

Zoey's POV.

Saturday, Febuary 21st, 2009 - 9:00am (At the Swans residence)

Today was the day of the Bonfire. Bella was actually invited by Jake to go as well so luckily I won't be completely alone. I was already up and awake by 8 this morning so right now I am just munching on some cereal watching a rerun of Friends the TV show.

Bella decided to go for a drive this morning, then went to go hang out with Jacob after. Currently, it was just me in the house as Charlie had to go to a last minute meeting. When I finished my food, I continued watching TV until I got bored. By half past noon, I was already bored and we didn't have to go to the bonfire until 6:30pm.

I sighed and suddenly the house phone rang, saved by the bell. I thought with a smile. I walked over to the phone that was hung on the wall in the dining room area. "Hi Swan residence, Zoey speaking." She said into the phone. A familiar voice sounded through the other line.

"Hello Zoey. It's Sam Uley calling, you met my friends and I at that diner.." he trailed off and I immediately smiled, "Yes Sam Hi! How are you guys doing?"

Sam chuckled and responded with "We are doing great! Listen the reason I called is because I wanted to see if you would like to come to Emily and I's place early and we can get to know you better without anyone else around."

I smiled to myself and blushed, it was like he somehow knew I was bored. "Sure, I would love to come over." I stated in a shyer voice. "Great! So we will meet you at First Beach in La Push." Sam said happily. "Sounds good, thanks Sam." I thanked him for the invite and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I squealed and rushed to go get changed, I threw on a cute Beatles black Graphic Tee and black leggings, I also out a cute deep purple hoodie. I put on my black and white converse and put my hair in a half bun, half down style.

I grabbed my phone, charger, purse, and keys and left the house after locking the door. I went to my car and drove to the beach.


Third Person POV.

Saturday, January 21st, 2009 - 1:00Pm (At La Push)

Zoey arrived to First Beach immediately spotting the group that was waiting for her standing by the waters. She exited her car and the group faced her with smiles on their faces.

Zoey blushed at the attention and gave them a shy smile and wave. Emily was the first to greet her, "Hi gorgeous." Emily greeted with a warm hug having her arms around her waist lightly and Zoey hugged back. Stevens wanted to be in Emily's arms forever she felt like she was melting at the contact.

They let go of the hug and smiled at each other, then Sam and the other wolf's gave her a hug and it was the exact same feeling for everyone. She never wanted to leave any of their arms.

Zoey also very quickly noted in her mind how unnaturally warm they we're. It seemed like they had fevers from the way their skin felt. As they walked to Emily and Sam's house that was close to the beach, Emily or one of the guys would take turns asking easy questions to get to know her a bit.

"Favorite color?" Zoey answered quickly, it was almost like a lightning round of questions. "Lavender." A couple more was asked like what her favorite book was, and what her favorite food was, she answered both with simple, honest answers.


Saturday, January 21st, 2009 - 1:20pm (At Emily's house)

As the group was being zoned out into the amazing mind of Zoey Stevens, as they were beginning to ask more deeper opinionated questions, the pack realized they arrived to the house sooner than they had thought.

The house was very homey looking in Zoey's opinion. The walls formed by logs of wood making Zoey assume that the house was man made. There was green surrounding the house from the trees and bushes somehow making all the dark wood stand out. Some beautiful white tulips hanging above the door of the home adding more color.

"It's a beautiful house." Commented Zoey with a nervous shake to her voice. Sam smiled at her from his spot as he was standing on her left side.

"Thanks, took a long time to get it done but it was worth it." Zoey's eyes widened as she glanced over at the large man. "You built this yourself?" Was asked in shock, she looked over at Sam with wide eyes looking at him in awe.

He smiled and nodded, adding a simple, "I had some of the elders help but it was mainly me who built it." She looked back at the house with the same expression of bewilderment.

The pack chuckled under their breath at their Imprints innocent reaction to the house. They led the redhead into the house and everyone sat down on one of the table chairs. Though Paul had another thought in mind. Instead of getting Zoey to sit in her own chair he decided to bring Zoey to sit on his lap.

Zoey blushed at Paul's unexpected move but still stayed where she was sat, she became immediately comforted by the warmth of his skin and became a lot less nervous.

Paul had his hands resting on her waist holding her in his lap to keep her from falling and he decided to move her legs so they we're now across his lap for her to be more comfortable.

The most adorable dimpled smile made it's way to his Imprints face at his movements and he completely melted at the sight of it. It made him happy knowing he put that smile on her face. "Hey now don't be hovering over her Paul. Give her some space if she needs it." Sam ordered to his pack brother and Paul looked over at his Alpha and nodded.

He moved his hands away from her waist and put them to his sides, to give her the space she needed, but she had another idea and grabbed one of his hands and just held it gently in her own. He was quite surprised at her confident gesture but he wasn't complaining, it showed him that she felt comfortable enough around him to be close to him.

The bond is already getting stronger by the minute. Sam thought to himself watching Zoey hold Paul's hand and gazing at everyone else in his pack and seeing Jered and Emily's attention completely focused on the beautiful redhead, along with himself.

They we're so enamored with her. Ever since the day they first locked eyes, and he knew that the connection will only get stronger and more powerful when the rest of the pack is formed and the bond is fulfilled.

She is their princess, their soulmate and they are her protectors, lovers, friends, anything she wants them to be. As long as she is safe and happy, they will do anything for her. She is their Imprint, she is a gorgeous creature that leaves everyone she meets stunned by her effortless beauty.

If you ask anyone that resides in the town of Forks, Washington about Zoey Stevens there would be nothing but good comments and praises about the redhead... But there we're also quite a few negative comments from the elders about her family dynamic, that made Sam more concerned than anything.

Zoey spotted Sam leaning on the counter staring back at her, seeming deep in thought. A roller coaster of emotions in his eyes.. - he was knocked out of his deep trance when he noticed the shy teenager give him a concerned look.

She mouthed to him with the same expression planted on her face. "Let's go talk in private." He looked into her eyes and saw worry, love, and nervousness. He nodded and mumbled to Emily that he was going to talk to his second imprint on the back porch.

She nodded and they both got up from their spots. Zoey hesitantly let go of Lahote's hand and felt all the warmth and sparks disappeared which made her hand feel empty.

The empty feeling was soon filled with another, different feeling of sparks as Sam went beside and grabbed her hand gently into his large one and lead her outside to talk, while the others had their own conversations and goofed off. The pack still kept an ear out, besides Emily, due to wolf hearing, to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay Sam?" Was the first thing she asked when he sat down on the porch steps with her. He looked at her a bit startled at the sudden question, but took a deep breath to explain his feelings...

.... To be continued ....

Author- sorry I keep skipping the weekdays, I usually only put the days that are considered "interesting" besides her just working and doing online courses.

emmaagnew98creators' thoughts