
The Parallel Nexus System

Read the first 15 chapters before you trash it. Xiaoyi was shocked that something suddenly appeared in the darkeness. It was a blue translucent box. ‘Would the user like to change the color?’ The robotic voice asked while Xiaoyi was reading. ‘Uhhh I like sage green.’ She said in a confused tone. ‘Implimenting users request’ The blue translucent box slowly turned to a sage green translucent box. ‘Updating user info. Displaying user info now…’

TheFriesGuy · Fantasía
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28 Chs


They walked past countless armor shops and weapon shops that specialized in specific weapons or armors. The crystal windows made it easy to window shop.

"Some dwarfs find what they are best at and focus on that. It helps them maximize their skills. The ones that venture out of the mountains typically black smith for money or fame and forge all kinds of things."

"What kind of blacksmith are you?" Xiaoyi asked.

"I am a blacksmith that believes the best way to grow your skills is by trying it all… How rude of me. I never introduced myself. My name is Dragzon kelbelt."

"I am Weiyuan and this is Xiaoyi."

"Those are some peculiar names."

They soon arrived at the only smithy used in this city. It was the very place that had the lava pouring in from above. They could feel the temperature increase as they got closer to the building.

As they entered the heat from the lava assaulted them.

"Wow, it is really hot."

Xiaoyi was already starting to wipe sweat off of her forehead.

"I know she is a beauty."

All the other dwarfs turn around and look like they don't want the humans there but there is nothing they can do. They are with one of the few masters and none of the apprentices or novices can compete with him.

"Oh no it looks like no one wants us here. Guess we got to leave."

Xiaoyi turned around and started to walk but small little footsteps followed her and pulled her back in.

"Anyone want to ruin my experiment?"

Dragzon kelbelt glared at all the dwarfs that were watching. They all went back to work as though they didn't see them come in.

"Alright see they like you. Come on in and we will see what you can do."

They walked down to a lower part of the smithery where the heat grew even more intense.


Xiaoyi was shocked to see that she was taking damage.

"I am taking damage. I will be leaving if I lose a few more, or if my hair burns off."

"Don't worry this is just where we test aptitude. Here is what you will do."

He pulls out a hammer and a substance with tongs that has no set form. It is a light blue translucent blob that extends in random directions before contracting.

"This was something found hundreds of years ago. Just one hit and it will glow. The glow will be different based on what your aptitude for smithing will be."

He motioned for Weiyuan to approach the hammer and blue substance. He picked up the hammer quickly and slammed down as hard as he could.

It glowed green throughout the entire thing. Weiyuan quickly went back near the exit.

Then Dragzon motioned for her to do so as well.

She slowly approached the hammer. She knew it was going to be hot from Weiyuans reaction, however she didn't know it would be this hot.


She was losing 2 health every 5 seconds. She did not rush the process because she wanted her result to be true and not rushed work. She picked up the hammer slowly and took a couple deep breaths before slamming it down on the substance. When she did the substance turned a beautiful glistening teal color.


Dragzon was speechless. He did not expect this. This color was a color that was hardly ever seen. This teal color was almost as legendary as valuable ore veins being back to back.

Seeing his reaction Xiaoyi felt proud of herself. She calmly walked over to where Weiyuan was with a smug look on her face. Her hit made it look pretty while Weiyuans was a basic green with no shine.

"Both of you have trash aptitudes."

He placed the hammer and the substance back where they were.

"Xoiyi or whatever your name is. You have no hope. The best you can do is be an apprentice. Never wield a hammer. You will only disappoint yourself and others. Weiyuan the best you can do is a novice blacksmith. It will be about as good as the weapons you have right now."

He walked past them and started heading up the stairs.

When they got up everyone watched in anticipation.

Dragzon only shook his head as he looked at them. The other dwarfs couldn't help but try and hide their smiles. They didn't want other races to taint their generational smithy.

"You two may go and look around the city. I should have known better than to believe in a legend."

He walked away sulking as if all his hopes and dreams had been crushed.

"Well I guess we are on our own now."

Xiaoyi said as she led Weiyuan down the city streets. Most of their buildings were made of bricks, perfectly cut and placed. They had some buildings made of metal, however it was clear to see that was a luxury for the wealthy.

Walking down they eventually found an inn. When they entered the inside it was a little smaller than they were expecting. All of the furniture inside of the building was small as well. They assumed it was because dwarfs built it.

A young dwarf was at the counter bouncing a ball up against a wall. When she saw the two of them she rolled her eyes annoyed.


"I understand you are saying you don't need two rooms, however this is an inn for smaller races. You need two rooms. It's either you get two rooms or you can go to the biggers' inn. That's where they house bigger races."

"How would we get there?" Xiaoyi asked.

"Left. right. Down the road. 2nd to last on the left."

After they left they complained to each other about how rude she was.

Then they saw biggers' inn. It was clearly bigger than most of the buildings nearby. As they entered, all the furniture was bigger as well.

Xiaoyi let out a sigh of relief. She was scared she would have to sleep on small beds as well. It would not have been much better than sleeping in the mountains. The only benefit was that it was warmer than it was on the mountains.

They went to get a room and it costed them 2 silver peices for a night which was not a bad deal. They could stay for 5 nights with a single gold piece.

"Wait we risked our lives for a few gold coins. Are you sure we can be spending this much money on a room?"

Weiyuan did not like how they were spending the money they bled for.

"You will change your mind when we are actually in a bed. Trust me it will make a world of difference compared to sleeping in the mountains."

Xiaoyi really had no want to be sure. She just had hopes and dreams waiting on her so all she could do was hope.

When they got to the room their beds were more than they were expecting. It looked as through they had half of a real mattress on the bed. When they went to lay on it they noticed it was a little springy.

"I know it isnt what i used to have but this much is enough for me to be happy."

Tears started to roll down her face as she slouched into her sleeping bag she placed on the bed. They will definitely need to invest in some blankets.

She wiggles around a little then pulls off her pants. While she is moving them out of the sleeping bag she notices how stinky they are. It has been a long time since her last bath. Maybe that is what she will do tomorrow.

She slowly closed her eyes and let her mind drift all throught the night.

I know what im going to do for the next couple of chapters i am excited. Vote and help me grow! Thank you for reading!

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