
The Paradox Of The Multi-Verse Book 1

Welcome to a story of a boy of unknown origin named Ren Uzumaki, he lives in the hidden leaf village With his father Minato Namikaze, his mother kushina Uzumaki and his brother Naruto Namikaze. As you can know, the anime Naruto the events will be the same in this story but with more twists. Rifts will appear and changes will be made to the timelines of the world. There will be, Many wars, the test of trust, friendship and love. Many warriors from different anime-verse with unique and godlike power. Allies and foes. Join Ren as goes through this trial of Unlocking the secrets of his powers and past. And like the old story said, legends they never die. AN: (Hello readers, in this story it will have up to act 7 and follow my Art in Instagram username darknessren190.. I draw fan art of my oc, anime characters and more. So if you guys would like to support me, follow and like my posts and enjoy this story ^^)

Darkness_Ren · Cómic
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29 Chs


Ren and his friends are at the forest looking for Lena and Sasuke, their plan was to take a silent pic of Lena and Sasuke if they are kissing

Hinata: i-i don't think we should go along with this

Naruto: Hinata we should and it was my brother idea

Hermione looked at Ren and Ren looked away pretending to looked at the trees

Hermione: Ren? Why was that your idea?

Ren: well.. *look at Naruto* brother show her

Hermione and Hinata looked at Naruto and Naruto grabs a digital gray camera and said

Naruto: two days ago, my brother and I was training and we saw this on the ground, we give it a little test and it take some pic thing. So my brother give an idea to take a picture of them together! Which is an amazing idea bro

Ren: thank you brother, it's for teasing and memories for team 7 and my friends *looked at Hermione* even you Mione

He saw her face is red as a red rose and Naruto notice his brother just call Hermione... Mione

Naruto: Mione?

Ren: brother don't ask or I will send my Rasengan at you

Naruto chuckle: you wouldn't do that to me bro

Ren smiles evil: I know but at training, I might

Hermione and Hinata giggled cute at Ren and Naruto until they heard talking, they sneak into the brushes and take a peek nd saw Sasuke and Lena sharing passionate kissing. Naruto point the camera at them and take a pic without them knowing

Naruto whisper: I got it

Ren: alr, let's go

Ren and others walk back leaving Lena and Sasuke have their moment

One Month later

Minato has an day off from behind Hokage to spend time with his sons and Hermione but Ren and Hermione went out to look at the book store that just opened up. Heemine has been reading with red so now Ren has become a bookworm. Naruto just got back home from training with Pevy Sage

Naruto: I'm home!

Minato was at the couch relaxing

Minato: oh hey sport I didn't expect you to come home early. How was training?

Naruto: hey dad, training was great until Pevy Sage saw some ladies walking by so he end the training and ran after them

Minato let's out a laugh

Minato: same old him as always

Naruto sits next to his dad

Naruto: where's Ren and Hermione?

Minato: they went out to see that new place opened up

Naruto: oh? Anyway dad I hadn't seen Rin in so long? Same with Obito

Minato: last I heard from Obito, she been in bed rest because she's sick

Naruto: but isn't it weird.. After she got attack by that thing we hardy seen her it's been years and I think Obito is lying.. To us. Like last time, brother and I went to ask him about her and he said she's fine but resting. My brother was the one who think Obito was lying so I believe him

Minato: he must have his reasons to lie or you and Ren

*knock knock*

Naruto: I'll get it

Naruto stood up and walked to the door and open it, he saw it was Kushine and a girl who he doesn't know

Naruto: oh hey sensei and hey little girl

Kushine: hey Naruto

Naruko: mom He has the lines as that boy and me

Naruto: huh? Oh yea you're right!

Kushine: Is your father and Ren home Naruto?

Naruto: my dad yes but Ren no, he's shopping with his gir- I mean best friend

Kushine: okay.. Then I have something important to tell you and Minato.. May we come in?

Naruto: um sure

Kushine and Naruko enter in the house

Ren and Hermione stop at a book store named Book Store

Ren: so this is it?

Hermione: yep this is the store

Ren: Okay

They went inside and Hermione was amazed of how many books in shelf on each 5 to wear front. Three at the left and four at the right. The counter is at the back, Ren and Hermione check each books

Ren: History of animals, magical world, tailed beasts, attack on titan, Dragon ball, Mythical Creatures/Titan. Wow so much books

Hermione: I'm going to have a great time reading those books

Ren: you like reading don't you?

Hermione: of course Ren, Books have meaning to them. How about when we get home, come to my room and I'll read one of these books for you

Ren: sounds like a date Mione

She blushed: oh shut it

??: You should listen to her, she knows books more than anyone Ren.

They heard a British accent, they looked at the counter and saw a older teenager with white long hair, blue ocean eyes, wearing on a white shirt and long dark red pants.

Ren: brb Mione

Hermione: okay Ren

Ren walked over to the counter

??: Welcome to my store I saw you and your lovely girl was amazed of the books I have

Ren: yea she's- wait she isn't my girl. She's my best friend. How do you know my name by the way?

