
The Pandoras Box

The gang embark on a dangerous quest to save their world from very powerful gods and mythical creatures.......

Crystal_Austin_9608 · Fantasía
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16 Chs


Inside the abandoned house, Bella cared for Tony and he could see the worry in her eyes, "don't worry about me" he said.

Micheal walks in on them, "now would you mind explaining everything now" Bella asked him with a bit of anger in her eyes.

He sighs looking at her, for he himself didn't know what he got into "I don't know" he said feeling very remorseful

"You know I can't deal with this, I'm leaving" She said as she takes hold of Lucy and about to walk away. "Come on Tony we are leaving"

"We can't just leave them" Tony said.

"He always gets into some mischief or the other and I can't deal with that" she said "and let's not even talk about the house"

"You know what?" "You can stay, I'm taking Lucy" she said and walks away....

"Bella wait please" immediately he felt a great pain on his shoulder but Bella had already gone a distance.

"Tony" Micheal quickly rushed towards him and assisted him in getting up.

The pain was really great and it caused him to scream out in pain.


The two skrulls were using the smell poison that was inside Tony to locate them.

Skrulls usually poison their victim and give it space especially when it's stronger than they are, so they can track it down when the poison has done its purpose.

The more the poison spread through the victim, the stronger the smell for the skrull to find its prey.

"We are getting closer" the older one said....

Once they had arrived in front of the building, the older one went through the back.

As the skrull came close to the house, Lee spotted it, and called Micheal and Clinton.

"Who is that?" Clinton said, the skrull had taken the form of a man in his mid-thirties wearing a black suit.

"Wait.....is he the owner of the place?" Clinton asked.

"No....the couples who owned this property had both died in a car crash and their son doesn't care about the place.

As the skrull got closer, the box glowed a bit and there were changes in its form, its hand began to change.

They saw it and fear gripped them, "it's one of them" Clinton was about to scream when Micheal covered his mouth.

"We have to go" Lee said

"Why not just give them the box?" Clinton spoke as fear had already taken over.

"We can't just give it to them, it's Pandora's f***ing box" Micheal said, hearing what he said Lee stared at him "why do I feel like have heard that before?"

Tony who was unconscious screamed in pain, "Tony" they rushed towards him, the skrull hearing the scream stopped at the door.

"Take him out through the back I'll give you guys time" Micheal said "what about you?" Lee asked.

"Just go".

The poison had already spread all over his body and it showed traces of black lines all over his body.

Micheal went to the door and opened it, but the skrull was gone, he went outside and looked to the roof.

"Hey, what are you doing on my roof?" Micheal said with all the courage he could gather.

The skrull jumped down, but he had quickly rushed inside and locked the door again.

The skrull destroyed the door with just one hit.

"Where is the box?" It asked

"Ughh.....what....box....is that?" He asked stuttering in fear.

As he was about to strike Micheal it felt the box and walked towards the kitchen. When it entered the kitchen it transformed completely.

Seeing that the box had the same effect as it did the other, Micheal quickly took a chair and hit the skrull on its head hoping to knock it out, completely shattering it but unfortunately it didn't work out as he had thought, but it definitely made it angry and with one hit Micheal saw himself flying.

He coughed out in pain, "okay, so you are stronger than the other one". He said

"What other one?" It asked, and this made it even angry as it realized that Micheal was the one who killed their brother.

It screamed very loudly and took a very large object from the ground tossing it at Micheal, but he quickly got up and ran through the back.