

Third Person POV.

Monday, Febuary 9th, 2009 - 12:35PM (Still at the Diner)

Once the Pack's food was ordered the redheaded beauty smiled shyly at them and went back to get the orders sent to the cook with a slight, joyous bounce to her step.

The four strangers stared after her with soft smiles and dazed eyes. While the food was getting ready the new waitress washed the dining tables. Zoey would sneak glances at the table and flush as they stared back. She smiled to herself and continued her work.

Suddenly, the cook's bell went off signaling that the food was ready. She walked over to the counter and the cook set the four plates of food in front of her.

Zoey sighed shakily and put two plates on the a round black tray, She directed her feet to the table of the tanned strangers.

She placed the plates on the table and handed the orders to the assigned customers. Then she took the tray back to the counter and grabbed the last two plates and did the same thing. Before leaving the table to do other tasks Zoey's angelic voice rang in the air,

"Is there anything else you guys would like?" She asked kindly. Sam smiled fondly at her and responded for the group,

"No thanks." He paused for a second, hesitant to ask his question. He took a deep breath and looked at Emily as if confirming it was okay and as if she read his mind, Emily nodded vigorously.

He turned his head to look back at the redhead and she was still gazing at him with a soft smile and kind eyes. Her eyes wondered to Emily next to him who spoke up instead.

"We we're wondering if you would like to join us for a nice Bonfire next weekend? We would like to get to know you more." She finished in her soothing voice.

Zoey gave a pearly white smile to the beautiful, tanned female and looked at Jered and Paul as if to make sure they wanted her to go as well.

Both males nodded in agreement and smiled back at her. "I would be honored to go. Who else is going to be there?"

Jered answered with a big cheesy smile this time, "Well, we will be there." He said gesturing at the 3 others next to him. "So will other residents of La Push. Such as the Clearwaters, Jacob and Billy Black, and Old Quil..." He listed looking into his imprints eyes gently.

She bit her bottom lip and they both spaced out for a second staring into each others eyes until Paul cleared his throat from beside Jered.

Zoey's deep brown eyes flickered to Paul's and mentally noted that each individual at this table has brown eyes, but they are all some how different kinds of brown. It was mesmerizing to Zoey as she felt like she was drowning in a big sea of stunning irises.

It was a dream she never wanted to wake up from. She wanted them to be her "happily ever after", but she didn't know why and it was confusing her to no ends.


Monday, Febuary 9th, 2009 - 1:15PM (At Emily and Sam's house in La Push.)

Sam's POV.

After lunch, The pack and I went back to my place and I immediately went to the phone hung up on the wall to update Billy Black as to what just happened.

He picked up after two rings. "Hello?" I closed my eyes and gripped the phone, picturing my second imprint. Her face already embedded in my memory. "Billy, it's Sam. I need you to come over. Something big happened." I firmly hung up the phone and leaned my hand against the wall frustratingly.

I felt Emily place her hand on my arm gently and I looked at her seeing a bright smile on her face and a happy gleam in her eyes. I smiled back the smile reaching my eyes, and we both knew that the reason for our happiness is Zoey Stevens.

I pecked her forehead and kissed her scars with a permanent smile on my face. Billy's truck than parked in the drive way and I went out to let him in the house. I smiled at him and his son Jacob who wheeled his father out of the truck and into the house.

"What happened Sam?" He asked curiously. I sighed and sat down on one of the table chairs, "All of us, including Emily, imprinted on Zoey Stevens." I took a shaky breath and Billy smiled unexpectedly at us four "She's a special one guys, you better take care of her." He told them firmly as he was a father figure to her since childhood.

Everyone nodded excluding Jacob, who just looked lost. Billy nodded with a smirk to the pack and Jacob rolled him back to the truck, when his father stated he was tired.


Third person POV.

The group smiled to themselves, and Emily then started to bake some muffins for a snack. The boys put on a horror movie called "The Conjuring" that was on TV.

Sam looked around him with a small smile seeing the boys who was like brothers to him be so happy, and he knew once Zoey was officially a member of the Pack and knows everything she needs too, it will only be happiness from then on.... Or so he thought.


Zoey's POV.

Sunday February 15th, 2009- 3:00pm, At The Black's Garage)

I finished my first week at my new job at the diner. I seem to be getting more comfortable working there now then when I first started. Bella had been hanging out with Jacob Black a lot the past week, and she asked me to come with her to hang with him today so I agreed as I was off on weekends.

Bella drove us in her beat up orange truck and apparently she had a project that she wanted Jacob to work on in the back of it.

We arrived to the Black's residence and Bella stopped the truck and parked in near the open garage where Jacob was working on a car. As Bella and I got out he yelled out "Hey Loca!" And walked up to us, "Hey Jake, I gotta a project for you." He raised his eyebrow, then noticed me standing awkwardly by the truck.

He smiled and his eyes seemed to for some reason brighten when he saw me there, "Hey Zoey!" He came over and pulled me into a warm hug, "Good to see you again!"

I smiled back a small smile and flushed slightly at seeing Jacob again, "Good to see you too Jake. Still Looking good." I stated looking over his appearance, the long thick locks that covered his head, the same russet skin that was similar to the group I met on my first day of work. I shook my head and just smiled back at Jacob, he was smiling at me, and nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Thanks, you are still looking pretty good yourself." He stated with a cheeky smile and wink. I rolled my eyes playfully and followed Bella, who suddenly went around to the end of the truck and unwrapped a beat of peice of machinery that was sitting there.

"Wow scrap metal." Jake said sarcastically, Bella just grinned and told Jacob "I was wondering if you'd be able to work on it for me?" Jacob raised his eyebrow, "It's a motorcycle." She stated factually.

My eyes widened not knowing that was why Bella wanted to come over for. "Bella!" I exclaimed surprised at her sudden risk taking. She glanced over at me "What?" She asked cluelessly. Jacob looked over at me concerned, I just sighed and rolled my eyes and stayed silent.


Third Person POV.

In the garage music was softly playing in the background and Jacob was working on the machine, while Bella and Zoey we're sitting near him and handing him certain tools.

Every once in a while Jake would feel the urge to glance over at Zoey to watch her expressions but he wasn't sure what was drawing him to her. Ever since they met the first day she moved he's been thinking about her more and more frequently, but he is still trying to convince himself that he is in love with Bella.

Lately though, thoughts of Bella would turn into thoughts of Zoey very quickly and he was starting to think maybe he isn't as in love with Bella as he thought.

He's hoping he will find out soon because it was starting to make him more angry and frustrated thinking about it. He glanced over at Zoey to see her grinning softly and talking to Bella quietly, he smiled to himself and immediately his frustration seemed to go away. He shook his head and continued working, the three friends worked on the cycle and talked until it got closer to nighttime.

Jacob may realize sooner than later why he is attracted to Zoey, whether he likes it or not, or whether he is in denial or not, he will find out and not in the way he had hoped for.
