students were not prepared for the sudden chill. Xiaoyi was one of them. She did not want to be in the cold for long so she started running home.

*Cling Clash Shing*

Opening the door to her house she accidentally causes a couple of beer bottles to roll into each other. 

She quickly checks the couch to see if her dad is still asleep. Seeing how he hasn't gotten up she assumes he's still sleeping. 

Walking cautiously to her room she makes sure not to knock over any beer bottles. Her dad hasn't always been a drunk. 

It all started a few months ago when her mom died due to an incurable cancer. She had been in the hospital in and out 4 years prior waiting for death. A brain tumor had developed in several parts of her brain. The doctors could not do anything to save her life. 

After her death, he's been drinking more and more and even began to hit her at every little thing. 

So to prevent herself from getting beat she was going to move to a nearby city with her aunt to finish school there. All her teachers know about this, however, to keep students from killing her dad, the school won't be telling the students. 

Once she is in her room she looks at all the trophies she has won from violin competitions. 

Her mom had taught her violin from a young age. She enjoyed it so much. She still enjoyed it. On the ground under the shelves of trophies is a broken violin. She had tried playing the violin a few weeks after her moms' death, however, her dad didn't appreciate it. 

He barged in the room claiming that the violin belonged to his wife and that she shouldn't touch it. He then proceeded to yank it out of her arms and slam it into her back. 

He looked like he regretted it right after he did it but that was the start of the abuse. It also seemed as he didn't want others to notice so he only hit her back from then on.

She started packing her backpack with clothes and essentials. She also got a single trophy she had won from past competitions. It was a trophy dating 3 years back. It was a last competition her mother was strong enough to go to.

From now until she completely moved out in a few months this is what she would use to remind her of her mother. 

After having packed her back she heads over to the bathroom where she will take a shower before leaving. Once in the shower, she stays cautious not to put her back under the water. As the pressure would make it hurt. After the shower before she puts her clothes back on she looks at her back through the mirror. Green and purple bruises fill fifty percent of her back, starting from the slinder sholders down the the stop of her curvy waists. Once she was done observing the damage and pain that caused her to make her decision to leave, she got dressed in some clothes meant for the cold. 

She walks out of the house as the sun is nearing the horizon. All she has to do is take a train to the town and she will be in the clear.

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading the first chapter! I am in a contest so dont be scared to vote and support me. The chapters ahead will get a little more serious until something crazy happens.

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