
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantasía
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16 Chs

To die a warrior

With the skrull tossing objects at him, he quickly ran upstairs locking himself in one of the rooms.

He rushed quickly to the table and pushed it to support the door, he definitely knew it wasn't going to be enough.

He continued breathing heavily with his heart rate going through the roof, he tried looking for a way out of the room.

Just then he could hear the skrull walking towards the door, "you think this can hold me" the skrull said as it broke the door with one punch.


Lee quickly entered the kitchen and took the box, "hey leave it, we don't want it coming after us" Clinton said from the kitchen window....

Without listening to Clinton he took the box and went out "now let's go" as he assist Clinton he holding Tony who was still unconscious.


When the skrull entered the room, Micheal was gone, he had gone through the window to the roof.

When the skrull walked towards the open window it saw Micheal as he tried to jump down.

It walked out of the room to the ro 11of and seeing the skrull coming for him, he quickly jumped down spraining his ankle.

" Ouch" he screamed in pain.

As the skrull jumped down, he ran with a leaping feet but soon fell down on his face...

He crawled with his hands as he tried to escape the soon coming horror which skrull was about to make him experience.

The skrull walked towards him slowly seeing as he couldn't run anymore.

When it got close to Micheal, it lifted its hand up to slash at him with his claws, Micheal just laid there helpless, with sweat all over his body.

As the claws came down at him, the entire arm was completely severed from the shoulder of the skrull.

The skrull screamed in pain and turned around to see a lady wearing a golden armor breastplate, an helmet, a multi-layered leather skirt reaching inches above her knees and she wielded a golden sword.

The skrull reached for her with his other hand but it was soon cut off by the same blade.

It fell to his knees before her and with one swift move, its head was separated from his body.

Micheal who just witness the whole event could not understand any of it, he was still in shock.

"Let me help you up, young man" she said as she stretched out her hands to help him.

He could not do anything but stare at her not only because she was beautiful but he had never seen anything like her.

"Who are you?" He asked as she helped him up.

"I am Athena, the goddess of war, handicraft and practical reasoning" she said as she places her sword by her side.

Micheal just stared at her for a while, "okay, so you are a god?" he said trying to act as if he believed.

"I would kill you with just one slap, I may not be one of you but I know what sarcasm looks like" she said as she lifts her hand.

"Whoa.....whoa....whoooaaa...." he said as he used his hand as a shield to protect himself. "okay I believe you, I mean no normal human girl can do that" he points at the dead skrull....

Just then they heard a scream from behind the house, it was Clinton's voice "Clinton" Micheal said aloud as he ran towards the direction of the scream.

Athena took off her helmet and ran after him to help out.

At the back, Clinton, Lee and unconscious Tony where being confronted by another skrull, it was the big brother.

"Give me the box" it said "and I will make your death quick.

"Dude give it to him" Clinton said.

"Why I mean he's gonna kill us anyway" Lee said

"I would rather die than hand over this box to you" Lee said

"So be it"

Just as it was about to strike Lee, he ran away with the box leaving Clinton and Tony behind so the Skrull would follow him.

"You think you can run from me" the skrull laughed giving Lee a little distance.

It jumped forward and was about to land on Lee when out of nowhere came Athena as she chopped its head off in mid air and landing with a great pose kneeling down on one knee and her hair covering her face.

Lee just stood there looking at her mesmerized by the whole event.

"Uh....uh....." he opened his mouth but no words came out.

Micheal rushed over to him, "are you okay?" holding him in his arms.

"I just remembered, it's from the movie, to catch a killer" Lee said

He couldn't understand him at first but then it came to him "really, you almost died" they both laughed.

"What just happened?" a voice from behind asked, they turned around to see it was Bella,

"You are back" Micheal said "where's Lucy?" He asked

"She's with Nana Cho" she said

"I thought she had the flu?" Lee asked

"Well she just didn't want to babysit you guys" Bella said "where's Tony?" She asked.

Just then Clinton helped Tony get to where they were, he had already regained consciousness.

"Bella, you are back?" He said in a very low tone.

"I just came to get you" she said as she walks towards him, he tried to walk to her by himself but fell down as his feet failed him.

"Tony?" She quickly rushed towards him, she saw black traces all over him.

"What is this?" She asked staring at Micheal.

"It's the skrull's poison" he said with remorse "but you can help him right, you are a god?" He asked Athena.

"I am sorry but I know nothing about these creatures" Athena said.

Trying to breath he spoke "ummm, Bella?" He asked

"Please don't speak" she pleaded with him.

"I just want to know, why do you love me?" He asked.

"mmmm.... can't we talk about this later, when you are okay?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

"Please tell me now"

"Well, I love you, because you make me laugh, when I'm with you I have no worries, since my died I have been in a darkness until you came and filled that void" she said as she tears rolled down her cheeks, she could feel him slipping away.

"Oh.....I am glad I was useful" he said as he took his last breath.

"No...no..no..... don't say that, you are amazing" she cried out "Tony....Tony.... please don't leave me".

Lee and Clinton tried to console her but Micheal stood there blaming himself for what happened.

"We should take him to his people" Athena said

"He has no one else but me" Bella said as she continued holding him tight in her arms.

"Then we should give him a burial befitting a warrior to send his soul to peace" Athena said.

"I may not have known him but he surely deserve it" she added....