??: Oh. Um I heard her said you're name

Ren: ohhh okay, what is your name?

Amanda: Amanda Von Knight. What about you Ren?

Ren thoughts: Von knight huh?

Ren: nice to meet you Mrs knight, I'm Ren Uzumaki and my lovely best friend is Hermione Granger

Amanda: cute names for a couple like you two

Ren face turn red: w-we are not together like that *clear throat* a-anyway what land are you from?

She looks at Ren confused: land?

Ren: like the land of fire is here, there are land of sea, iron, etc

Amanda: ohhhhh, I'm from the land of sea, my village named.. Um hogstan

Ren: oh never heard of that-

Hermione walk over to Ren and Amanda

Hermione: hello, I'll like to buy these book

She places 3 books on the counter, as Amanda check them out, Ren read the books she pick

Ren: Hogwarts, Mythical creatures and Chakra nature? Good pick Mione

Hermione: your welcome Rennie

Amanda finish and tell them the price1

Amanda: that will be 500 dollars

Ren: dollars? You mean ryo?

Amanda: r-right sorry ryo

Ren gives her 500 ryo

Ren smile at her: it's okay

Ren notice Hermione was staring at Amanda and she asked

Hermione: what is your name..?

Amanda: um Amanda Von Knight

She then touch the book called Hogwarts she stare at it for an minutes until Ren called her name

Ren: Hermione..?

Ren gentle rest his hand on her shoulder and she shove it away

Hermione: i-i going to get some air..

She ran off with the book, he wanted to go after her but he understands if she need some air

Amanda: go after her

Ren looked at Amanda: huh? but she said she-

Amanda: d- I mean Ren, she needs you. Trust me you should go after her

Ren: okay.. I'll go and I'm sorry for what just happen see you later

Amanda: y-you too Ren

Ren ran off to find Hermione, Amanda had her hands on her face inhale and exhale

Amanda: Damn it..

At Lena pov, she was in the Hokage place looking for Minato office

Lena: I should be spending time with my new boyfriend but so I had to go to Minato office, what if I got caught?

??: Because it is important, you'll know when you see it

Lena: fine.. fine

She saw the Hokage office and she walked through, she saw Obito was there searching for something in the Orange door

Lena: Obito sensei?

He stutters and Then turn around facing at Lena while he put something in his pocket

Obito: l-lena, what are you doing here?

Lena: I just looking for Lord Forth, what are you doing in there?

Obito: Kakashi told me to find his make out book in there. But it's not here so I'll just take my leave

Lena: okay..

Obito walked past Lena, she looked at him and realised he's acting off

??: Something is wrong with him

Lena: I can see that.. Maybe-

??: No you need to looked in that door and find a scroll

Lena: what? Scroll?? Hey you didn't say anything about a scroll

??: I didn't, because you won't go if I told you. Now looked in that door and find a scroll with... Something like a bird on it

Lena: I swear it's better not be forbidden

Lena went close to the door and saw a orange red scroll with a bird Mark on the left side

Lena: I think I found it

??: Good, now take it and open it

Lena let's put a sigh and she takes it and open it. There was nothing on it

Lena: um.. There isn't anything in-

Suddenly it start to glow, it gives Lena flashes of memories of what happen 7years ago. At the sun villages before it was destroyed. Lena mother named Athena and her father named Hanford. the people of the sun villages hidden behind within the sky from everyone because they serve an powerful mythical creature. A Phoenix named Aora. It's time of the year for who will be the successer of the Phoenix. And that will be Lena. She stand at a the middle of the mark which is on the ground. Her mother and father spoke to her about when she get the Phoenix she will have a mission

Athena: sweetie are you ready?

Lena: n-no.. I'm scared

Hanford: and why are you scared pumpkin

Lena: w-what if Phoenix doesn't like me..?

Athena: sweetie, the Phoenix has chosen you for a reason.

Lena: what reason?

Hanford: she has chosen you to aid with the dark celestial. Legends said he's evil and start up a war that no one doesn't know how to end it. But our village knows the truth... The real truth.

Lena: can I know about the real truth daddy?

Hanford: let the Phoenix tell you pumpkin

Athena: we love you sweetie

Lena: I love you too mom and dad

They share a family hug and her parents step back until a light that shines like the sun above Lena and it was the Phoenix, her screams echo the craven of the sun villages and flows into Lena. Then the next image Lena seen her parents and the people of the sun village fight and killed by animatronics. The last thing she saw was the man who command them but couldn't see his face, it was blurry but she saw his left arm has 5 blue Sharingan. Lena snap back to reality, the scroll she had disappeared and she knee down in tears as she remembers.

Lena: i-i remember.. My parents.. The people at my village.. I remember you.. Aora

Aora: I'm sorry for your losses Lena.. They were good people..

