

Third Person POV.

Saturday, February 21st 2009 - 6:15pm (At Emily and Sam's place)

Zoey woke up to Emily gently shaking her shoulder and softly stating "Zoey Sweetie, you gotta wake up we have to head to Billy's place for the Bonfire." The Redhead that was woken up; groaned tiredly and Emily giggled slightly, at her new found-second love. Zoey peered up at the beautiful scarred women with her eyes half open.

The beauty closed her eyes for a second and raised her hands into fists to gently rub the sleep out of her eyes. She blinked a couple times when she opened her eyes again, to fully wake herself up.

When the shy teen was fully awake she sat up on the bed, and looked over her stunning appearance. Zoey never really noticed the large scars that covered half of her face, and down her side, the first time she spotted the tan beauty. She thought Emily looked beautiful even with the scars; the scars to Zoey, brought on a certain uniqueness to her that made her more special and amazing.

"You're beautiful Em." She stated softly to the women, who was currently looking down at her with a big sparkle in her eyes. Emily's eyes watered at her statement; the insecurity and pain that shown before in her eyes, was replaced with love and happiness. She took the Redhead's hands into her own and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "Thank you Darling." She muttered into her forehead.

Zoey blushed fiercely at the contact and felt the sparks flow through out her body just from that small kiss. When Emily pulled away; the two women just stared into each other's eyes, with sparkles that looked like diamonds in their brown irises, and had soft smiles of desire, and love on their faces.

"Em, Zoey! You guys ready to go?!" Sam yelled up a bit irritated at his two Imprints. They snapped out of their gaze and giggled quietly to each other at Sam's impatient tone. "Yeah just give us a minute, Dear!" Emily yelled back.

Zoey got up from the bed and asked Emily if she could borrow her brush and a couple elastics to fix up her hair. Emily went into her drawer and pulled them out. "Can I do your hair Zoey?" Emily squealed, excited to do a new hair style on someone else.

The Redhead giggled at her and nodded with a big smile. Emily sat on her knees on the bed and asked Zoey to sit at the end of the bed, "Sit here." Emily demanded with a grin patting the end of the bed. Zoey giggled again, and sat down gently in front of her.

6 or 7 minutes later Emily did a really simple but adorable hair style on her. She did two "Pigtails"; the top half of each Pigtail is a french braid that stops a little bit after the elastics, the rest is just straight. It was perfect. Zoey was in awe at how cute it looked, and at how fast she was able to create such a hair style.

"It's beautiful Em!" Zoey exclaimed happily. Emily smiled back in pride at her new hairstyle, and both women headed downstairs to see the Pack sitting by the kitchen table like usual, eating leftover blueberry muffins.

The Pack looked up with they heard the two sets of footsteps and looked at their shared Imprint in awe, seeing her adorable hairstyle that made her look even more gorgeous than before. If that was possible.

She looks like such an stunning Angel. Was the first thing Paul thought when he spotted the redhead. His eyes glazed over as he stared at her with the utmost adoration. The entire Pack, in fact was staring at her this exact same way, all of their thoughts about their Imprint was in the same wave link.

Zoey blushed even more at the large amount of attention that was on her and cleared her throat. The Pack snapped back into reality and she stated "Well, we should get going." quietly but loud enough for the entire group to hear.

Jered, who had a bite of muffin still in his mouth smiled cheesily with his teeth, and that made some crumbs tumble out and onto the floor. Zoey giggled at his expression and followed Sam and Emily to their car, as they insisted to drive her to Billy's.

"We will meet you guys at Billy's" Sam yelled to his Pack brothers as he helped the girls get into his car. Zoey looked at Sam in question from her seat and asked "Why aren't they driving with us? Or at least driving behind us; so we can get there the same time?" she tilted her head cutely at Sam, he looked into her eyes and smiled at her.

"Don't worry. They will still get there at the same time as us." He stated with a charming wink and soft chuckle. Zoey smiled at him and giggled, she nodded and jumped in the back seat of the car.

Emily sat beside her in the back, she insisted, and Sam was driving. They drove for at least 10-15 minutes and they made it to the small but beautiful red house of the Black's.


(Still) Third Person POV.

Saturday, February 21st, 2009 - (6:30pm)(The Black's residence)

Sam got out of the driver's seat when he parked in Billy's drive way and opened the back doors to let the two women in the back seat out of the car.

