
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantasía
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16 Chs


At the funeral, the guys had arranged a stones and placed woods on top before placing Tony's body on it.

Athena came forward and placed a gold coin 'obol' in his mouth under his tongue, "for his secure passage on Charon" she said.


He ran in an invisible cloak, as he got to the front of the house, he saw a dead creature on the floor which made him halt to examine it, but seeing as it did not recognize it, it went on its way.

On getting to the place where the dead was about to be incinerated, he called Tony's soul out of the body.

When he got there he didn't even bother to look at the faces of the people there not until Tony kept on staring at one of them.

Turning back he said to him, "We have to go, your place isn't here anymore", but then he recognized one of the faces, "Athena" he stared at her for a while before taking of his cloak.

Athena who was about to hand over the torch fire to Bella saw him, "Hermes" she said.

"What is your business here?" He asked.

"I have urgent matters to deal with in this world" she replied.

"Is it something father should know about?" he asked, "and what is the creature outside?" He added

She chuckled a bit, "he wouldn't care not until it actually affects him" she said

They rest of the gang just stood there mystified for they saw someone just appear from nowhere.

"Wait...wait..... wait.... You are Hermes, as in the messenger of the gods" Micheal asked as he looked at his feet "you actually have the wings" he added

"You speak to a god, you mortal?" He spoke with a bit of anger and that scared Micheal.

"Okay..... I'm gonna back up now" he said as he walked backwards slowly.

"I need something from you" Athena said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"This mortal loved this man so much, but she couldn't say goodbye to him, if you could give her a moment with him" she pleaded as she stared at Bella who just stood there broken.

"But he died in her arms, what more good bye does she need to say?" He said arrogantly.

"If you let her see him, I'll tell you all I know, so you can deliver the message to Zeus" she bargained

He stretched forth his hands and immediately he became visible to them.

Elated to see him, she dropped the torch and wanted to hold him but was soon stopped by Hermes, "do not touch him, he is not of this world anymore" he said "you may speak to him" he added

"Now what do you have for me" he asked

"That creature you saw outside had others with him, they seek to obtain the Pandora's box" he said

"How does this concern father, I mean many humans die everyday by their own hands, what is the difference if something else does it" He said.

"Wait, like seriously? I know gods are snobbish, but you are in all words disgusting" Lee said irritated by the words which Hermes spoke

"You speak to a god in such manner" Hermes said as he was about to strike Lee but was held back by Athena.

He chuckles seeing as how Athena stopped him "you will give him honour, for he is a god and you are not" Athena said to Lee.

He sighs "I am sorry, please forgive me, lord Hermes" he spoke sarcastically as he bowed a bit.

"We are leaving" Hermes said.

"No, please wait..." Bella pleaded

"I love you" Tony said before they zoomed off.

She cried and walked away in anger and sadness.

"Wait Bella, you have to burn the....." Micheal said

"Why don't you do it, I mean it seems he loved you more, seeing as how he gave his life for yours" she said

"Come on. You know that's not true, he loved you." Micheal said.

"You think I don't know that? But yet he died because of you, right?" She said

"You always want to be the hero, but this isn't a movie, Micheal, this is real life, I just lost the one person that made me matter and it's because of you" she added

Micheal stood there remorseful, for even he blames nobody but himself.

"And the only person that gave me a chance to say goodbye, you couldn't help but ridicule and now he is gone forever" she said with her eyes turning red from the excessive crying.

"I just hope you come to your senses before somebody else dies" she added before walking away.

Micheal took the torch and gave it to Athena to burn the body, "the three of us have never been a friend to him, so please you do it" Clinton spoke on Micheal's behalf seeing as even him was lost in thoughts.

After burning the body, Lee placed the ashes inside an earthen vessel in found in the abandoned house.

"So what do we do now" Clinton asked Micheal who was still speechless.

He looked at him before managing to mutter the words "I don't know".....

Really sorry for the late chapter.

Promising an extra chapter on Friday....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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