Lena: they were.. And now they died.. Because of that man.. He has 5 different colour Sharingan.. I will have my revenge..

Aora: revenge will bring you into despair Lena you have a new mission

Lena: what new mission?

Aora: you need to find the dark celestial

Lena: but I don't know where he is

Aora: he's in this village he's with you guys this whole time

Lena: who is he..?

Ren follow Hermione into the forest he saw her on a log, had her hands on her face crying, Ren slowly walked up to her and stop right in front of her

Ren: Hermione..?

She remove her hands from her face and saw Ren then she looked away

Hermione: w-what are you doing here..?

Ren: to be honest.. I followed you, i-i didn't want to do that but I'm worried about you..

Hermione: i-im sorry I did what I did back there.. I..I shouldn't shove your hand like that..

Ren sit next to her: it's okay.. But I need to know what happened.. Why didn't you storm off like that?

Hermione: ..do you still love Sakura..?

That question came out a nowhere, Ren didn't know how to answer that because he doesn't love Sakura like that anymore he loves Hermione

Ren: w-why did you ask that?

Hermione: B-becuase..-

She stop talking and she stare into his blue eyes, Ren however start to blush because he sees how beautiful she is. Before Ren can speak, he was lost of her beauty. Their lips almost touch each other lips but

Suddenly a wormhole appears and it was Obito came out of it. Ren and Hermione looked at Obito and he move back away from each other

Ren: o-obito sensei! What are you doing here?

Obito didn't say anything, he shot out a fire ball Jutsu at them and they move out of the way

Ren: Obito what the hell?! If this a test I have a girl here!

Hermione: what's wrong with him?!

Ren: I don't know but he's isn't himself, we have to take him down

Obito run towards Hermione and she gets her wand and point at him

Hermione: Stupefy!

Obito dodge the stun spell and Ren rush to Obito and attack him. Hermione keep using Stupefy to stun him but he kept on dodging it. Ren was punch Obito on the face but he dodge it and grab Ren by the hair and use his knee and hits Ren on the stomach, he cough out blood and Obito throw Ren into the tree

Hermione: Ren!!

Ren slowly gets up facing at Obito in rage

Ren: Obito!! Why the hell are you doing this?!

Obito: my Rin.. Is dying.. No one not even Kakashi.. Not even your father can save her.. I must capture all the tailed beasts. The stone and you two dead or alive!

Ren eye wided: the tailed beasts?! Are you crazy?! Whoever wants you to do this won't heal Rin from whatever she has!

Obito: I must do anything in my power to be with Rin and no one can't stop me! Starting with your girlfriend

Ren couldn't take it anymore, if Obito succeed his plans Ren's life, Hermione, his friends, his family, and the people in the leaf village lives are in danger. Ren left eye turn to his spiral Mangekyou Sharingan and his right eye glow blue with a half dragon eye, then his body form into a shadow form


Ren leap towards Obito and his left arm form into a red mix with the black shadow form. It from as a Tentacles then form as a blade. Ren attack Obito and he kept on dodging it then Hermione eyes glow light green and used a spell that she wasn't suppose to used

Hermione: Avada Kedavra!!!

Everything turn slow motion. There was a flash of blinding green light and a rushing sound, as though a vast, invisible something was soaring through the air. It was heading toward Obito and he couldn't move until something strange happens. The Sharingan that he had had turn into.... A Rinnegan. It switch places with him and Ren. Hermione notice Obito has switched places with Ren

Hermione: Renn!!!!

She tried to warn him but it was too late.. It hit him and it killed him instantly. What he last heard was Hermione called out his name and he start to see flashes of images of a huge hall with kids and teenagers wearing on black robs but with different colour logo. Yellow, green, blue, and purple. He was close to a teenager with white short hair talking about muggles

??: Brother you shouldn't be talking to that muggle girl. She's bad news

Ren: oh come on, she's not that bad. Look I get that dad wants you to protect me for I don't know reasons but it's m life and I can to Harry potter, Ron Wesley, Lavender and-

He looked forward and stop talking. He was speechless as he saw a girl wIth bushy brown hair girl, she looks at Ren but he saw she was holding a news paper saying

"The Champion Ren Von Knights has been killed by You-Know-Who"

The next image is when He's in a wedding with a girl with long red hair wears on a red long dress and she looks like an older Lena, he wears on a black Tuxedo holding a glass of red wine

Lena: so, when will you have your wedding huh? I'm waiting for the invitation

Ren laugh: don't worry you are invited also Ron Wesley will be there

He saw her blush and he laugh again until he looked forward and saw older Hermione, she wears on a beautiful yellow dress. Her beauty was amazingly everything about her was unique. Then another image was a blue light crash into the wedding and said

"The Ministry has been taken over by death eaters..."

"The minister of magic is dead"

"Hogwarts has been destroyed by the inferno celestial"

"Ren Von Knights.. The Dark Celestial... If you are hearing this Please..."

"saved us all"

To Be Continue