Zoey blushed at Sam when he opened her door for her and he held out his hand to her, like he did Emily, and gently pulled her out. Sam smiled at her in response and kissed her cheek boldly. Zoey smiled wide and the three lovers walked around the house and too the backyard, that was close to the woods.

Zoey saw the other boys already sitting around a big fire eating s'mores. It seems like they got here before us, but how? They left after we did. Zoey questioned that internally and made herself keep a mental note of that.

"Zoey!" She heard someone call her name. She turned to the voice and saw Jacob standing by the house with Bella. Zoey smiled brightly at the two and said "Hey Jake! Long time no see!" She joked, as he hugged her tightly and spun her around happily. Sam let out an inhuman growl when Jake did that. Emily immediately gave him a sharp look to "Be good" and grabbed his hand to pull him closer to the firepit.

Zoey looked over behind him seeing Bella smile weakly at her and waved slightly. Zoey frowned at her lack of enthusiasm and shrugged it off. Jacob smiling big, his long hair down his shoulders, they both looked over when Billy called them everyone over to sit around the fire.

They walked over and Zoey decided to sit in between Paul and Jered who we're sitting on a log next to Sam and Emily. Jacob and another boy with long hair sat next to Billy and Old Quil, Zoey noticed the Clearwaters family sitting on the log across from Sam and Emily, and she smiled at the family, remembering her small childhood, with Leah before she moved.

When Zoey looked back at Billy, he nodded at her with a smile as if to welcome her. She smiled back and listened intently as he started to to tell the story of their tribe.

"Taha Aki was one of the last great spirit chiefs who was well known for his wisdom and for being the man of peace. He was possibly the first shape-shifter of the Quileute tribe." Billy was looking at the group as he spoke,

"He was leader of the Spirit Warriors, Realizing fellow spirit warrior Utlapa was a danger- he forced him to leave the people. Taha Aki left to perform his spirit walk, he hid his body as he left it in spirit form. Taha Aki discovered too late to prevent Utlapa from his body and pose as Taha. Utlapa left his body and entered Taha's then killed his own leaving Taha Aki no body to return. Taha Aki followed his body down the mountain,but he was unable to enter his own body. Taka Aki watched with despair as Utlapa took his place as chief to the Quileutes. Utlapa abused his position taking from the daughters of the tribe for his own wives. To prevent his discovery he forbade any more Spirit Walking." He continued, as he looked into the burning flames of the fire.

Zoey was so focused on the story and imagining it in her head that she didn't spot the Pack staring at her, smiling softly at her concentration.

"Taha Aki decided it was best to just destroy his own body to save the tribe. Summoning the Great Wolf he agreed to kill Taha Aki's body. Utlapa was well protected by the young warriors of the tribe and the wolf was force away. Taha Aki figured that the wolf had a body and therefore a soul, so he asks the Great Wolf that he would make room in his body for his spirit and share the physical form." Billy glanced up at Zoey and saw the pack staring at her and smiled to himself before continuing with the tale.

"Taki Aki manages to enter to the wolf's body. He returned to his village to stop Utlapa Taha Aki was also around at the time of the Cold One attack. He along with his sons fought the Vampire woman and all were killed except him. His wife sacrificed herself to give him enough time to kill the monster."

He sighed as he finished the last part of the story, "All of our enemies we're defeated, all except one. The Cold Ones." He stated as he glanced at Bella, sitting beside Jake, whom was listening to the story but looked a bit confused at the ordeal and seemed too into her head.

Zoey snapped out of the on going movie in her head about the legends and smiled at Jered, as he gently rubbed her hand that was clenching her knee in anticipation. He smiled adoringly at her and squeezed her hand slightly. Zoey looked at the other guys in the group and saw Paul, Sam and Emily all smiling at her. Zoey smiled back and looked back into the fire. Zoey watched it dance in it's spot as she thought to herself,

Is the legends of the tribe possible? Could there really be shapeshifters? That would explain the constant heat that radiates off the group, besides Emily, and how Paul and Jered mysteriously got to the Black's before them.... Am I right? Are the Legends true?

She looked at Sam with deeply curious eyes, and that's when Sam knew that she was starting to figure out the truth; and he wasn't sure if he was glad or a bit scared about that...

Authors note: I know I am doing the quileute scene a bit differently. I wanted Bella to be in this one, but still kind of make it that she doesn't fully get the story; because she is always in her head and still a bit more sad about Edward. I also wanted Zoey to hear the story since she is their imprint and she can start to figure out what they are, and what her role is.

emmaagnew98creators' thoughts