
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Don't Trust Anyone

*Doot doot doot*

Xiaoyi wakes up to someone knocking on her door. She looks outside and can tell it is already day. 

'Oh shoot did I oversleep? Is it noon already?' She taught as she quickly puts on her jeans and runs to the door. 

"Just a second!" She calls out while she stumbles while putting on her shoes. 

She makes it to the door and unlocks it in less than 10 seconds. She swings the door open and the wind from the door immediately fixes her bed head. 

"If you have been awake this entire time why didn't you come down stairs? It's almost noon." Duanmou said before heading down stairs to the tavern area. 

She quickly goes in and grabs her stuff before heading down stairs. When she gets down she sees that all the men look like they have been up for a few hours while the women look like they just woke up like her. 

"I will be ordering all of you a simple breakfast and then we will start." Duanmou said as he walked up to the man behind a bar stand. 

"Hey that's a nice weapon you got there. How did you get that?" One of the middle aged men said to Xiaoyi. 

"I got this from a friend of mine. She's an orc. Which reminds me if you see an orc don't assume they are bad!" Xiaoyi says while pointing a stern finger to all of them. 

"Yeah yeah, I don't know what to believe after the last few days." The man responded. 

After a bit of talking the food eventually came out and it was scrambled eggs with a chunk of meat that tasted like bacon. 

"So as all of you know this isn't Earth anymore. Somehow I think our worlds combined into one as my truck also came with me. In case you are wondering, it has random supplies in there. I was able to sell my paper to get us into this inn. Due to being the only one able to support you, I claim myself to be the leader from here on. Any objections?" Duanmou says with it sounding more like a rhetorical question than one he wants to be answered. 

"No sir!." A couple of middle aged men respond. 

Duanmou nods to them in appreciation "So does anyone have any info on the box? I am level 3 and I have no idea why im level 3 or what to do with my "Points."" He says ending with quotation mark hands.

"I am level 4 and I believe it was because I was in the army in the past so I had to kill some people. I also played video games so that's the only thing that makes sense to me. Were you also in the army?" A younger middle aged man replies. 

"Oh that makes sense. No, I was never in the army. Anyways, does anyone know how to distribute points? Like what's the best thing to do and so on?" Duanmou asks. 

"I recommend strength, agility, or vitality as all 3 of those help you physically. We also don't know if humans can use magic. I also don't know any spells." A different man responds. 

"Mind, is it probably for concentration or if an enemy rolls high physic damage? And intelligence might help in being able to learn things faster or more of them. Sorry my only knowledge is from Dungeons and Dragons." Another man responded.

"Okay I'll focus on physical things, as it seems we don't know much about the other 3." Duanmou touches the air repeatedly while responding. 

"The box is also new to the people that lived here before us so maybe more places than just 2 combined into one." Xiaoyi pointed out. 

"That is good to keep in mind. I do feel as though this box is the only way we stand a chance to the ones that already lived here. I talked to some people around and they tend to be around level 15 when the system first appeared for them. They also said it's easier to get stronger now that they have it." Duanmou mentioned. 

"I met someone who is definitely stronger than level 15. Just his gaze made me fall to the floor. So we can't assume that we are ever going to be the big fish." Xiaoyi said. 

"Who?" One of the men asked sheepishly. 

"The chief of the orcs. I also never asked any of them what level they were." Xiaoyi answered. 

"Why didn't you? It's every man for himself here. We need to know the strength of our enemies." Duanmou angrily questioned while flaring his nostrils. 

"Woah man chill we don't have any enemies right now, except for if the elves want us dead again." A woman said while scooting a little away from Duanmou. 

Duanmou looks at her angrily "Can you protect yourself if one of them tries to kill you?"

"No." She said nervously while fidgeting with her thumbs. 

"Exactly don't expect someone of another race to treat you fairly, even if we are in some fantasy world." Duanmou replied in a cold stare.

"Hey innkeeper, what are the laws of this world?" Duanmou asked. 

"No killing, stealing or really anything other than minding your own business inside the towns. Outside of the town anything goes as long as you are strong enough to handle whatever background the other party may have had. For you humans though. I wouldn't recommend going outside of the towns. Humans aren't normal so there are a lot that would want to see what humans have going for them." The innkeeper replies while continuing to clean the crystal cup in his hands. 

"See you are either with me all of humanity or you are against us. I didn't get where I was by allowing the ones above me to stay above me." Duanmou said while smiling evilly at the woman who tried defending the other races. 

"Yeah on that note I think I'm going to go. Thank you for the info though." Xiaoyi and a couple other men get up. One of them being the level 4 army man. 

"If any of you leave this inn, every human I see will start hunting you down. After all you can only rely on us." Duanmou said, while his grin grew wider and wider, fully expecting them to come back. 

"You will never amount to anything with that attitude." Army man said to Duanmou as he walked with Xiaoyi out the inn. 

The other man ended up sitting back down. A few of the others in the tavern looked at this small fry and rolled their eyes. The weak try to rule the weaker

"Hey I heard that there is a guild of some sort that protects its members in the center of town. Do you want to go there?" he asked her. 

"Yes, let's go there. I'm sorry, what was your name? I seem to have forgotten." Xiaoyi apologies and holds out her hand for a hand shake. 

"It's okay, my name is Weiyuan." Weiyuan the soldier shakes her hand and they head on their way. 

They walk down the street seeing various homes, shops and even restaurants in this town. 

"Its kind of weird this is called a town. It seems so lively." Xiaoyi says to him. 

"Yeah I guess it's because they don't have cars, so everything is closer together. We are seeing more people than we would in a town at one place." Weiyuan responds to her.

They continue walking down the road making their way further and farther from the inn where Duanmou is staying. Hopefully leaving Duanmou and his antics in the past.